Scariest thing you've ever seen in real life


May 19, 2009
Omikron009 said:
I was at PAX in Seattle this summer with my friends. After the first night, we walked back to the house we were staying at at around 2:30 in the morning through a somewhat poor area. This guy came running after me, yelling "bro, bro, bro" and I turned around to see what he wanted, freaked the hell out. He wanted to read the back of my hoodie. Weird experience, and the only thing I can think of right now.
What was on it..?


New member
Jan 11, 2009
My bed randomly shaking wasn't too nice. It's happened a few times.

Or waking up in the middle of the night to see something human-shaped standing beside my bed. That's kind of freaky.

How about waking up and not being able to move? And a few of those times, have your friend talking to you, but then later find out he wasn't awake at the time?

Yeah... nothing too extraordinary, and if stayed at this, I'd be cool with it.

Croix Sinistre

New member
Oct 25, 2009
katsumoto03 said:
Over the summer I was bored and decided to go take a piss. I was in the process when a huge-ass earwig landed out of nowhere onto my dick.

My god, I freaked the hell out. Words can't even begin describe it.
Sorry, i laughed the most at you being bored enough to just go take a piss.


New member
Feb 24, 2010
Croix Sinistre said:
katsumoto03 said:
Over the summer I was bored and decided to go take a piss. I was in the process when a huge-ass earwig landed out of nowhere onto my dick.

My god, I freaked the hell out. Words can't even begin describe it.
Sorry, i laughed the most at you being bored enough to just go take a piss.
That's what I'm here for. ;P


New member
Oct 1, 2010
I was at a shooting range with a friend of mine and the person in charge was this little ol' lady. She was carrying what looked like maybe a .38 Special or something along those lines and said, as she pulled it out, "Don't you be fuckin' around, or I'll put a bullet in ya." and she pointed it at me and my friend. Then she added, "We're out in the backwoods. It's easier to dig a hole than it is to fill out paperwork."

It's not the gun bit that bothered me. It's the fact she she said it with one of the most serious expressions I've ever seen. I could also tell that the gun was loaded, which didn't help much. XD


New member
May 21, 2010
I do deliveries in a small redneck town. You would not believe the number of mass murderer houses there are out there.

But one specific event, I was little, driving on the backroads of my town to skip some lights or some such bullshit, it was the middle of the night. We spot something white in the middle of the road. It was a white hazmat suit. Still don't know what the fuck was going on there.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
While I was in Africa this summer, there was a riot next to the house my group was staying in. (I mean RIGHT next to it, some of the people actually ran through our yard.) There was gunfire involved, but we found out later that it was the police firing warning shots, but still freaky.

Although... I have to admit, I didn't actually see this, myself... I was asleep through the whole thing...


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Hmmhmmhmmm, cleaning out this closet for money, lessee... old sheets, crumpled papers, melted candle, and A USP .45?

My dad happens to be a gun nut, and finding a powerful handgun is scary.

Or the time I was in a car crash. Ripped a tendon in my arm (my arm's good now), but no external damage.

Madara XIII

New member
Sep 23, 2010
vic_elor said:
I was at a party once as a college freshman. It was a school organized party so no one was drinking, at least at the party it self, and that was were the scariest thing I've ever seen happened.

There were probably 500 or so people and everyone was dancing when the song "Cotton Eyed Joe" began to play. Suddenly, nearly the entire group began to dance in unison... everyone knew the song and the dance and it was terrifying!

So... whose next?
DUDE!! That shit is freaky!!! XD

*Sigh* I have to do it... I promised myself I'd never try to relive this pain but oh well..

I Looked up Sonichu...and actually read those god awful comics out of curiosity...

*Gauges my eyes out* AAAAAGH THE PAIN!! *Sobs*



New member
Jun 29, 2010
A guy in the SAS. He nodded at me as I walked past and all I could think was "for how many people was that the last face they ever saw?".


New member
Mar 17, 2010
I've not really had any scares but I suppose the closest thing would be nearly getting ran over by a chain ferry onboard a 37ft motor cruiser.


New member
Mar 8, 2009
brainless_fps_player said:
A guy in the SAS. He nodded at me as I walked past and all I could think was "for how many people was that the last face they ever saw?".
My taekwondo instructor is ex-SAS. I know your fear well.

Jason Danger Keyes

New member
Mar 4, 2009
I was about 8 years old, and my dad left me in the car for a minute to get something at a store. I was playing my gameboy, and all of a sudden I hear tire screeches and screaming outside. I look out the back window, and a cube van had just ran over a little kid, no older than I was at the time. He just lay there, and his mother was just screaming, screaming. I just watched, I couldn't do anything, but the worst part was when the ambulance came. The whole time I was hoping the kid was going to make it, but the ambulance just sat there, it was in no rush, the kid was already dead.

This is why I always made sure to hold my little sister's hand in parking lots, kids running in parking lots are serious fucking business.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Me and my friends were driving to a ski resort. As we were driving through the mountains far away from anywhere on our Norwegian roads, we got to a pretty sharp turn, the car was heavily backloaded, I missjudged the speed by a couple of km/h. The car slid out of the road and I barely managed to place it on top of the waist high road barrier. The thing we saw was a drop down on an icy lake about 20m down. We were more or less staring death in the eye. I was luck about being able to drive on slippery surfaces.


New member
Dec 11, 2009
JRCB said:
My bed randomly shaking wasn't too nice. It's happened a few times.

Or waking up in the middle of the night to see something human-shaped standing beside my bed. That's kind of freaky.

How about waking up and not being able to move? And a few of those times, have your friend talking to you, but then later find out he wasn't awake at the time?

Yeah... nothing too extraordinary, and if stayed at this, I'd be cool with it.
Sleep paralysis, that shits horrible, I haven't experienced it myself, but I know a few people who have, I read up on it, apparentlty its stress related


New member
May 22, 2009
XinfiniteX said:
Omikron009 said:
I was at PAX in Seattle this summer with my friends. After the first night, we walked back to the house we were staying at at around 2:30 in the morning through a somewhat poor area. This guy came running after me, yelling "bro, bro, bro" and I turned around to see what he wanted, freaked the hell out. He wanted to read the back of my hoodie. Weird experience, and the only thing I can think of right now.
What was on it..?
It was this hoodie. There are many words on the back, as you can see.