San Francisco considering banning circumcision

The Human Torch

New member
Sep 12, 2010
ShakyFt Slasher said:
It should be a right because: 1: It is a religious practice, 2: It can keep it from getting certain diseases, and 3: It makes sex more pleasurable
1. Which means that it's forced on a baby that has no opinion on it's own or any form of defense, so it's nothing less than mutilation.
2. Lies, it actually creates several physical problems, one of them is turning the tip of the penis dry and insensitive. It's different when someone is born with a too tight foreskin, in that case it's a necessity to cut, but other than that, there is no good reason at all to circumcise.
3. Again, lies, for it does not. A foreskin is made to slide down when it enters the vagina, but that is only for a short period of time and when it is in the vagina, it is protected (barring of course STD's). Which is the way nature intended, and not some fictional god.

It's an ancient and barbaric religious ritual that needs banning worldwide.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
Aurgelmir said:
Saulkar said:
gbemery said:
Any thread on matters such as this are completely pointless. All it turns into is

person #1 "I believe it's wrong"
person #2 "Well I believe its fine"
person #1 "Well your opinion is just stupid"
person #2 "No your opinion is stupid"
person #1 "no, your opinion is stupid and this is why my opinion is the right one [insert completely opinionated rant with sketchy research]"
person #2 "No, your opinion is completely wrong and I'll tell you why [insert another completely opinionated rant with sketchy facts taken as "fact"]"
person #3 "Hey guys/girls why can't we state our opinions as just that "opinions" and learn to respect other people's views?"
person #1 and #2 "SHUT UP, YOU CAN'T ARGUE WITH "FACTS""
You sum up all forums in this one statement. Never going to change unfortunately, the only thing people identifying themselves as person number 3 can do is sit back and enjoy the fireworks.
Problem is that if everyone was like person 3 we would get nowhere in society, its Persons 1 and 2 who start the conversation and might reach a consensus...

Not everything is based on opinion.
I know exactly what you mean but I have nothing to say that has been said a million, billion, times. I would be adding nothing to the conversation, just beating a dead horse. Additionally I would be taking up room that people who better understand the topic could use thus actually being a detriment to the debate. ;) I whole heatedly agree with what you said, just some people sit on the sidelines when they realize they are not needed and could actually make things worse outside of a consensus of popularity. (I think that is the right term)

CAPTCHA: DANIELSEN spitivel. Never heard of him, must be British.

EDIT: I forgot to add the original poster was talking about people who argue almost solely on opinion with sketchy, cherry picked research, not hard facts. A concept they are blind too. :) What does a number three have to add to an argument of oppinion. ;)

The Stonker

New member
Feb 26, 2009
Yoshemo said:
The Stonker said:
Yoshemo said:
ShakyFt Slasher said:
1: It is a religious practice, 2: It can keep it from getting certain diseases 3: It makes sex more pleasurable
Everything you said was wrong.
Removing the foreskin removes 40% of the penis' ability to feel. The foreskin is one of the most sensitive parts of the penis and it helps keep the glans sensitive and able to feel as much pleasure as possible.
Its a religious practice because it was used to discourage masturbation which is considered a sin by the Jews, Christians, and Muslims.
It does help prevent urinary tract infections, but its nothing that properly cleaning your penis can't do. As for STDs like AIDS, statistics show that circumcised people are more likely to become infected than non-circumcised. The evidence is just a google search away, which I won't do for you because I'm going to bed. But if you care about reality, you'll do some research.
At the very least, give your kid the freedom to choose once hes an adult. You have nothing to lose by letting them choose. I only wish my parents would have let me choose..
There is actually a way to get it back, I'm not joking, talk to your local doctor.
You can get the look back, but not the feeling
daaawh sorry man :(.
Being born in Iceland can have it's good steps.


New member
May 5, 2010
Father Time said:
Before you said it only changes how it looks, now you're just shifting the goal posts. And the sexual pleasure you get from the nerve endings in it is useful.
I thank God I don't have those nerve endings personally, since I finish quick enough as it is.

But I think you shouldn't be allowed to painfully remove parts of newborns when such an act is completely unnecessary so I oppose giving them either pierced ears or circumcision (not that I think anyone actually pierces their baby's ears).
Well, I can applaud you for consistency.

Honestly, we have irreconcilable differences in what we perceive as "mutilation". Until that were to change in one of us, I don't see this going anywhere.

