Oh please. A few rodents being used for legitimate medical experimentation in no way justifies attempted bombings of labs(because thankfully most animal rights terrorists are too moronic to actually succeed), attacking scientists, destroying their homes and other property, digging up the corpses of their family and desecrating the remains, releasing dangerous or damaging to the local eco-system animals from testing labs without any fucking thought to the consequences beyond "ermagerds, Mr Fluffy must be fweeeeeeeee!", or any of the other stupid, monstrous shit these idiots get up to.lSHaDoW-FoXl said:Looks like I made someone angry. Except, anti-vivisectionists and animal rights terrorists have some legitimate justification for their anger, or are you completely blind to the actual suffering that goes on completely unwarranted? I provide a better solution, and one with a more dumber, selfish, and downright vile population that legitimately deserves it. The fact that you even bother to list some people down as a response kind of makes my point. There clearly do exist some people that we can use as opposed to animals. And facetious nature aside, what comes to my mind are criminals. Not robbers and muggers, but the I mean ones that are legitimately guilty of downright heinous crimes - Sociopaths that commit murder because it gives them a legitimate thrill. I win. Saying that it's cruel to test on these people just acknowledges my point on the inhumanity of animal testing, and saying that it isn't provides an alternative to it.Ark of the Covetor said:Hilarious.lSHaDoW-FoXl said:Now if only we were to test this on the scientists then we could save those mice a lot of suffering. Or republicans, I guess that works too.
Personally I'd be happy to end animal testing for good; we should just round up anti-vaxxers, anti-vivisectionists, animal rights terrorists etc and conduct trials on them, then everyone's happy - their precious animals are no longer being "abused by the evil humanocentric scientific-industrial complex, maaaaaan", the general public are still kept safe from debilitating diseases, and scientists don't have to listen to their vacant bitching any more. Win, win, win.
"abused by the evil humanocentric scientific-industrial complex, maaaaaan"
You're not really being funny when you basically try and turn my remark against me (that's just lazy, dude) and then proceed to use a straw-man to represent me. Maaan? Do you honestly think I fit into that kind of group with the things I'm saying? Hippies would probably be more along the lines of "test on no one because it's mean" instead of legitimate anger and resentment that draw on this somewhat ironic form of retribution.
"scientists don't have to listen to their vacant bitching any more"
You don't see any legitimate basis for people to moan about animals being tested on for their entire lives? As opposed to people that have legitimate concerns and criticisms of an unethical practice you make a far greater example. Maybe after we fill you up with enough drugs you'll learn a thing or two about compassion.
What's truly depressing is that you can stand there and take a bit of dark humour and actually advocate forced invasive medical testing on human beings. No. Despite how fucking stupid I think they are, I would not even advocate forced testing on animal rights idiots, even the ones who set fire to my good friend's garage while he, his wife, and his two young children were asleep in the adjoining house, because I value human life, and even the shittiest criminals have the potential, however small, to reform. Animal testing should be minimised, it should be done as humanely as possible, and it should have continual ethical oversight - and guess what, it does and has all of those things - but at the end of the day, if a thousand thousand mice or whatever have to die to develop a cure that will save potentially millions of human lives or ease the suffering of sentient human beings, that's a price worth paying.
Also, I hope you have never once taken even so much as an asprin or visited your local doctor to see to a cough or, congratulations, you're a massive hypocrite because virtually every medical treatment and technique in use today was tested on animals at some point, often in far crueler and less restrictive manner than is practiced today.