Malygris said:
I'm obviously not one to be too critical of kids who want to blow their holidays playing videogames (I've done it myself a few times) and obviously this isn't for everyone, but all in all I think it's a pretty cool idea. It's good to put the controller down every now and then and do something else for awhile, and a holiday stay at the Crieff Hydro should certainly qualify as one of those times.
I agree 100% with you, Andy. I'm 19 now and during the summer holidays this year, while I was home from university, I went to Cornwall (UK) for a week with my family. I used the internet once in that week, and that was only because I needed to check up on part-time job interviews. Gaming is a good hobby, and for me, hopefully a potential career. But when you're on holiday, you're better off doing something outdoors or being social. In Cornwall, I went to the Eden Project, the Tate St. Ives art gallery, various beaches and attractions, and so on. Gaming is good for spare time, but the Crieff Hydro has a great idea here by essentially making sure kids get the most out of their holiday. You can play games plenty at home. On holiday, it's a time to enjoy yourself, see the sights and attractions, and have fun that doesn't revolve around a virtual world, after all