Rex Fallout

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Worgen said:
ShakyFt Slasher said:
It should be a right because: 1: It is a religious practice, 2: It can keep it from getting certain diseases, and 3: It makes sex more pleasurable
its only really religious for jews, it doesnt keep you from getting any diseases, it was started to make sex less pleasurable (at least thats why christians did it)
WHAT? I call bs. No it was done for several reasons by the Jewish community, that was not one of them. It was done by the christian community because eventually christians stopped being 'just' Gods chosen people, the Jews, and gentiles joined. As a sort of, welcome to the family sort of thing.

This is BS. It doesnt hurt anyone, stop pissing and moaning about it. I understand if you want to outlaw female circumsision- terrible thing - but this is retarded. If its not broke don't attempt to fix it. Want to actually do something productive instead of complaining about every little thing society does that annoys you? How about you start helping the rest of the nation relieve our 13 trillion dollar debt. Someone needs to do something really soon about that.


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
Rex Fallout said:
Worgen said:
ShakyFt Slasher said:
It should be a right because: 1: It is a religious practice, 2: It can keep it from getting certain diseases, and 3: It makes sex more pleasurable
its only really religious for jews, it doesnt keep you from getting any diseases, it was started to make sex less pleasurable (at least thats why christians did it)
WHAT? I call bs. No it was done for several reasons by the Jewish community, that was not one of them. It was done by the christian community because eventually christians stopped being 'just' Gods chosen people, the Jews, and gentiles joined. As a sort of, welcome to the family sort of thing.

This is BS. It doesnt hurt anyone, stop pissing and moaning about it. I understand if you want to outlaw female circumsision- terrible thing - but this is retarded. If its not broke don't attempt to fix it. Want to actually do something productive instead of complaining about every little thing society does that annoys you? How about you start helping the rest of the nation relieve our 13 trillion dollar debt. Someone needs to do something really soon about that.
This is a thread meant for discussion, people will discuss. Attempting to change the subject after sixteen successful pages of discussion is noteworthy but ineffective.


Rocket Scientist
Feb 7, 2008
ShakyFt Slasher said:
It should be a right because: 1: It is a religious practice, 2: It can keep it from getting certain diseases, and 3: It makes sex more pleasurable
The last two are not proven. In fact, number two is only true if you have poor hygene to begin with. Making sex more pleasurable? I beg to differ, the foreskin has a lot of nerve endings. You remove the foreskin, you remove all those nerve endings.

Rex Fallout

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Radoh said:
This is a thread meant for discussion, people will discuss. Attempting to change the subject after sixteen successful pages of discussion is noteworthy but ineffective.
Ha, I wasn't really trying to change the subject so much as my mind wanders to other things so easily... but I can see how you would think that.

I was just pointing out that if people put the same kind of effort they put into complaining about every little thing in a society into say political problems, or international issues, then the world would be a much better place.

Just sayin. Feel free to return to your:



Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
Rex Fallout said:
Radoh said:
This is a thread meant for discussion, people will discuss. Attempting to change the subject after sixteen successful pages of discussion is noteworthy but ineffective.
Ha, I wasn't really trying to change the subject so much as my mind wanders to other things so easily... but I can see how you would think that.

I was just pointing out that if people put the same kind of effort they put into complaining about every little thing in a society into say political problems, or international issues, then the world would be a much better place.

Just sayin. Feel free to return to your:

...but I was first poster, and that wasn't my argument. Besides, from the 12 pages I read I did not get the impression that the discussion was anything like that. Maybe you're just in a bad mood right now?
Anyways, this may be news pertaining to the states, but people the world over have opinions on it and are discussing away to their hearts content.
Jan 27, 2011
It was done to me as a kid due to constant infections.

Personally, I won't put my future kids through that unless they have that problem too. Why take off part of their body for no particular reason?


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Ultratwinkie said:
Treblaine said:
Ultratwinkie said:
You have a higher chance of being hit by a bus, or mauled by a mountain lion than to have complications from the foreskin.
Really, what is the rate and severity of foreskin complications?

Also a simple medical procedure that protects me from road traffic accidents sounds bloody marvellous.

Also hit by bus and mauled by mountain lion are HUGELY different probabilities.

You sir, are talking out of your arse.
Total (all of them combined) complications of foreskin make up only 5%.

Think this video puts the entire debate best (from another, similar thread).
Kudos for posting that, and bigger kudos to the guy who made it.

Treblaine said:
Ultratwinkie said:
Treblaine said:
Ultratwinkie said:
You have a higher chance of being hit by a bus, or mauled by a mountain lion than to have complications from the foreskin.
Really, what is the rate and severity of foreskin complications?

Also a simple medical procedure that protects me from road traffic accidents sounds bloody marvellous.

Also hit by bus and mauled by mountain lion are HUGELY different probabilities.

