Schwarzenegger Signs On for The Legend of Conan


New member
Jan 25, 2009
Im actually really happy about this, Arnold was the star basically all my favourite action movies, i just want more of the style only he can seem to bring to movies when doing it solo.


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Sep 8, 2008
Marter said:

Why couldn't we try to use that reboot that happened just last year? At least try to make it work? Y'know, that thing that money was put into and stuff? And it was kinda fun?

Fine. Let's have a 70-year-old play a shirtless action hero.
BURN THE WITCH! Arnie is the one true Conan!

Ah who am I kidding, it'll be shocking. Could they not have gotten anyone else for the script? But then again I'll just be happy watching Arnie smash heads again, speaking of which I may have to go watch the original again.


New member
Dec 29, 2010
Fasckira said:
If they could make it more in line with Discworld's Cohen the Barbarian that'd be just shiny.

(For those not in the know, Cohen is a deliberate parody of Conan. It covers what his life would be like if he was never killed in battle and just kept winning all his epic adventures...)
I was just about to post very much this (although awesome picture! thanks).

They should totally get Pratchett to write it. I'd love to see Arnie as a genuine old barbarian hero in the Cohen vein. But I'm not sure he's enough of an actual actor to pull it off.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
If they script and plan this right, it could be a great way to end Schwarzeneggers Conan. I'm guessing John Milius wants nothing to do with directing this


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Marter said:

Why couldn't we try to use that reboot that happened just last year? At least try to make it work? Y'know, that thing that money was put into and stuff? And it was kinda fun?

Fine. Let's have a 70-year-old play a shirtless action hero.
Indeed, the remake wasn't as good as Scharzenegger's original movie, but it was pretty entertaining and competent in what it attempted to achieve, fixing it with a sequel would be easy. In my opinion the main problem was the huge amount of events happening all of a suuden, I mean, one second they're fighting in a boat, the next they are already fighting in a island, don't get me wrong, I think the movie SHOULD be short as it was, but it should do a bit less in terms of the speed of the action, yeah too much fast-paced action. But it WAS a good movie nonetheless, and no one who knows Conan should be complaining about that movie, because, heck it's Conan, you can't expect Shakesperian themes, might even ruin the movie's goal.

Anyway, I hated two things in the news about a remake:
1. It says Conan is a Nordic Viking guy, at this point my face twitched but I said to myself "it's a figure of speech, after all, if Conan can be compared to real life warriors, it would be from some viking tribe"
2. All hopes were lost when this dude starts talking about "Conan waiting for one final battle before he reaches the gates of Valhalla", granted, it might be a figure of speech, but... It doesn't seem like it now... Conan is a Cimmerian, his time came, according to lore, after the fall of Atlantis and before the rise of civilizations such as Greece, THERE WERE NO VIKINGS, it's a mythical time to leave an open universe of civilizations unknown to us, sorta like a lost link. It makes no sense to talk about Valhalla. I fear this guy has never read the pulp fiction, I fear all he ever did was watch the movies and look at a few comic book covers...

I'm all up for a movie with an elder king Conan, the first pulp fiction (The Phoenix in the Sword) had him in that position: already a King and an old man, frustrated for he had conquered so much there weren't many battles anymore, one night an assassin invades the caste to kill him or something and he responds by fighting with this magical sword that holds a phoenix inside of it. And then it ends, it's less than 30 pages of story and obviously one would need to radically change that story or come up with a n ew, it barely worked on the book, let alone an adaptation. Anyway, I enjoy the idea of an old Conan, pissed of like a cimmerian Clint Eastwood, but... Respect the lore, he's no viking, he was a barbarian and a pirate, and many other things, but the "viking" culture, the ancient lore of the people of Denmark, Iceland, etc, it doesn't apply for Conan, they're not the same people...


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Dec 5, 2008
"After the original seminal movie, all that came after looked silly to me," Morgan said.
...Wait... sillier than James Earl Jones straightening a snake? Seriously?

Oh, and Arnold? Jason Momoa is at the door with a broadsword, and apparently he'd like a word.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Opellulo said:
Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if that was a good movie or bad. Why we saw it, or why we liked it. All that matters is that movie stood against many sequels. That's what's important! Valor pleases you, Crom... so grant me one request. Grant me it won?t suck! And if you do not listen, then the HELL with you!
You must teach me your ways O' Great One.

On Topic: I think this is a great idea. I've seen the Conan movies a dozen times a piece (asides the abortion we got last year. Sorry Jason Momoa, but your talents were squandered on that piece of shit). And the one thought that always ran through my mind was "this story deserves to be continued, and it deserves to be finished," I'm just so glad that the story might finally be served the sequel it has been waiting for, and the pieces do appear to be falling into place for one fantastic movie.

