SCOTUS Actually Played "Violent Video Games" Before Ruling On Them


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Strazdas said:
not to mention that when xbone was revealedl ike 80% of people on the escapist got onto thier soapboxes and shouted that they have no internet at all (ironically posting that on the internet).
Not having a constantly stable, broadband connection does not mean you don't have internet at all, ever.

OT: Good on them, but yeah, really weird that they don't use email? I'm guessing that's taken out of context and was meant as a joke.

PS: Love how captcha accepts "fuck off" when it asks me to describe various brands


New member
Oct 14, 2009
TheAmazingHobo said:
That´s a weird simile.
I'm famed for 'em.

TheAmazingHobo said:
It´s not like they believe that email doesn´t exists or assume it´s powered by shoving kittens through pipes. They apparently simply don´t use it.
Which, in the modern world - particularly for people who have the power to make decisions which will effect millions of people - is like claiming you don't speak because you prefer to communicate through cave painting. Given how often people like to claim politicians and lawmakers are out-of-touch, you'd think point one on the agenda would be "get the fuck in touch" and start acting like part of the modern world.

TheAmazingHobo said:
Couple of years ago, I worked for a Prof. who never used email either. His staff did, as did his secretary, so it´s not like he was hard to reach or missed out on anything. I assume a SCOTUS judge would be in a similar situation.
Was your professor responsible for understanding and ruling on the modern world?

Gearhead mk2

New member
Aug 1, 2011
Good to see them actually sitting down and trying the medium out for themselves instead of just declaring it all evil. Someone give them Spec Ops The Line. As for the e-mail thing, I don't use my email much either. I just chat to my mates on Xbox Live or Steam.

Also, Supreme Court LP's. Now.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Strazdas said:
i check escapist at least 10 times more often than email.
But you do check your email. You accept it as a valuable, useful tool for interacting with the world and you have signed up for at least one, probably more, email address. That's very different from "meh, we don't use it", isn't it?

Also, without meaning any offense, you're vastly less important than a member of the Supreme Court. Hell, it's right there in the name; supreme. If they're so out of touch that they don't even use one of the most everyday, popular forms of communication, what else aren't they using? What else don't they know about?

Strazdas said:
not to mention that when xbone was revealedl ike 80% of people on the escapist got onto thier soapboxes and shouted that they have no internet at all (ironically posting that on the internet).
Really? I remember a lot of people saying it would suck for people with no internet, or complaining that their internet was not very reliable, or that a console which required internet access was a broken console, but not one person saying they didn't have internet at all.


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
SonicWaffle said:
TheAmazingHobo said:
It´s not like they believe that email doesn´t exists or assume it´s powered by shoving kittens through pipes. They apparently simply don´t use it.
Which, in the modern world - particularly for people who have the power to make decisions which will effect millions of people - is like claiming you don't speak because you prefer to communicate through cave painting. Given how often people like to claim politicians and lawmakers are out-of-touch, you'd think point one on the agenda would be "get the fuck in touch" and start acting like part of the modern world.
But see, here's the thing: The Supreme Court is meant to be a very secretive "Clique". Once they go into a room to decide on a ruling, they're in their by themselves. The only people near them are guards standing outside their sound-proof door. What would they do with email, given that they're meant to be a secretive as humanly possible? Is Justice Kagen going to be emailing her friends saying "Yeah, I'm gonna rule in favor of Gay Marriage"? The problem with Email is that it is meant for communication, but the Supreme Court cannot communicate until they have officially declared a verdict. It makes sense for them to not have email, and I'm sure many of these Justices use Email on their own time.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
SonicWaffle said:
Robot Number V said:
Yeah, all I took away from this is the Supreme MOTHERFUCKING Court still doesn't use email. The technology is at LEAST 20 years old. (Probably. I was born in 1991, OK?). I get that they're old, but maybe if they can't keep up with, you know, modern society, they should've retired by now.
Yeah, that's pretty fucking depressing. Good on them for their approach to this, and for returning and intelligent result, but not using emails?

How many of the people whose lives they affect no longer even think about email because it's as much a part of their day as showering or a morning coffee? I have in my pocket a device which is connected to three of the email accounts I keep for various purposes. It's sorta like saying your Supreme Court believes that diseases are caused by the tiny invisible demons lurking in bad meat; if you're that far behind the rest of the world, what right have you go to rule over others?
It explains a lot of the laws we have on the books with regards to things like software patents. That and catering to big money interests. Kudos for them for not like ruling on the case with out any exposure to the medium though.

