Scribblenauts Getting UK-Specific Words


New member
Jul 14, 2009
scifidownbeat said:
The_Oracle said:
Cpt_Oblivious said:
Kollega said:
Holy crumpets! Crikey,guv'nor! *insert some more stereotypical british words here*
Pip Pip! Tally Ho!
Up The Apples & Pears!
Oingo boingo whoopsie knickers?

In all seriousness, though, I wonder just what's the exact number of UK-specific words they're programming into the game. Is our (US) slang that different from theirs (UK) that say, two hundred extra words need to be put in, or is it just a few dozen?
It's probably a lot of words, considering how inferior different the UK lingo is, compared to US English. IMO we should change US English to "American" and leave UK English as "English." For example, "The Brit speaks English and the Yank speaks American."

Wot wot, bloody 'ell, right-o, brilliant!

[sup]What the crap am I saying??[/sup]
I will put a fag in your eye. xD

But yes, I agree, so we don't have to speak the same, horrible lanuange. -Spits out bile-

I'm just kidding. -Sets dogs on you-

But yes, IDK if it's good or not, I've got so used to using American slang it's like...Goddd, WTF so I put in?

BTW, I checked the list, how the hell did they buy the rights to master Chief!? And yet no Freeman!
Feb 13, 2008
Lvl 64 Klutz said:
There needs to be regional versions in the US too for that matter. After moving to Massachusetts, I can't tell you how frustrating it was to find a drinking fountain since I refused to call them "bubblers" (still the stupidest piece of New England jargon there is.)
If we're going that far, regional versions for the UK should be in there as well so you can tell your cob from your bap from your roll from your barn brack.
Keane Ng said:
Really, what is the point of that "U"? You guys and your excessive vowels.
Says the man with a surname that sounds like straining on the loo. :)


New member
Jan 13, 2009
Well I kind of Imported Scribblenauts so I doubt this concerns Me

HURRY UP PLAY ASIA SVENPARTY WANT HIS SCRIBBLENAUTS(a term I never really understood what is a scribblenaut)


New member
Mar 17, 2009
cool, i may import that version for fun

EDIT: but what about Canada, we spell colour with a U and other things i think

The Kangaroo

New member
Feb 24, 2009
Svenparty said:
Well I kind of Imported Scribblenauts so I doubt this concerns Me

HURRY UP PLAY ASIA SVENPARTY WANT HIS SCRIBBLENAUTS(a term I never really understood what is a scribblenaut)
*growls* Sven

cookie for reference

Rogue 9

I, Jedi
Jun 22, 2008
To Quote Buffy and Giles:

"Speak English, not whatever they speak in..."

I hope this applies to the Australian release too, since i dislike having to write color or armor as well. (yay for extra vowels!)


Not Dead Yet
Jan 7, 2009
The_Oracle said:
In all seriousness, though, I wonder just what's the exact number of UK-specific words they're programming into the game. Is our (US) slang that different from theirs (UK) that say, two hundred extra words need to be put in, or is it just a few dozen?
Most of it's probably just spelling changes such as color to colour etc.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Keane Ng said:
Really, what is the point of that "U"? You guys and your excessive vowels.
Says the man with a surname that sounds like straining on the loo. :)
Should we just start calling him Keane HNNNNNGGGGG?

WhiteTiger225 said:
Simalacrum said:
Eldritch Warlord said:
Simalacrum said:
does that mean that we won't have to do your stupid way of spelling "colour"? huzzar!

Also, come to think of it, how is this game meant to work in non-English speaking countries??? its only just occured to me :S
Don't you mean "Huzzah!". Cazy misspelling Brits.

Also, lots of tedious localization is how it will work.
I now declare you my public nemesis, yankee!
Dang redcoats! TO ARMS! TO ARMS!
Why yes, the people of England do indeed have a pair of arms, but I don't see any reason to shout about it.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
randommaster said:
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Keane Ng said:
Really, what is the point of that "U"? You guys and your excessive vowels.
Says the man with a surname that sounds like straining on the loo. :)
Should we just start calling him Keane HNNNNNGGGGG?

WhiteTiger225 said:
Simalacrum said:
Eldritch Warlord said:
Simalacrum said:
does that mean that we won't have to do your stupid way of spelling "colour"? huzzar!

Also, come to think of it, how is this game meant to work in non-English speaking countries??? its only just occured to me :S
Don't you mean "Huzzah!". Cazy misspelling Brits.

Also, lots of tedious localization is how it will work.
I now declare you my public nemesis, yankee!
Dang redcoats! TO ARMS! TO ARMS!
Why yes, the people of England do indeed have a pair of arms, but I don't see any reason to shout about it.
1. To quote eddie izzard. "The US spells throu as "Throu" and I have to agree, unlike the English way of spelling it. "okay Throu, T, H, R, O, U.. and lets put a G there!" a G!?" "Yes! Silent G! Incase of any mishaps!" "Fine.." And an H! Incase any 'Herbs' (Pronounced in the US as 'erb) come around!" "Now wait just a minute!-" "And an R and a Z and a Q and an X! There! It's a word thats worth 300 points in scrabble!"

2. I do! You freaks and your well done health care system, breathing all the unhealthy man's air!


New member
Sep 10, 2008
WhiteTiger225 said:
randommaster said:
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Keane Ng said:
Really, what is the point of that "U"? You guys and your excessive vowels.
Says the man with a surname that sounds like straining on the loo. :)
Should we just start calling him Keane HNNNNNGGGGG?

WhiteTiger225 said:
Simalacrum said:
Eldritch Warlord said:
Simalacrum said:
does that mean that we won't have to do your stupid way of spelling "colour"? huzzar!

Also, come to think of it, how is this game meant to work in non-English speaking countries??? its only just occured to me :S
Don't you mean "Huzzah!". Cazy misspelling Brits.

Also, lots of tedious localization is how it will work.
I now declare you my public nemesis, yankee!
Dang redcoats! TO ARMS! TO ARMS!
Why yes, the people of England do indeed have a pair of arms, but I don't see any reason to shout about it.
1. To quote eddie izzard. "The US spells throu as "Throu" and I have to agree, unlike the English way of spelling it. "okay Throu, T, H, R, O, U.. and lets put a G there!" a G!?" "Yes! Silent G! Incase of any mishaps!" "Fine.." And an H! Incase any 'Herbs' (Pronounced in the US as 'erb) come around!" "Now wait just a minute!-" "And an R and a Z and a Q and an X! There! It's a word thats worth 300 points in scrabble!"

2. I do! You freaks and your well done health care system, breathing all the unhealthy man's air!
Wait, what? are you replying to me?


New member
Jul 11, 2008
I bet there isn't an option to summon two world wars and one world cup into existence, thus it can never be truly British.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Keane Ng said:
Simalacrum said:
does that mean that we won't have to do your stupid way of spelling "colour"? huzzar!
Really, what is the point of that "U"? You guys and your excessive vowels.
You yanks and your excessive consonants.

Hurray I won't have to spell humour as humor!!! or colour as color or underwear as pants!!!


New member
Apr 12, 2008
This is horrible, I speak in spanglish twenty four seven.

I took and passed the AP english language exam and I didnt even know that the word bassanet existed until two days ago. This is goign to be sheer hell...


New member
Apr 12, 2008
The Dr Jack said:
Kollega said:
Holy crumpets! Crikey,guv'nor! *insert some more stereotypical british words here*
Those are stereotypical ENGLISH phrases.

I'm Scottish. We don't say that here. I wonder if it will know what tatties are.
Are they anything like tetas? Cause I dont think those would be very helpfull in the game.