Albino Boo

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Jun 14, 2010
el_kabong said:
OT: While I do love the original Conan movie (and the recent reboot was functional, but not great), I predict disaster for this movie. The problem is that the original team behind Conan the Barbarian (including Oliver Stone) had a very distinct and intriguing way of portraying this character. All subsequent attempts to capture the same magic on screen have largely failed because it's entirely too easy to go into the realm of terrible campiness.
Sorry to disappoint you but the script has been leaked. An ageing Conan realises that the whole big swords and shirtless think is just over compensation and finlay comes out as gay. He tries to marry his boyfriend (played by Justin Bieber) but the kingdom falls into civil war over gay marriage. Conan challenges the baddies to drag off which he wins with the help of the scissor sisters. Conan and his husband live happily ever after.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
What is best in life?

To cripple your political career, have extramarital affairs, and hear the lamentations of the women you owe child support.
Dec 16, 2009
RandV80 said:
Remains to be seen if it will be good or not but unlike the usual backlash you get from remakes and unnecessary sequels this actually kind of works. The original Conan the Barbarian movie ended with a bit of foreshadowing showing Conan sitting on a throne, and the opening narrator proclaimed him destined to wear a crown, or to quote something like "destined to wear the jeweled crown of Aqualonious upon a troubled brow". This is one 80's action flick where where you can actually star Arnie and have him play his actual age, playing the role of an aging king.
sums up my feelings well. with all the pointless reboots, sequels and nostalgia cash ins, its nice to see something that has the potetial to work if done right.
plus i'm over the moon to see the Schwarzennegger doing what he does best


Oct 5, 2011
United States
So here's an important question, is this going to be a serious Arnold movie (Terminator, Terminator 2 and Total Recall) or a silly Arnold movie (everything else)

Storm Dragon

New member
Nov 29, 2011
008Zulu said:
I liked the 2011 Conan movie. It was reminiscent of the 80's action movies, the ones you know weren't serious but presented themselves as if they were.
I liked the 2011 Conan too. It was very different from the original (which I also liked), meaning that it didn't feel like a pointless retread of old ground. And I loved how the villain's base was a ship on wheels pulled across the ground by teams of slaves. You know that the main reason he did that was just because he could.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
I actually kind of like this news. I am cautiously optimistic. Thank Crom they abandoned the reboot!


New member
Apr 25, 2008
I'd rather see them do another Conan movie with Jason Momoa, to be honest. He looked a lot more like the Conan described in the books. Yes, Arnold had the "massive thews" and such, but Conan was also always described as being fast, blindingly quick. Comparisons were regularly made to stalking cats and other predators. Arnold never had that, at the best of times he came off as slow and lumbering. Momoa had the strong build, plus he got the whole lethal speed and grace thing down pretty well too.

Another aspect of the character that Arnold failed to capture at all was that Conan was a genius level intelligence. He was very, very smart. Not terribly scholarly (though Howard did describe him as having learned from scholars and sages) but with more raw intelligence than most anyone around him. Arnold always came off as being a really dumb barbarian type, slow in mind as well as body. I though Momoa captured the mental speed of Conan as well.

If Momoa had only been given something good to work with, the reboot could have been incredible. Instead, they gave him garbage. How you completely fail to make an interesting movie using Conan I will never understand. The screenplays are practically already written, and they are great! Don't want to use Howard's stuff directly? There are decades of comics, such as the Savage Sword of Conan series, to work with. The movie should have written itself, and it should have been great. Trust Hollywood to frak up even an epic story like that.

This is one movie I'm afraid I won't be looking forward to, and I'm one of the biggest Conan fans I know.


Dec 16, 2011
I'm having a ***** of a time finding which one it is but one of the older Conan books was about him in his sixties going off on an adventure where he fought the remains of the Atlantian culture.

Remember it being pretty good and the old Conan thing working well there so why not with this as well? Besides Arnold's gotten quite a bit better at the acting or for that matter spoken english thing since when they made the first one.


I love this highway!
Nov 21, 2011
Damnit, now I wanna play Age of Conan again!

That reminds me that I still have to see the 2011 remake. I also just remembered that I wanted to read R.E. Howards stories about Conan which will have to wait until I finished re-reading Frank Herbert's Dune series and a collection of H.P. Lovecraft's best short stories (fittingly named Necronomicon). So much to do, so little time...

Fanghawk said:
"The original ended with Arnold on the throne as a seasoned warrior, and this is the take of the film we will make," producer Fredrik Malmberg explains. "It's that Nordic Viking mythic guy who has played the role of king, warrior, soldier and mercenary, and who has bedded more women than anyone, nearing the last cycle of his life. He knows he'll be going to Valhalla, and wants to go out with a good battle."
I think the producer confused Conan with this guy