Hero in a half shell

It's not easy being green
Dec 30, 2009
JenSeven said:
"Kind of hilarious" for a "violent video game"? Anyone else thinking they played a few Saints Row games?
I know exactly what they played:

But seriously, I love that they took a proper hands on approach to this, and seeing a group of the most powerful people huddled around a screen trying to play COD/GTA/whatever would be worth it's weight in gold.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Mr.Mattress said:
SonicWaffle said:
TheAmazingHobo said:
It´s not like they believe that email doesn´t exists or assume it´s powered by shoving kittens through pipes. They apparently simply don´t use it.
Which, in the modern world - particularly for people who have the power to make decisions which will effect millions of people - is like claiming you don't speak because you prefer to communicate through cave painting. Given how often people like to claim politicians and lawmakers are out-of-touch, you'd think point one on the agenda would be "get the fuck in touch" and start acting like part of the modern world.
But see, here's the thing: The Supreme Court is meant to be a very secretive "Clique". Once they go into a room to decide on a ruling, they're in their by themselves. The only people near them are guards standing outside their sound-proof door. What would they do with email, given that they're meant to be a secretive as humanly possible? Is Justice Kagen going to be emailing her friends saying "Yeah, I'm gonna rule in favor of Gay Marriage"? The problem with Email is that it is meant for communication, but the Supreme Court cannot communicate until they have officially declared a verdict. It makes sense for them to not have email, and I'm sure many of these Justices use Email on their own time.
Presumably they receive a lot of briefings, a lot of notes, plenty of reading material. The sort of thing most people wouldn't think twice about sending via email. A lot of things to do and read and talk about when they're not in session. Do they still have printouts of every little thing?

Darth Sea Bass

New member
Mar 3, 2009
Good for them they used actual evidence instead of watching fox news for 10 minutes and banning them. Shame politicians in the UK don't do the same instead of letting the daily mail make all their decisions.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
I have to respect people who are like "we have no fucking clue about tech but we will give them a go and then decide". Not only for playing before deciding but for admitting that they aren't exactly the best people to decide 'cos of there lack of knowledge.

I respect people a lot more for saying "I don't know" than acting like they do know, there is no shame in not knowing but it is shameful to act knowledgeable about something you're ignorant about.


New member
Nov 29, 2011
I think you're taking email bit way out of proportion. Some of these judges actually do, some actually don't. Lots of smart people I know (of varying ages) don't have Email or Facebook or whatever by choice even though they are fully aware of it.

Kudos to them for trying it out. I have respect for people willing to give something new a try. With the flurry of rumors and pointed fingers, games need a fair chance like this to assessed properly.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Yuuki said:
Now we just need the retards in Australia to do the same thing.

No, wait, that would just end up with them banning MORE games following the "law of ass backwards".
They already play each game before rating it, but it won't help your quest. They fear the 'dangerous effects of videogame violence and drug use' so much that the review session looks like this:

^Actual picture, not hyperbole (taken from Penny Arcade Report)


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Vrach said:
Strazdas said:
not to mention that when xbone was revealedl ike 80% of people on the escapist got onto thier soapboxes and shouted that they have no internet at all (ironically posting that on the internet).
Not having a constantly stable, broadband connection does not mean you don't have internet at all, ever.

OT: Good on them, but yeah, really weird that they don't use email? I'm guessing that's taken out of context and was meant as a joke.

PS: Love how captcha accepts "fuck off" when it asks me to describe various brands
No, you seem, thse people claimed they dont havei nternet at all, and hat they connect once every few weeks and whatnot. you didnt need constantly stable connection, just one to be able to send a "hello i exist" packet once every 24 hours, but apperently people started claiming their internet constantly goes off for multiple weeks or that most of gamers dont ahve internet at all (which is false, broadbadn coverage is above 60%, if we count older methods its even larger. and out of the 40% thats left we have to realize quite a few are non-gamers who dont care about computers at all. the % for gamers demograpihc would be much better because of inherent thing about them being more tech-savy to begin with.

capcha accepts anything when its brands. i often just type in the brand or "sucks" as i dont know most of them. probably american-specific brands.

SonicWaffle said:
Strazdas said:
i check escapist at least 10 times more often than email.
But you do check your email. You accept it as a valuable, useful tool for interacting with the world and you have signed up for at least one, probably more, email address. That's very different from "meh, we don't use it", isn't it?

Also, without meaning any offense, you're vastly less important than a member of the Supreme Court. Hell, it's right there in the name; supreme. If they're so out of touch that they don't even use one of the most everyday, popular forms of communication, what else aren't they using? What else don't they know about?

