Scariest thing you've ever seen in real life


New member
Dec 23, 2009
I was at a party once as a college freshman. It was a school organized party so no one was drinking, at least at the party it self, and that was were the scariest thing I've ever seen happened.

There were probably 500 or so people and everyone was dancing when the song "Cotton Eyed Joe" began to play. Suddenly, nearly the entire group began to dance in unison... everyone knew the song and the dance and it was terrifying!

So... whose next?


New member
Jun 16, 2009
10 years ago I was sleeping at my friends house only to be woken up by a black cat (around 7 am) sitting on my face, ok whatever I knew they had another cat I hadn't seen so I picked it up and put it to the side, it kinda stood around in the room for a while doing cat stuff, then it left. I mentioned this the next morning only to discover their other cat was white and they had a black cat that had died 4 or so years ago, kinda creeped me out.


New member
Dec 6, 2009
I was driving down a country lane late at night, I had just finished work and it's a long drive, so I was a little on the tired side and was driving a little fast cuz I wanted to get home quicker, when all of a sudden in the corner of my eye I saw a guy in a blue jacket standing beside the road between the trees with his hand out as if to hail a cab.

Obviously it was just my imagination playing up, but it freaked me out at the time, especially since I was the only car on the road.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
It may sound lame, but the only creepy thing I come up with right now is two people beating each other up. I was walking through the streets at night when I saw two men argue in a small street, wearing different football shirts. Suddenly, they started fighting, but the pure intensity of the fight was scary iself. Also, one of those had a broken arm (had one of these white things around it to keep it stiff, cant think of a work in english) and hit the other guy with this arm, too.

mfG diiebane


New member
Jan 28, 2010
This summer I accidentally left a large bowl of Caesar salad out (as in, like a family size portion). For 5 days.
When I looked at it again, it was one squirmy pile of maggots. I almost died.


New member
Jul 24, 2010
Went camping two weekends ago...I was in the toilet and some guy comes out of the stall wearing nothing but a speedo and boots. It was about 8 degrees out (celcius) and he just smiled at me. I was wearing coveralls and beanie and everything. Creeped me out...


New member
Dec 23, 2007
Car crashes never loose their ability to haunt one's mind, especially considering the discrepancies between them and how Un-unnerving they are in Hollywood.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
It was my junior year of high school. I was driving home from school after a very difficult track practice. It had been a long week and I was extremely exhausted. Everything was going well until I woke up in the woods. I had fallen asleep (without even realizing it) and my car had veered to the left and into a very steep ditch (the road was raised about five feet above the woods that surrounded it). I managed to drive out of the ditch and get away b4 any cops showed up. The only damage to the car was a dangling sideview mirror and heavy scratches. The thought that I might have head-on collided with another car is a scary thought.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Probably seeing my granddad's basement after he died. I was told that he had a stroke or aneurysm or something and fell off of his exercise bike, onto the concrete floor.

They had taken his body away, but there was a splatter of blood on the floor and the bottom of the back wall.

Also: This GODDAMN mask that my grandma had in her bedroom, where I took my naps as a three-year-old kid. It hung right over her bed. It looked like a shrunken head that had been stretched back out on a rack or something. I have NO idea why she had it, or why it was on the wall among all the more typical Grandma's-bedroom stuff (like a picture with the Footprints poem and a family photo). That thing still haunts my fucking nightmares twenty years later.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Years ago, I was walking down the street with my friends when I looked into the window of a house (casually, not creepily) and saw my 72 year old, 200+ lbs teacher naked doing yoga...

... Never again will i leave the comfort of my room!


New member
Feb 24, 2010
Over the summer I was bored and decided to go take a piss. I was in the process when a huge-ass earwig landed out of nowhere onto my dick.

My god, I freaked the hell out. Words can't even begin describe it.


New member
Dec 11, 2009
katsumoto03 said:
Over the summer I was bored and decided to go take a piss. I was in the process when a huge-ass earwig landed out of nowhere onto my dick.

My god, I freaked the hell out. Words can't even begin describe it.
OH GOOD LORD! Seriously that would freak me the fuck out


May 19, 2009
diebane said:
It may sound lame, but the only creepy thing I come up with right now is two people beating each other up. I was walking through the streets at night when I saw two men argue in a small street, wearing different football shirts. Suddenly, they started fighting, but the pure intensity of the fight was scary iself. Also, one of those had a broken arm (had one of these white things around it to keep it stiff, cant think of a work in english) and hit the other guy with this arm, too.

mfG diiebane
Plaster cast. That what you're after. And props to a guy hardcore enough to beat someone with his broken arm!!


New member
Jun 3, 2010
I came 5 minutes late to see a drunk guy getting hit by a train in my hometown...
But i did see the paramedics and policemen gathering the rest of him in black plasticbags and the firemen that was hosing down the tracks to get the blood away...

It wasnt that scary but it was a very strange feeling watching that stuff...


New member
May 22, 2009
I was at PAX in Seattle this summer with my friends. After the first night, we walked back to the house we were staying at at around 2:30 in the morning through a somewhat poor area. This guy came running after me, yelling "bro, bro, bro" and I turned around to see what he wanted, freaked the hell out. He wanted to read the back of my hoodie. Weird experience, and the only thing I can think of right now.

Monkfish Acc.

New member
May 7, 2008
That time I woke up in the hospital was pretty horrifying.
Not the hospital thing itself, that didn't really bug me. Nah, what was terrifying was looking down and seeing a big orange tube coming out of my schlong.
That is not something a person wants to see, okay.

There is also that one time I killed this massive spider in my shed and it exploded little spiders all over my head.
I was already arachnophobic. That was the single most horrifying experience of my life.

There is probably worse but I am tired and this is all that comes to mind.