Scariest monsters/creatures in video games.

lord canti

New member
May 30, 2009
The fucking Regenerators from Resident evil 4. Everything about them is terrifying the way they move, their durability and worst of all that damn sound they make. Nothing has ever come close to scaring me on the level they did.

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
piinyouri said:

I've never been more terrified of a 2D sprite.
It doesn't help that you know it stole all your cool abilities, and that there's more than one running around the station as the game goes on.(shudders)

OT: The Mechanical spider boss in Pikmin 2. At first you think "oh just another spider just more metalish, whatever." Then it takes aim at your Pikmin squad and starts literally shooting the poor things with an automated machine gun. Probably the most surprised I have ever been playing a game.


Flesh is but a garment!
Feb 6, 2012
dalek sec said:
IllumInaTIma said:
Nemesis from Resident Evil 3. God damn it that dude is freaking terrifying. He's very scary looking, scary sounding, keeps chasing for whole game and you know that with every encounter he gets only stronger.
<spoiler=STAAAAAARS><img src=>
Now this guy I bloody dreaded everything single time I heard his theme start up. You also forgot to mention he's sometimes strapped with a bloody rocket launcher as well and as pretty good aim with the thing. My first nightmare boss on the PS1 and damn he's left a lasting impression on me.
He was also a real master of dynamic entries.
It's your friend Brad! Hey Brad! BOOM! Nemesis jumps out of nowhere grabs Brad and impales his head.
Hey! It's a helicopter! We're saved! BOOM! Helicopter goes down, Nemesis mutates and you're surrounded by flames. Fuck that guy.


New member
Jul 20, 2011
Slender Man.

He's like the shotgun of video game monsters: boring, utilitarian and overused, but VERY effective in hallways.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
I didn't find Resident Evil 4 scary. Not the cave troll, not the cloaked dude, not the dragon worm midget thing, and certainly not the final boss. But those regeneradors...(shudders). The first time I saw it, I was pretty cocky. It was blocking the door, so I shot his legs out from underneath him and run down the hall. I turn around, and the ************ IS FLOPPING AT ME LIKE A FISH! H proceeds to try and tear out my neck. I could run, but being stubborn, I decide to kill him. Only his legs are back, so I try to hit his hidden weak points from across the hall. He then STRETCHES HIS ARMS and proceeds to tear my head off. And he's SMILING.

It was so briliant. All the techniques you use on other enemies are useless. Not only do they fail to work, they make him stronger. That game had many problems, but it understood pacing. I don't think I've seen anyone do something like that before. They then give you that stupid scope, promptly ruining the only scare in the entire game. WTF.


King over my mind
Mar 29, 2011


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
For pure shock-value that left me terrified of the enemy forever?

Tomb Raider 3: T-Rex.

There's only one in the game, but it's faster than you, shows up abruptly where you have no cover, and if it catches you, it does this:


I flee every single time, hoping to get to the exit before it clamps its hideous jowls upon me. ;___;


Dec 1, 2011
Lambent Zerkers in Gears 3 Scare the hell out of me, bit so much for the horror factor but more the "OHGODITCOMINGTOFUCKINGKILLME" factor. The only other thing that I can remember scaring me is blitzers from Iron Brigade, and that's only when there's like ten of them and I'm either half dead or using an engineering chassis. I would say the Flood from Halo, but Halo 3 killed that for me.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
As previous posts have mentioned, the likes of Pyramid Head, Nemesis and the monsters from Amnesia rank pretty high on "scary monsters."

Basically, anything that stalks the player is infinitely more terrifying than something that'll stay put when you run for your life.

Stalkers induce stress and a pervading sense of foreboding, not to mention the panic when it finally shows up as soon as you start to think "is it gone?" You don't know when, you don't know where, but you do know that it will come back. There's really been nothing better at being scary in any video game.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
Things that look mean or vicious don't scare me at all. It comes off as very 'try-hard'. If something can genuinely unnerve me to the point it gets under my skin, I consider that frightening. Not many things in games can do that, but several things from Silent Hill certainly can.

Just... WAT is that!? You see this giant ass thing in the street and you can't even imagine what it's going to do to you; but at the same time you don't want it touching you!