You sir, are talking out of your arse.
Total (all of them combined) complications of foreskin make up only 5%.

Think this video puts the entire debate best (from another, similar thread).
So you WERE just making up the whole mountain lion probability thing, huh?

Anyway, 5% may seem trivial to you, but I AM IN THAT 5%!

So don't tell ME foreskin problems are "not a big deal".
So are you now circumcised?

Teddy Roosevelt

New member
Nov 11, 2009
Shock and Awe said:
Hmmm, seems San Fransico is trying to get rid of all the things that they don't agree with. Here I thought Liberalism's root word was "Liberty".
No, it's liberal, obviously.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Rex Fallout said:
Worgen said:
ShakyFt Slasher said:
It should be a right because: 1: It is a religious practice, 2: It can keep it from getting certain diseases, and 3: It makes sex more pleasurable
its only really religious for jews, it doesnt keep you from getting any diseases, it was started to make sex less pleasurable (at least thats why christians did it)
WHAT? I call bs. No it was done for several reasons by the Jewish community, that was not one of them. It was done by the christian community because eventually christians stopped being 'just' Gods chosen people, the Jews, and gentiles joined. As a sort of, welcome to the family sort of thing.

This is BS. It doesnt hurt anyone, stop pissing and moaning about it. I understand if you want to outlaw female circumsision- terrible thing - but this is retarded. If its not broke don't attempt to fix it. Want to actually do something productive instead of complaining about every little thing society does that annoys you? How about you start helping the rest of the nation relieve our 13 trillion dollar debt. Someone needs to do something really soon about that.
the money that we would have spent on circumcisions could be used to fund schools and would eliminate the national debt in 5 years

male circumcision isnt as bad as female but its still bad and totally unnecessary, hell lets say you are religious, your already saying you know better then your god by altering his design like that


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Woodsey said:
So are you now circumcised?
I'm looking into it but what would have been a simple low risk procedure as an infant is now much more complicated, dangerous and painful now I am adult. As bad as it is now I could lose a LOT more, I don't want to go into risking THAT until I have exhausted all other options.

So much for the "they can just wait till they are a consenting adult"

You know that video loves to pile on the fallacies when it falls for the biggest one of them all: Straw man argument.

It chose the dumbest TV show which is NOT really debating, it's entertainment. It's a straw man to be torn appart.

It is a fallacy in itself to obsess over the fallacies of the opposing argument. Fallacies should be dismissed as fallacies not held up in editing freeze frames and rewind repeats as somehow proof of anything about the opposing argument.

They obsess over "sexually active" nerve cells which is kind of a simplistic way of looking at human sexuality as in more-nervation = better. There are something like 10x more nerves in the tip of your finger than in your back (try reading Braille with your back), yet a back rub is FAR more sensual and arousing than any finger to finger contact (dim lights, scented candles and some Barry White helps as well).

This obsession with nerve density goes around the issue of the actual in vivo statistics, that of ALL the studies there is no clear indication of any significant difference in sexual satisfaction between circumcised and uncircumcised males. One study will find circumcised men take slightly longer on average to reach orgasm, yet another study will say they take slightly less time. All of it barely significant differences.

And it follows common sense to any man, it is the glans and the body of the penis that responds to sexual stimulation. My foreskin is as about as responsive to sexual stimulation as as my scrotum, it's sensitive but it's not like the prostate, you can do what you like to my foreskin it's not going to give me an orgasm nor I think even contribute.

[small](I can't believe I'm actually discussing this on this forum. Jebus, but this is important to me and I sure appreciate my anonymity or this would just be WAY too embarrassing)[/small]

And then you've just got to take a step back and think about this, not in "equivalence" but what circumcision actually is. Is this actually wrong in itself. Will the ban cause more harm that good.

You have to realise, that the effects of circumcision are so benign, but the results of banning a religious practice will only disrupt the community. I don't believe in god but I know that others do, and banning their religious practices is the wrong thing to do, it isn't disrespectful of their god, it is disrespectful of THEM! It wouldn't be the secular thing to do. It isn't right either for French police to be sent chasing down Muslim women to pull their veils off their face.

I also realise how this campaign is trying to drum up support:
-genital cutting = a direct allusion to female castration in East Africa, something with no parallel in practicality
-Age of consent, protect children = this doesn't say circumcision is child sexual assault but they use the same language as used to describe paedophilia

People vote on these referendums based on inflammatory innuendo like this.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Treblaine said:
Woodsey said:
So are you now circumcised?
I'm looking into it but what would have been a simple low risk procedure as an infant is now much more complicated, dangerous and painful now I am adult. As bad as it is now I could lose a LOT more, I don't want to go into risking THAT until I have exhausted all other options.