Strazdas said:
not to mention that when xbone was revealedl ike 80% of people on the escapist got onto thier soapboxes and shouted that they have no internet at all (ironically posting that on the internet).
Really? I remember a lot of people saying it would suck for people with no internet, or complaining that their internet was not very reliable, or that a console which required internet access was a broken console, but not one person saying they didn't have internet at all.
Yes, but it isnt like you said every day always connected thing. more like "yeah i need to see if something important came up. kinda the same reason i use skype - everyone has it. id be very happy without it. but yes it is a valuable thing.
And of course i am less important. nor do i need to know so many things (like for exampl all the laws) as supreme court. you cant be knowledgable in everything. I mean sure it would be good if they knew at least the basics of most things they judge on. and well, they tried to find out for themselves, which is the while story here.
While not judges specifically, i am an auditor in training, and in essence once(if) i get put up as a "real independant auditor" i woudl essentialy have to go to a company and check whether it works correctly. and that is not only checking the papers. now i dont know every manufacturing way of every company, so how can i check if they are doing it correctly? And this is essentialy the same problem judges face when they dont know the subject. and the answer is simply - specialists. while its getting more popular to have internal auditor, and if its considered trustworthy his opinion is enough (it would be my choice whether to trust him or not really). he does not know everything about auditing, but he knows that sepcific part that his company do well. same for courts, they have specialists. presidents also use ministers for certain parts (lets pretend they actually know what their doing). noone can be knowledgable in everything, even the basics.
As for itnernet i kind of answered to the guy above. people were indeed claiming that they live where there is no internet. remmeber the whole "then they should move to the big city" scandal ech.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Strazdas said:
Yes, but it isnt like you said every day always connected thing. more like "yeah i need to see if something important came up. kinda the same reason i use skype - everyone has it. id be very happy without it. but yes it is a valuable thing.
What makes me laugh is that most of the people in this thread who, like yourself, are saying they don't check their email every day are also saying that they instead use IM, the Escapist or Skype. Discussion and conversational methods which have advanced past the restrictions of email. No, you don't need to check email every day, because your technological usage is already on the next level. What the judge is saying is that she's several steps behind you and she is one of the people responsible for deciding the future of a country. That kind of person should, in terms of social awareness, be several steps ahead of the average person in order to fully understand the modern society they have power over.

Strazdas said:
While not judges specifically, i am an auditor in training, and in essence once(if) i get put up as a "real independant auditor" i woudl essentialy have to go to a company and check whether it works correctly. and that is not only checking the papers.
I'm an accountant, I know what auditing is ;-)

Strazdas said:
now i dont know every manufacturing way of every company, so how can i check if they are doing it correctly? And this is essentialy the same problem judges face when they dont know the subject. and the answer is simply - specialists. while its getting more popular to have internal auditor, and if its considered trustworthy his opinion is enough (it would be my choice whether to trust him or not really). he does not know everything about auditing, but he knows that sepcific part that his company do well. same for courts, they have specialists. presidents also use ministers for certain parts (lets pretend they actually know what their doing). noone can be knowledgable in everything, even the basics.
False analogy. The Supreme Court being technologically behind the population is like you turning up on audit with an abacus, and when offered a calculator laughing sheepishly and saying "Oh, I haven't gotten around to those yet".


The Crazy One
Feb 26, 2010
I believe it was Alito that did most of the "playing", and tried to suade the court to ban video games. If Kagan found any of the violence "amusing" then it would have to be BioShock 1 & 2. Given that she's as far from conservative libertarian as you can get I think she'd find it funny to see how messed up an Ayn Rand utopia would be. Heck I initially thought the game was Ayn Rand propaganda to show off how "utopian" it would be save for these "plasmids", but if you pay attention it was messed up even without the plasmids.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Strazdas said:
Vrach said:
Strazdas said:
not to mention that when xbone was revealedl ike 80% of people on the escapist got onto thier soapboxes and shouted that they have no internet at all (ironically posting that on the internet).
Not having a constantly stable, broadband connection does not mean you don't have internet at all, ever.

OT: Good on them, but yeah, really weird that they don't use email? I'm guessing that's taken out of context and was meant as a joke.

PS: Love how captcha accepts "fuck off" when it asks me to describe various brands
No, you seem, thse people claimed they dont havei nternet at all, and hat they connect once every few weeks and whatnot. you didnt need constantly stable connection, just one to be able to send a "hello i exist" packet once every 24 hours, but apperently people started claiming their internet constantly goes off for multiple weeks or that most of gamers dont ahve internet at all (which is false, broadbadn coverage is above 60%, if we count older methods its even larger. and out of the 40% thats left we have to realize quite a few are non-gamers who dont care about computers at all. the % for gamers demograpihc would be much better because of inherent thing about them being more tech-savy to begin with.
That's the thing though, there is a good possibility of internet going off for a long period of time, it depends where you're from. Personally, in Serbia, even living in the capital, I've had issues myself and know other people who've had week-long internet shortages (got great internet now thankfully, but again, I know others who aren't so lucky)

Even in more developed countries, you have the same issue occasionally, whether it's cause they live in the countryside or in smaller cities (or just in the jurisdiction of a shitty ISP with no alternatives, as is the case in a lot of the US from what I hear). And the whole Xbox argument in my opinion comes down to one thing the same way DRM does - you shouldn't be treated as a criminal for a legitimately owned product or be cut off from your games (for any period of time) for no reason and outside your responsibility.

Anyway, the whole thing's off topic here and I personally don't own or intend to own an Xbox any time soon. Just a thought on the principle of the thing.


New member
Oct 26, 2010
SonicWaffle said:
TheAmazingHobo said:
It´s not like they believe that email doesn´t exists or assume it´s powered by shoving kittens through pipes. They apparently simply don´t use it.
Which, in the modern world - particularly for people who have the power to make decisions which will effect millions of people - is like claiming you don't speak because you prefer to communicate through cave painting.
I yield to your to your obvious proficiency in the field of weird similes. Your fame in this area of verbal fencing is truly well deserved.