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Doopliss64 said:
Slender Man.

He's like the shotgun of video game monsters: boring, utilitarian and overused, but VERY effective in hallways.
Not to mention that he gets more effective at close range.

Man, I really like this comparison.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
I hate going into Dwemer Ruins in Skyrim because there's always the chance I'll run into freakin' Falmer and a couple Chaurus(es?). They're just creepy as hell.

In Oblivion I absolutely hated any Undead dungeon. Wild life, Bandit, whatever, that's cool, but if they had zombies, it just freaked me out. I can't really put my finger on it, it's not because they're scary as enemies, but maybe it's the way zombies look in Oblivion.

Not Gabe Newell said:
The Grunts and Brutes from Amnesia are definitely a contender. do you get someone's jaw to look like that?
I find that they're not really scary on their own, it's the context really. I mean you never get a good look at them while playing unless you're about to die (if you're playing it right anyway) so you're always afraid of "something" but its never specifically a grunt or a brute.


A WordlessThing, a ThinglessWord
Aug 9, 2011
The sharks in Banjo Kazooie used to scare the crap out of me as a little kid.

Apart from that, pretty much every enemy in the Amnesia/Penumbra series is terrifying.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
Pyramid Head, for the simple reason that he is absolutely unkillable. During the first fight, he just gets tired of fucking with you and leaves. During the final one, they get bored and kill each other because you are so pathetic. Its this complete invulnerability coupled with sheer remorseless psychopathy and a penchant for large pointy things that creates the kind of nightmares that really suck. Because you know, in your dream you know that there is no way to defeat him. He is just the faceless avatar of sadism, the crimson juggernaught.

There are some who call him Tim.


Celebrity Vermin and Plague Babies in Demon's Souls

Gaki in Kuon

Kyrie and the blinded in Fatal Frame

Shibito (all kinds) in the original Siren. They were way to easy to beat down in Blood Curse.

And last but not least

THE CYBERDAEMON specifically in Doom 64. When you hear the sound of those giant hooves, but you don't see the 3 storey nightmare...and then bam dead in a hail of rockets.

Tsun Tzu

Feuer! Sperrfeuer! Los!
Jul 19, 2010
Well, when I was a kid...

Creeped me out a good bit for some reason.

Older me finds Bloodsuckers from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. to be jump and/or sprint inducing, as well as...

...pretty much everything from the Metro series. Ugh.


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
The sharks in Far Cry 3. Or rather the ocean in Far Cry 3. Something about being in clear blue water surrounded by sharks that could grab you at any moment. Don't think I ever felt as tense in a game. :p


New member
Oct 1, 2012
The creatures from System Shock 2. Modern 'survival horror' games don't scare or even get me on edge. But jesus christ does SS2 do a good job with that. What ever it does right, modern games need to take a lesson from them. I went through Amnesia perfectly fine. It didn't give me a hope of fighting, it just said, go stealth. I like stealth, I don't look at enemies more than a few seconds before navigating anyways. But SS2 gives you the illusion of combat capability. Sure you CAN fight, but not for long from what I've found out.


New member
Mar 26, 2011
Beetlebum said:

Truly the stuff of nightmares.
I was going to say this myself, I've played the game once with a group of 4 other people, while eating pizza in the middle of the afternoon, and seeing this pop up on the other side of a door sent us all through the roof!
That is though 173 spawning never made me Alt-F4 the game. 106 on the other hand...

I also have to vouch for some of the enemies in Cry of Fear. Stringy-haired ghost girls that actually make you commit suicide when you look at them? Ones that have babies, armed with knives burst from their wombs? Ones that run around with knives in the middle of the woods when all you have is a stick? God damn. Additionally is a reskin (?) that appears only once for a fraction of a second after you get the second melee weapon. It's a strait jumpscare, blowing down a door, screaming something awful, slowly holds it's arms in front of you, and is never heard of again.


Prunus Girl is best girl!
Apr 28, 2011
Beetlebum said:

Truly the stuff of nightmares.
Took us the second page to get to this?
'Cause this this "thing" has my vote all day.

Or anything from Yume Nikki...
even thinking about that game leaves me disturbed.