Ryan Reynolds Deadpool Test Footage Leaked - Update 6


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
That... was not terrible. It was actually kinda funny, I smiled, even giggled a bit. As a "proof of concept" kind of thing, that worked remarkably well. If they can make a good movie around it, they might be on to something there.


New member
Feb 28, 2014
Scrythe said:
Where was Ryan Reynolds in this? I mean, I heard his voice, but I don't think I saw a living, breathing human in the entire video.

For all I know, this could be lifted straight from a video game, since there's more CGI in this video than an entire two-and-a-half-hour Michael Bay vehicle.
It's a proof of concept video to get Fox onboard to make the movie - for an action movie like this it was cheaper to do it all-CGI.
Scrythe said:
I know what test footage is, but the point I was trying to make (and that you so graciously sidestepped) was that it's entirely possible to make footage that doesn't look like the last Ninja Turtles [http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/003/2/c/_60_tmnt_2007_screenshot_by_tmnt_screenshots-d5qbejj.jpg] movie.

I mean, it's not like it would cost them any more to slap an actual red suit on the actual Ryan Reynolds and actually record him in cool pose.

But yeah, let's focus on what we think my complaint was about, as opposed to the actual complaint. Whatever.
Slapping an actual red suit on Ryan Reynolds and having him do a cool pose? Yeah, that'd be cheap. Only, you know, just having an actor in a stupid-looking costume does not make a good pitch for an action movie. They needed an action scene and they did it and those are much cheaper to do with CGI. The actual movie of course would not look like this, that's why test footage is rarely leaked and studios often take them off - because they are made on a budget and look much worse than actual movies. It's like looking at an alpha version of the game with only the core mechanics worked out and the graphics being unrefined and complaining that it's not as good as last year's GOTY.
Captcha: savoir faire.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
008Zulu said:
I would argue he is a bad actor, consider if you will, would the movies he has been in be bad (or as bad) if he weren't in them?
Yes, yes they would, very, very few actors are immune to horrible scripts, lazy effects and bad editing, in his last two super hero outings Reynolds' only crime was signing the contract like a putz. Green Lantern would have been horrible with anyone in it and Wolverine couldn't even be saved by it's fabulous Australian star, so Reynolds had no chance.

As for all the romcoms, well, romcoms.


New member
Jul 23, 2014
I think Reynolds is perfect for this character, despite his spotty history. He's got the snarky tone and physicality to deliver if the script is good and the director knows what he/she is doing (although who are we kidding - likely a "he"). I liked the clip and would definitely watch more of this.

Jeremy Dawkins

New member
Oct 17, 2011
Lovely Mixture said:
That wasn't too bad. A little wonky in the action, but not too juvenile.

I'll see it.

Jeremy Dawkins said:
Well that's a thousand times better than Origins' version of Deadpool. I wonder if they will try to explain away why he's different from that movie, or if they won't even mention it.
Did you see Days of Future Past? It's pretty much an explanation since it
Retcons the events of Origins via references, and by literally erasing the Origins timeline.

But it will require a new origin story of course.
I remembered Future Past a little bit after the post actually. I did not see it as I had given up on the movie series after the last two Wolverine movies. Also First Class really pisses me off.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
More like a topical ointment that reduces swelling and itch...

How is it that Green Lantern got made and that didn't. The universe clearly has something against Ryan Reynolds.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
Zachary Amaranth said:
Lovely Mixture said:
But it will require a new origin story of course.
Or they could skip it. Deadpool did fine for years without an origin story, has lied about it a few times, and we could do with a few fewer origin movies anyway.

I'd take 90 minutes of Deadpool kicking ass.
I like the Joker's take on his own origin: "If I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice!" - Killing Joke
Even though there is a canon origin, its still an awesome line.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Never imagined I'd say this, but....

Ryan Reynolds makes a damned-near perfect Deadpool.

Gods I hope this film gets greenlit.


New member
Dec 18, 2003
It's good stuff. Almost feels like the comic book come to life. Heck the game was funny if not for the repeated jokes when killing.


New member
Jan 3, 2012
Imperioratorex Caprae said:
I like the Joker's take on his own origin: "If I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice!" - Killing Joke
Even though there is a canon origin, its still an awesome line.
Speaking of the Joker, I especially appreciated the callback to...
...the World's Finest 3-parter of Superman: The Animated Series...
...specifically when the Joker was being impressed by Lex Luthor's limousine's rich Corinthian leather interior. :)

And yes, I put that all in spoiler within a spoiler just in case someone somehow managed to dodge watching that momentous crossover. :)


New member
Jun 2, 2010
Are we sure that wasn't marketing materials for a Deadpool game? Because it looks and feels and plays out more like a video game cutscene?


New member
Dec 7, 2009
This is an AMAZING use of him as an actor. I think that when he WAS Wade Wilson in that last movie mess. He embodied Wade. He was NOT Deadpool though. For that though it was the fault of the writers of that abomination.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
YicklePigeon said:
Imperioratorex Caprae said:
I like the Joker's take on his own origin: "If I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice!" - Killing Joke
Even though there is a canon origin, its still an awesome line.
Speaking of the Joker, I especially appreciated the callback to...
...the World's Finest 3-parter of Superman: The Animated Series...
...specifically when the Joker was being impressed by Lex Luthor's limousine's rich Corinthian leather interior. :)

And yes, I put that all in spoiler within a spoiler just in case someone somehow managed to dodge watching that momentous crossover. :)
I see I'm not the only one who caught that, I do have to wonder how intentional it was... I don't believe in coincidences and of course Deadpool would totally pull a reference out of his ass like that. Why is this so damn perfect? Why the fuck don't we already have this movie?
Excuse me while I mark out once more to this awesomeness and pray to the almighty Stan Lee to shift a few mountains for us so we can bask in the glow of the Merc with a Mouth on the big screen... done right this time.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
So, this trailer was ALL CGI, wasn't it? What good is an all cgi trailer for a movie? Is it like a pitch for execs?

Nevermind that, did some reading on the internet. Gotta say, it looked pretty sweet, hope that they make a movie out of it some day.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Imperioratorex Caprae said:
I like the Joker's take on his own origin: "If I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice!" - Killing Joke
Even though there is a canon origin, its still an awesome line.
Works for me. Though I think Deadpool may have done it first. I think they even specifically spoofed Wolverine's 300 origin stories to do it.


Sep 4, 2013
What a rollercoaster ride! Is there a new record for article updates?

OT: The footage was pretty fun while it lasted. Gotta say, like most people I'd probably enjoy a feature flick, so let's just see if Fox picks up its feet on this.


New member
Sep 17, 2011
It's almost as if Fox wants Deadpool to fail...

Then again, they screwed over Firefly, Almost Human, and I won't list any more TV Shows that would belong in this post.