So much for the "they can just wait till they are a consenting adult"

You know that video loves to pile on the fallacies when it falls for the biggest one of them all: Straw man argument.

It chose the dumbest TV show which is NOT really debating, it's entertainment. It's a straw man to be torn appart.

It is a fallacy in itself to obsess over the fallacies of the opposing argument. Fallacies should be dismissed as fallacies not held up in editing freeze frames and rewind repeats as somehow proof of anything about the opposing argument.

They obsess over "sexually active" nerve cells which is kind of a simplistic way of looking at human sexuality as in more-nervation = better. There are something like 10x more nerves in the tip of your finger than in your back (try reading Braille with your back), yet a back rub is FAR more sensual and arousing than any finger to finger contact (dim lights, scented candles and some Barry White helps as well).

This obsession with nerve density goes around the issue of the actual in vivo statistics, that of ALL the studies there is no clear indication of any significant difference in sexual satisfaction between circumcised and uncircumcised males. One study will find circumcised men take slightly longer on average to reach orgasm, yet another study will say they take slightly less time. All of it barely significant differences.

And it follows common sense to any man, it is the glans and the body of the penis that responds to sexual stimulation. My foreskin is as about as responsive to sexual stimulation as as my scrotum, it's sensitive but it's not like the prostate, you can do what you like to my foreskin it's not going to give me an orgasm nor I think even contribute.

[small](I can't believe I'm actually discussing this on this forum. Jebus, but this is important to me and I sure appreciate my anonymity or this would just be WAY too embarrassing)[/small]

And then you've just got to take a step back and think about this, not in "equivalence" but what circumcision actually is. Is this actually wrong in itself. Will the ban cause more harm that good.

You have to realise, that the effects of circumcision are so benign, but the results of banning a religious practice will only disrupt the community. I don't believe in god but I know that others do, and banning their religious practices is the wrong thing to do, it isn't disrespectful of their god, it is disrespectful of THEM! It wouldn't be the secular thing to do. It isn't right either for French police to be sent chasing down Muslim women to pull their veils off their face.

I also realise how this campaign is trying to drum up support:
-genital cutting = a direct allusion to female castration in East Africa, something with no parallel in practicality
-Age of consent, protect children = this doesn't say circumcision is child sexual assault but they use the same language as used to describe paedophilia

People vote on these referendums based on inflammatory innuendo like this.
OK, but just because there's a low chance doesn't mean it should be accepted and done to everyone. Like the guy mentions in the video, you don't just start cutting 'unnecessary' parts off to reduce the risk of diseases.

I had a friend who had an issue with it and he got his taken off. If you have a reason to take it off then fine, but for a purely cosmetic reason there is no need to advocate bloody mutilation.

And, frankly, fuck religion. My hand still works fine if I cut the end of my little finger off, but if someone's reason for doing so to a child was for "religious reasons" then you would hope they would be separated from the child. (This echoes what the guy said in the video, but it is what I thought already:) Tradition and personal belief do not give you the right to do whatever you want.

The veil thing in France is different - in that situation, you're either forcing a woman to be stuck between the law and what her husband tells her to do (and no, I don't believe this is the general attitude of "moderate Muslims" - I hate that I have to even describe them as such), or you're simply taking the choice to wear what she wants from her.

In the case of circumcision, you are making a decision that is not yours to make - you're violating another human beings rights. And why? Because your religion says its OK? Because you're their parent? Its insane.

The secular thing to do is to not allow religion to have a hold on rational law-making.

Rex Fallout

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Worgen said:
Rex Fallout said:
Worgen said:
ShakyFt Slasher said:
It should be a right because: 1: It is a religious practice, 2: It can keep it from getting certain diseases, and 3: It makes sex more pleasurable
its only really religious for jews, it doesnt keep you from getting any diseases, it was started to make sex less pleasurable (at least thats why christians did it)
WHAT? I call bs. No it was done for several reasons by the Jewish community, that was not one of them. It was done by the christian community because eventually christians stopped being 'just' Gods chosen people, the Jews, and gentiles joined. As a sort of, welcome to the family sort of thing.

