Schwarzenegger Drops Terminator, Governator Projects Indefinitely


New member
Jun 4, 2010
ZeroMachine said:
voorhees123 said:
What bullshit. Funny how people that cheat on there partners turn into family men fighting for there relationship when they are caught out? Him playing a terminator or whatever has no effect on his life, nor will it effect the movie. He has become the stereotypical terminator and him cheating on his wife wont stop that movie becoming a hit. Could alway make him a digital terminator like in the last movie. :)
It's more that his face will be less marketable at the moment. I know it sounds stupid, but I know a LOT of people that wouldn't go to see a movie of his because of what he did.
Yeah but these are probably the same people who believe the earth will come to an end tomorrow.


New member
Jun 4, 2010
fozzy360 said:
beema said:
This is ridiculous. Come on, what male celebrity hasn't fathered an illegitimate love child? Who really cares? Do they really think people aren't going to go see a new Arnold Terminator because of this?
I don't see why this personal situation should affect his acting career at all.
I don't think it's just his personal life that people are getting sick, and I speak only from the viewpoint of a Californian. People here are just pissed at his behavior as a governor, and this just kinda seems like that straw that broke the camel's back. To be frank, I'm amazed anyone here would even consider seeing anything with Arnold in it.

Either way, I hate the guy now, and now I feel dirty every time I watch T2. Thanks a lot, Arnold, you asshole.
What issues specifically are you referring to? He's actually pretty moderate politically. To be honest, I think he's only a republican because he viewed them as the only viable party at the time. They probably were too.


New member
Nov 30, 2010
I'm glad to see that I am not the only person who really doesn't care about what he diddled on the side. (Although seriously gov couldn't you have picked something half your age if you were going to put up with this amount of BS? If you are gonna do something stupid, do something stupid with someone you are not going to need a paper bag for..I'm sorry that was

In all honesty, I think the story is being overblown by the media and really I didn't care about it because it really is a non issue. If someone threatened him with the secret love child thing (we call that dirt) then the best response is to air the dirt yourself before said person (who obviously WANTS something) can do so.

Wait? Did that sound like there was something else going on there? Lesee, recently fired the longtime housekeeper. (by the way isn't boning the Latina housekeeper like the BIGGEST cliche ever?)

Is what he did wrong? I dunno, ask Maria Shriver. (I think she is more qualified, don't you?)

Is it as bad as say torturing and murdering defenseless animals for fun and profit? (Nope.)

Does it really effect the politics of his state? (If it did that would be seriously pathetic, even for California.)

So he did something dumb which means I question his judgement, not his worth as a human being. Seriously, if you liked him before this you will probably still like him. (Unless you are so squeaky clean that you think you have never done anything dumb in your life then I will be happy to ask you to give me some of whatever you've been doing because I need some!)

If you disliked him before then you have something else to whine about. (Just for the love of the Flying Spaghetti Monster please don't tell me about it. I hear enough crying from my one month old.)

But would I like to see him do more films like the Terminator?

Hell yeah!

He did a pretty good job in those films and also if anyone is worried about him looking too old you should know that they have the ability to de-age Jeff Bridges which is no mean feat! (Check out Tron Legacy, it rocked!)

So long as he is in shape for the role I see no real issue. I have found that the world is full of twits, and that the media for the most part is the central nexus of twitdom. And you can tweet me on that.

In closing I'd like to thank Arnold Schwarzenegger for providing us with hours of entertainment. (No Kindergarten Cop and Twins and Junior DO NOT COUNT!)

Let's hope he doesn't do anything else pants-on-head-retarded anytime soon.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
ReiverCorrupter said:
ZeroMachine said:
voorhees123 said:
What bullshit. Funny how people that cheat on there partners turn into family men fighting for there relationship when they are caught out? Him playing a terminator or whatever has no effect on his life, nor will it effect the movie. He has become the stereotypical terminator and him cheating on his wife wont stop that movie becoming a hit. Could alway make him a digital terminator like in the last movie. :)
It's more that his face will be less marketable at the moment. I know it sounds stupid, but I know a LOT of people that wouldn't go to see a movie of his because of what he did.
Yeah but these are probably the same people who believe the earth will come to an end tomorrow.
No. They just don't like supporting people that do things against their morals. They're not morons.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
We must remember that poor Arnold is only human. We all have secret love children out there somewhere and none of that has made any of us delay our movie careers, has it?


New member
Feb 25, 2010
YES! There IS a god. That cartoon looked AWFUL. Glad to see at least ONE good thing came out of this. Hopefully a new Terminator will be made, at least.

As for the whole scandal itself, I am of the same opinion of this as I am of the Tiger Woods and Bill Clinton scandals: Yeah, that's not a good thing he did, but why do any of you CARE? The only person who this ultimately matters to is Arnold and his wife. Lets just leave it at that.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
I'd be making a movie if I was him... I mean... she's tearing half of what he owns right from underhim... Likely- unless he was smart enough to get a prenup... and a gag order so she can't just write a book.


