Sad Endings That Are Good (Potential Spoilers)


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Alssadar said:
Cowboy Bebop
Suicide run to avenge the death of his lover that ended with the famous "Bang!" scene. I was originally mad, but in retrospect, it was a fantastic ending that has yet to be paralleled as far as I know.
Bastion: Reverting back
As it seems to notice, the Calamity did happen again, but the Kid and the rest enjoyed an okay time before hand, to lose it all again.
Also, the part with Zulf (carry or kill) was a good pre-end end.
Dawn of War: Soulstorm;
Boreale died there.
If not, then Borealum--which is just sad, not good.

(Capcha says 'sweet dreams.' Does that mean I'm going to die, or that my dreams are going to end sad with good background?
What are you talking about Boreale totally kicked ass on Kaurava.



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Jun 30, 2011
Johnnydillinger said:
Evil Alpaca said:
Finally. That title totally describes this thread; feared noone would mention it.

As a twist, I think the total opposite of that (happy ending that is really just bad after all) would be Seven Samurai by Kurosawa. If you've seen the movie, you know what I'm talking about.
Really? I always thought of Casablanca as a happy ending. Rick ultimately finds a way to cope with what happened in Paris, Ilsa and Victor escape to America to continue the resistance, and Rick and Louis ride off into the sunset.

Sure Rick doesn't go back to America, nor does he "get the girl" but I don't see that as sad, I see it as inevitable. Sad (but good) would've been if Rick had been killed (or captured and sent to a concentration camp) by Major Strasser, while giving Ilsa and Victor enough time to escape. At least, in my opinion.

I just can't see Casablanca's ending as anything but hopeful. "Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."


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Jun 30, 2011
Candidus said:
How come the relay effect cripples the Normandy when it just washes over the ships and soldiers elsewhere?
I'd like to clear this up because I've seen it discussed in a few other areas. The Normandy isn't crippled from the effect. What you see is the Mass Effect Relay field collapsing. If you've ever watched any Star Trek, it's the same concept as the Warp Field destabilizing. The ship isn't damaged by the wave, it's damaged because it was in the Mass Effect field when the field stopped working, and so what you're seeing is the Normandy being thrown from the effect. That's why it crashes, not because it was damaged by the effect.

If you want a real inconsistency, here's one. Why the hell was the Normandy in the effect to begin with?


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
The ending of any Dwarf Fortress game.

The ending of "Myst III" is packed with fridge horror and depression if you really think about it (what do you think he finds when he gets home?), but still felt really good to finish.

"Syberia" ends on the epitome of a bittersweet note. It takes a lot to make me cheer at the screen, but Syberia managed it.

"Scratches" ends on a chilling sequence and left me freaked out and unhappy, but I still think it was a good ending. Your mileage WILL vary.

"DEFCON", of course, ends exactly how you think it ends, which gives it more impact.

"The Binding Of Isaac", even though I haven't found all the endings, has some pretty horrific and traumatic sad endings that conclude the story a little bit TOO well. (Why the noose? WHY?)


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Games: Morrowind (don't ask me why, the whole series has a feeling of melancholy.), Planescape, Max Payne, Red Dead Redemption, The Suffering.

Movies: The Yakuza, The Great Silence, Fistful of Dynamite (Leone's best film imo), Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia, Life is Beautiful, The Crow, The Man from Nowhere.

Anime/Manga: Wolf's Rain, Bokurano, Apollo's Song, etc.


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
Final Fantasy 8 (Video game):
I guess it's happy for main cast, but Laguna lets the love of his life go so he doesn't change a future in which his (son?) gets to keep the love of his life.

Vision of Escaflowne (anime):
Hitomi has to return to the Earth, even after all that, leaving Van and her friends behind.
I never got WHY that had to happen, but it did.

Battle Flag of the Stars (aka Banner of the Stars) (light novel/anime) (SEE: My avatar):
While it hasn't actually ENDED yet, you KNOW the ending is gonna be bittersweet.
The Aba live to 200+ years old, unlike humans, which Lafiel (girl in my avatar) is apart of.
Jinto, being human, MAY make it to 100 years old, which means he'll die.
This leaves Lafiel alone for around 100 years...sort of like aragorn and arwen from LOTR)


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Don't know if this has been mentioned or not, but...

The end of the bank heist winds up in the Panther King's throne room, Don Weaso announces his allegiance, then mows down Berri, Conker's girlfriend. A Xenomorph then kills the Panther King and Don Weaso, they all go into space, and Conker jumps into some kind of mech suit for a battle rather similar to the one from Super Mario 64.

As the Xenomorph crawls back in through the airlock for the third time, the game freezes up and Conker enlists the help of a programmer to kill the Xenomorph, and also teleports back into the throne room. The weasel guards declare Conker the new king through Klingon Promotion and force him onto the throne, as he realises Berri is still dead and calls out to the programmer - who's already gone.

