Scariest Game Level Ever?


New member
Apr 29, 2009
curlycrouton said:
The infamous "Tibbit" scene in Condemned.
bloody hell! that made me jump...but what was the banging outside the locker? was that a flashback or what?

Shin Meami Tensei: Lucifer's Call - where you find all the manniquin bodies and the music goes creepy when you go through a door to the boss (nothing else, just the flickering lights, blood and music ^.0 )
i would like to mention Medievil (PSX) - the ant tunnel level but that turns more annoying the longer you get stuck in it and have found out you've been going in circles for the past 50 years :)
RE3: Nemesis where said Nem comes through the window - you expect it to happen because you know he's outside the copshop and that window is very big, but when you pass it and nothing happens you relax, then he jumps in! (git ^.^)

but it's kindda hard nowadays to be truely frightened by anything when everything you watch (games, movies etc.) is trying to be the goriest thing ever - so you do tend to be immune to the whole thing when you've seen it a thousand times before...

The Shade

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Mar 20, 2008
Either Ravenholm or Sander Cohen's area in Bioshock. All those Spider Splicers covered in plaster, pretending to be mannequins. Shit...


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Apr 25, 2009
Psychonauts' meat circus. I actually had my first game based nightmare because of it.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
I haven't played a lot of scary games, but here are mine:

Fort Frolic in Bioshock. Those plaster covered splicers, it wasn't purely jack-in-a-box, mindfuckery as well ("wasn't there a doll here?"). Made the whole level very suspensefull.

The hotel level in Condemned 2. That was awfull.

The Dunwich Building in Fallout 3, that place was just hell on earth.

The office levels of FEAR, with those stealthy melee enemies. But it was only scary untill you found out how to recognise them, when they were coming. After that it was a piece of cake, but before that...


New member
Jan 22, 2008
theklng said:
BlueMage said:

Toss up between Shalebridge Cradle and The Cathedral. There weren't really any scary ones in Thief 2...
i thought the last level in thief 2 was pretty creepy, what with only fighting mechanic enemies. it wasn't terror, it was just gloomy.
Gloomy's a good word for it, maybe even creepy, but not scary. The mechanical beasts were pretty easy to trick into eliminating themselves. Except for the little spiderbots. Stupid spider bots :mad:

sqwalnoc said:
That abandoned village full of invisible mutants that a dude asks you to clear. my heart was pounding pretty much the whole time, walking super slow and looking around for that telltale shimmering that they appear as. most of the time though they'd completely take me by surprise and I'd be running backwards shouting "OHSHITOHSHITOHSHIT" while emptying my rifle.
I've bolded half your problem there - bloodsuckers are best dealt with by way of shotgun-mouthwash.


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Mar 8, 2009
Well really ALL of Himuro Mansion in Fatal Frame, or All Gods' Village in Fatal Frame 2 or the Mansion of Sleep's various forms in Fatal Frame 3.



New member
Apr 23, 2009
Ravenholm was scary at spots, and part of the sewers in FEAR where scary, like the part when I got on a ladder and as I turned around to go down, Alma was standing there. I about shit my pants on that one.
Parts of Bioshock were scary, in a more psychological way, like the shadow of a splicer on the wall, and it is unsettling to hear a lone splicer singing hymns...


Senior Member
Jan 25, 2009
I honestly didn't find Ravenholm that scary, just startling whenever a zombie popped out.

I will admit to being incredibly scared of the Royal Family Tomb, Well, Dampe's Grave, Shadow Temple, and Hyrule Market (Adult Link) as a kid. The first time I played through those levels, I actually did the Well as fast as humanly possible, got the Lens, ran into the Shadow Temple, grabbed the Hover Boots, then ran out and did the entire Gerudo Fortress & Spirit Temple before touching the Shadow Temple again. And every time I passed through the Market, I would freeze the Redeads using the Sun Song.

More recently, Eternal Darkness gets a general nod here. Even though it lacks the "survival" aspect of "survival horror" due to the prevalence of weapons, walking around with low Sanity is a surefire way to creep you out, even if you're in no actual danger. Also, the bathtub scene has to be one of the most intense moments I've ever experienced in a video game.

All that said, I generally don't play a lot of "scary" games, so my views are somewhat limited.


New member
Nov 1, 2008
Thanatoast said:
The level in Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth where you have to escape from the fishmen chasing you through the hotel. Words can't do it justice, so here's a video.

Skip to 6 minutes in.
my god i remember playing that level.

on the bright side my cousin thinks i am awesome for playing that game by myself.

Phoenix Arrow

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Sep 3, 2008
Somewhere in Silent Hill 3. Haven't picked which part yet. I'm going to saaaay... the carnival. Best game ever. That or in SH2 where you first meet Mr. P Head.
Also, the part in Condemned: Criminal Origins where the mannequins...
sort of teleport around you at their own free will. It never sounds scary when I tell it to people but I think I must've timed it perfect to how they wanted you to. I looked left and saw 4 of them around a hole and though "oh... that's odd" then I turn back behind me to investigate a noise, I turn back and there's more of them. I turn back the other way and they're coming from there. I actually paused and put the TV on because I was so immersed and frankly scared. Also, the bit in the libary when the woman leaves you and you're trapped with this weird thing and you desperately try to swat it away and then she appears and it goes. That's like when the penny really dropped for me.
Ravenholm wasn't scary, it was pissing annoying. Only level in HL2 I didn't enjoy. The traps were fun and throwing the blades about but then the poison headcrabs rolled up and later the bit on the roof with the little pulley car that made no sense. The end was cool though, where Grigori just kills everything while you shot one zombie at a time.


New member
Jul 8, 2008
I swear the scariest thing I've seen in a game is the final boss of Earthbound, Giygas. Just look up Youtube videos of the final fight and you might see what I mean.

Special mentions go to the Kakariko Well in Ocarina of Time and the School in Silent Hill which ye gods I still refuse to explore fully.

Geamo said:
The Secret Cow Level.
May I ask WTF that is? :3

EDIT: I really shouldn't be on this thread since it's 3 in the morning...

black lincon

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Aug 21, 2008
xitel said:
I still think the school level in Condemned: Criminal Origins was scary. Or the store level, where you couldn't tell which mannequins were enemies until they had already started attacking you.
the department store level would be called Bart's Department Store and it was messed up. Although the school level wasn't all that much better. In fact that whole game was messed up.

Phoenix Arrow

New member
Sep 3, 2008
Vor@Tan said:
curlycrouton said:
The infamous "Tibbit" scene in Condemned.
bloody hell! that made me jump...but what was the banging outside the locker? was that a flashback or what?
The guy in Condemned is like... a forensics superhero. He has like out of body experiences where he sees things that happened in the past that he would have no idea about. He also magically knows when to look for evidence because a big blue X comes up in his field of vision.

black lincon

New member
Aug 21, 2008
SecretTacoNinja said:
I swear the scariest thing I've seen in a game is the final boss of Earthbound, Giygas. Just look up Youtube videos of the final fight and you might see what I mean.

Geamo said:
The Secret Cow Level.
May I ask WTF that is? :3

EDIT: I really shouldn't be on this thread since it's 3 in the morning...
A Secret level in Diablo 2 where all the enemies were cows with halberds. it wasn't scary at all and was meant to be funny.