New member
Jun 4, 2010
ZeroMachine said:
ReiverCorrupter said:
ZeroMachine said:
voorhees123 said:
What bullshit. Funny how people that cheat on there partners turn into family men fighting for there relationship when they are caught out? Him playing a terminator or whatever has no effect on his life, nor will it effect the movie. He has become the stereotypical terminator and him cheating on his wife wont stop that movie becoming a hit. Could alway make him a digital terminator like in the last movie. :)
It's more that his face will be less marketable at the moment. I know it sounds stupid, but I know a LOT of people that wouldn't go to see a movie of his because of what he did.
Yeah but these are probably the same people who believe the earth will come to an end tomorrow.
No. They just don't like supporting people that do things against their morals. They're not morons.
I never said they were morons. ;p

Obvious sarcasm and hyperbole aside, by your logic they should hate most movie stars. Johnny Depp refuses to get married and is therefore living in sin. Robert Downey Jr. was a drug addict too. Honestly I find people strange who reject public figures based upon their personal lives, maybe the people they should be really ashamed of are themselves for invading the private lives of public figures.



New member
Jun 4, 2010
Plurralbles said:
I'd be making a movie if I was him... I mean... she's tearing half of what he owns right from underhim... Likely- unless he was smart enough to get a prenup... and a gag order so she can't just write a book.
That would be a bad move on her part. She's a democrat and he's a republican so it would become a political imbroglio. I'm sure Fox news would find some way to twist it around.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Well so much for seeing him in the next Expendables. Sigh.
But when something like this comes up, it does require full attention. I hope he does what's right for the kid, and that the mother isn't just being a gold-digger. Though odds are in favor of that happening.
Why do I see someone out there thinking this would make a great reality show?
Ugh, I just had to think that. I need to go put my head in the oven.


Terrible Person
Oct 18, 2010
Oh come on! Yeah, it might put a damper on that hilariously stupid Governator idea, but you're going to stop acting over one harmless skeleton in your closet? This isn't a Mel Gibson deal where you've been revealed to be a batshit monster behind closed doors, this is a scenario dozens of other celebrities, politicians, world leaders, and whatnot go through. Most of us aren't going to decide against a Terminator film because of secret love affairs. In short, your love affairs are your business, the entertainment ones are ours. And we want more Arnold.


New member
May 15, 2010
Wow . so he Stuck his {explicative} somehere it apparently didnt belong ? Oh my goodness , this has never happened before, its such a shock. its a put everything on hold kind of situation..
No it isnt.

Ghengis John

New member
Dec 16, 2007
Schwarzenegger had planned to star in properties such as a new Terminator film and a superhero cartoon/comic book called Governator. Unfortunately, a wrench was recently thrown in the works when it was revealed that he fathered a love child while married to current wife Maria Shriver. The two have separated over the scandal.
Wow Arnie, way to go out on a high note.

Wolfenbarg said:
Oh come on! Yeah, it might put a damper on that hilariously stupid Governator idea, but you're going to stop acting over one harmless skeleton in your closet? This isn't a Mel Gibson deal where you've been revealed to be a batshit monster behind closed doors, this is a scenario dozens of other celebrities, politicians, world leaders, and whatnot go through. Most of us aren't going to decide against a Terminator film because of secret love affairs. In short, your love affairs are your business, the entertainment ones are ours. And we want more Arnold.
How is this not worse than Mel Gibson? Mel held an opinion that could reasonably be explained as "he'd taken a lot of flak for passion of the christ." Meanwhile you can stack that against adultery and a hidden, illegitimate child. You're saying words speak louder than actions. For most people, that's just not so.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Smiles said:
while those sound cool, isn't he kinda old to be doing that sort of thing?
Well, he's young enough to be fathering love children while married to a not-unattractive woman, so make of that what you will.

Anyway, I suppose this is all for the best. Not only was that cartoon unbearably uninspired, but the Terminator franchise was kicked in the groin by T3 and then shot in the head by Salvation, so maybe (as with The Matrix) we should all just agree that the last two movies never happened and the line needs no more follow-ups.


New member
Mar 21, 2008
Tom Goldman said:
a wrench was recently thrown in the works when it was revealed that he fathered a love child while married to current wife Maria Shriver.
It's ok Tom. You're in big boy press. You can say "bastard" when it refers to an illegitimate child.

Logic 0

New member
Aug 28, 2009
Will he still be coming to edmonton in october to give a speech about ambition?


New member
Jul 30, 2008
His True Lies cost him his marriage, and because of this, his career has been Terminated. He just needs a Total Recall of his acting days, so he can just get over the Collateral Damage caused by his poor judgement. It's not like it's The End of Days for him.