This is BS. It doesnt hurt anyone, stop pissing and moaning about it. I understand if you want to outlaw female circumsision- terrible thing - but this is retarded. If its not broke don't attempt to fix it. Want to actually do something productive instead of complaining about every little thing society does that annoys you? How about you start helping the rest of the nation relieve our 13 trillion dollar debt. Someone needs to do something really soon about that.
the money that we would have spent on circumcisions could be used to fund schools and would eliminate the national debt in 5 years

male circumcision isnt as bad as female but its still bad and totally unnecessary, hell lets say you are religious, your already saying you know better then your god by altering his design like that
I would love to see the research done on that little fact you threw out there so casually. Tell me how does stopping circumsision pay back all the country`s we owe 13 trillion dollars to? you obviously have a far better understanding of economics to say such a thing.

oh and God told us to do it. we aren`t altering his design.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Rex Fallout said:
Worgen said:
Rex Fallout said:
Worgen said:
ShakyFt Slasher said:
It should be a right because: 1: It is a religious practice, 2: It can keep it from getting certain diseases, and 3: It makes sex more pleasurable
its only really religious for jews, it doesnt keep you from getting any diseases, it was started to make sex less pleasurable (at least thats why christians did it)
WHAT? I call bs. No it was done for several reasons by the Jewish community, that was not one of them. It was done by the christian community because eventually christians stopped being 'just' Gods chosen people, the Jews, and gentiles joined. As a sort of, welcome to the family sort of thing.

This is BS. It doesnt hurt anyone, stop pissing and moaning about it. I understand if you want to outlaw female circumsision- terrible thing - but this is retarded. If its not broke don't attempt to fix it. Want to actually do something productive instead of complaining about every little thing society does that annoys you? How about you start helping the rest of the nation relieve our 13 trillion dollar debt. Someone needs to do something really soon about that.
the money that we would have spent on circumcisions could be used to fund schools and would eliminate the national debt in 5 years

male circumcision isnt as bad as female but its still bad and totally unnecessary, hell lets say you are religious, your already saying you know better then your god by altering his design like that
I would love to see the research done on that little fact you threw out there so casually. Tell me how does stopping circumsision pay back all the country`s we owe 13 trillion dollars to? you obviously have a far better understanding of economics to say such a thing.

oh and God told us to do it. we aren`t altering his design.
sarcasm travels so badly tho the internet

so then your saying that god isnt infallible and is as screwed up as everyone else? or are you implying that there is no god and the foreskin is really just a piece of extra skin that people like to cut off because they are stupid and dont mind infection, I wonder how many people have died from circumcisions tho the years, Ill bet millions

Rex Fallout

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Worgen said:
Rex Fallout said:
Worgen said:
Rex Fallout said:
Worgen said:
ShakyFt Slasher said:
It should be a right because: 1: It is a religious practice, 2: It can keep it from getting certain diseases, and 3: It makes sex more pleasurable
its only really religious for jews, it doesnt keep you from getting any diseases, it was started to make sex less pleasurable (at least thats why christians did it)
WHAT? I call bs. No it was done for several reasons by the Jewish community, that was not one of them. It was done by the christian community because eventually christians stopped being 'just' Gods chosen people, the Jews, and gentiles joined. As a sort of, welcome to the family sort of thing.

This is BS. It doesnt hurt anyone, stop pissing and moaning about it. I understand if you want to outlaw female circumsision- terrible thing - but this is retarded. If its not broke don't attempt to fix it. Want to actually do something productive instead of complaining about every little thing society does that annoys you? How about you start helping the rest of the nation relieve our 13 trillion dollar debt. Someone needs to do something really soon about that.
the money that we would have spent on circumcisions could be used to fund schools and would eliminate the national debt in 5 years

male circumcision isnt as bad as female but its still bad and totally unnecessary, hell lets say you are religious, your already saying you know better then your god by altering his design like that
I would love to see the research done on that little fact you threw out there so casually. Tell me how does stopping circumsision pay back all the country`s we owe 13 trillion dollars to? you obviously have a far better understanding of economics to say such a thing.

oh and God told us to do it. we aren`t altering his design.
sarcasm travels so badly tho the internet

so then your saying that god isnt infallible and is as screwed up as everyone else? or are you implying that there is no god and the foreskin is really just a piece of extra skin that people like to cut off because they are stupid and dont mind infection, I wonder how many people have died from circumcisions tho the years, Ill bet millions
Thanks for you know providing those statistics and the research that i asked for earlier. To be circumsised later in life is far more dangerous and painful than when you are younger. So the argument doesn` get lent any honors by saying that. its simpler to be done when younger period. I refuse to debate your «it will eliminate the national debt» and «millions have died from circumsicions» arguments for the same reason why I dont argue with the ass holes at fox you`ve provided me no facts to support your claims. and as for your argument about God... i dont understand what your saying at all. God told Abraham to circumsice him and his family because they were to be God`s chosen people this later transfered from jews to christians... what are you proposing? I`m confused...