A bunch of characters from earlier in the game appear and arrange around Conker's throne, chanting 'Long live the king!' over and over. Conker then does a short speech about how 'the grass is always greener' and how he didn't want to be king after all.

Credits, then Conker is seen back in the bar, telling this story to the bartender. Drunk, he leaves the bar, heading in the opposite direction to where he went at the start.
...Conker, sobbing, pulled out a gun, cut to black, gunshot.

It provides quite a bit of closure, and it's actually 'bittersweet'. Not bad for a game that based itself almost entirely on sophomore humour, huh?

Safety not guaranteed. I have only done this once before.


New member
Dec 27, 2011
Fox242 said:
inFamous 2, the Hero ending. It made me cry to see the way Cole sacrificed himself, but he saved the world and was rightly honored for his actions.
You.... I was planning on play infamous 2 soon. I guess its my fault for coming on this thread so oh well.


New member
Jun 4, 2011
Asita said:
Perhaps you've heard of Romeo and Juliet?

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog ended on a depressing note with the protagonist emotionally destroyed because of the...collatoral damage of his last attempt to beat Captain Hammer.
Dammit, ninja'd D:

American Gods, that's rather sad

That's all I can think of right now, all my others are done :(


New member
May 20, 2009
Toy Story 3 - you know why.

Kingdom Hearts 1 - It's really touching and poignant in my opinion. It's the standard "I will never give up" message, but i dunno that game just really moved me. He gets the girl only to find out that they're going to be separated again, and that he may never make it back to see her, but that isn't going to stop him.

Cowboy Bebop - It has the best ending of any anime series i've seen. partly the ambiguity, partly the climatic clash, partly that freakin' end song;

Clannad - yeah, it ends on a happy note but every note before that made me want to kill myself.
Shuffle - See above.

FMA - the original ending that is. The movie had a chance to make it happy but ended up BSing itself.

Wow that's alot of anime...

Captain America - i'm sorry but without the whole they find him frozen in the ice, He gets []better [http//]. Him and Carter in that radio chat is quite sad. And i count that as the end of the movie. everything else is avenger trailers/setup.

Devil_Worshipper said:
Games: Morrowind (don't ask me why, the whole series has a feeling of melancholy.)
you know it's the damnedest thing, i kept thinking morrowind when i was typing this but i couldn't figure out why i thought it was sad.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
Niel kills himself and Mr. Keating gets fired, but the ending was so fantastic and moving.

It's one of my favorite movies of all time.


El Zorro Cauto
Nov 9, 2009
JoshTheREfan said:
Fox242 said:
inFamous 2, the Hero ending. It made me cry to see the way Cole sacrificed himself, but he saved the world and was rightly honored for his actions.
You.... I was planning on play infamous 2 soon. I guess its my fault for coming on this thread so oh well.
I'm so sorry.


New member
Mar 22, 2011
Road to Perdition...
Although Tom Hanks dies, he manages to kill the assassin to save his sons life. From both immediate death and turning out like he did.

3:10 to Yuma...
Bale dies at the end, causing the bad guy to go ape shit and kill his own gang. Then he's left alone on the train to escape once again. I'm still not sure if he was going to change his ways or not.[/quote]

Angel (TV Series)...
They end on a hopeless battle in a trashy ally way. The bitter sweet victory that you fought as hard as you could, knew there was no way you'd ever actually win, but your defiance was enough to make a difference on some measurable scale.

Legacy of Kain: Defiance...
Raziel finally understood what his destiny truly was and accepted his fate, merging with the Reaver and give Kain an opportunity to finally make things right.

Metal Gear Solid 3...
Boss was actually on a mission for good the whole time, but was a necessary sacrifice.

Assassination of Jesse James...
Even though Bob got the fame and did the right thing according to the law, killing Jesse James was the biggest mistake he ever made, which earned him his torment and eventual death.

AT God

New member
Dec 24, 2008
I have several, most of my comments may slant into being comparison's to ME3's ending, implying how the mentioned ending did what ME3 should have done.

HL2 Ep2 had a nice sad ending, however it isn't supposed to be the ending, only the ending of the episode. It left you wanting more but not feeling cheated, and it didn't ruin the game's replayability.

Second Sight still has the greatest ending/plot twist of any game i've ever played, it is kind of sad but the head-a-sploding factor overrides the main sadness.

Mafia II's ending was pretty sad, it made you feel like you betrayed your friend even though there isn't anything you could do.

The two good Deus Ex games (Original and Human Revolution) both have sad-ish endings, you wish they would tell you what happend to specific characters but again, the games still have replayability because the ending is an ending and not a question.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R has several endings, and most of them are pretty sad but are good, they give closure and make you feel good about your sacrifice.

Metro 2033, no spoilers, buy it and play it to see how great it is.