Second Sandy Hook Shooter Ceasefire Planned For Dec 21st


New member
Oct 19, 2009
Second Sandy Hook Shooter Ceasefire Planned For Dec 21st

GamerFitNation's asking for your support, for another day of virtual non-violence.

GamerFitNation's organizing another shooter cease fire [], in memory of Sandy Hook. Last time it did this, more than 3,000 people participated, and stopped playing shooters for a day. Now Antwand Pearman's hoping to make it an annual event.

"We decided to do it again this year because there have been lots of issues with gun violence," says Pearman, "so we wanted to make it an annual event in remembrance of those who lost their lives to violence." The Facebook campaign [] asks participants to get involved from 12am Friday/Saturday night to 12am the following day, and to spread the word via social networks with the hashtag #OSCeaseFire.

It's been argued that organizing an event like this inadvertently links violence in games with violence in the real world but, as the real world has demonstrated again [], people incorrectly make that link whether we like it or not.

"It's about us as gamers coming together to do something positive," says Pearman. "I'm not worried or concerned. I feel like we should just do something because it's right, not because it's politically-correct."

Source: Polygon []



New member
Apr 15, 2009
Sgt. Sykes said:
Please post your best ideas about what to play instead of 'violent' shooters for that day.

I'm thinking Carmageddon.
We could play God of War. Or Ryse if you have the stomach for that kind of thing. :D


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat šŸ
Mar 31, 2010
"It's about us as gamers coming together to do something positive," says Pearman. "I'm not worried or concerned. I feel like we should just do something because it's right, not because it's politically-correct."
To be the devil's advocate though, what positive effect will this ceasefire have? This reminds me of the infamous "change your FB profile pic to a cartoon character for a day to show you're against child abuse" from a few years back, any reasonable person is against gun violence or child abuse so there isn't much point making a symbolic stand against it. Better even a fraction of those people take actions that could actually benefit people in the real world, such as donating money to charity or writing to their local representatives in favour of tougher legalisation.


Elite Member
Jun 21, 2012
This is simply ridiculous. Are we going to avoid games with explosions because of the Boston bombing too? Boycott flight sims once a year for 9/11? I mean I'd be all for this if it raised money for charity or something but it does not appear to.

Perhaps I'm being too cynical. Just let them have their little pointless event if it makes them feel better I suppose.


Lord of the Salt
Mar 29, 2012
This..... is...... repulsive. Yes, stupid people like to link real life violence to video game violence where no actual connection exists, but you DON'T HAVE TO VALIDATE THEM! There is nothing positive about saying "To honor their memory, we are going to not play a certain type of game that actually had nothing to do with the incident but people like to scapegoat it."

You want a real memorium to commemorate the Sandy hook tragedy? Get out there and ask people to remember that while the 2nd Amendment gives you the right to bear arms, you should still respect them and act with the responsibility placed on those that exercise that right.

There are so many things about this country that bother me, but the worst are people that claim freedoms and rights without recognizing that freedom is a responsibility, and instead treat them as a licence to act like children.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Fuck this. This entire thing is the result of a few idiots who still believe that video games make people violent. You want to show support, then do something that actually changes things for the better. Americans always do this. It's always about some symbolic gesture that doesn't actually change anything. It doesn't affect a single snowflake in real life. Because it's easier than doing something real. People should get out there and fuckin' do something about it if they care so much. Like, I don't know, pressuring their senators and governors to push for some fuckin' gun control laws and better mental health support. The US is the only first world country with this issue. No one else in the world is that stupid. Moving away from that place was the best decision of my life.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Sgt. Sykes said:
Please post your best ideas about what to play instead of 'violent' shooters for that day.

I'm thinking Carmageddon.
I'll get on STO, fly around with the USS Mightybeard, blow up ships...


. . . . . . . .
Aug 3, 2013
"It's been argued that organizing an event like this inadvertently links violence in games with violence in the real world but, as the real world has demonstrated again and again and again and again, people incorrectly make that link whether we like it or not."

So you feel idiot stunts like this where you actually give these morons nearsighted views CREDIBILITY will somehow help this issue? I've seen some truly stupid things in my time but this takes the cake.


New member
Jun 28, 2010
Sgt. Sykes said:
Please post your best ideas about what to play instead of 'violent' shooters for that day.
I'll probably go with Manhunt, or maybe a melee-only run of Hotline Miami.

Spaceman Spiff

New member
Sep 23, 2013
I'll fire up New Vegas and use melee weapons instead of guns. I doubt the bad guys will also take a virtual, symbolic, totally meaningful stand against gun violence. Those child-hating, gun-toting bastards.

Mister K

This is our story.
Apr 25, 2011
Spaceman Spiff said:
I'll fire up New Vegas and use melee weapons instead of guns. I doubt the bad guys will also take a virtual, symbolic, totally meaningful stand against gun violence. Those child-hating, gun-toting bastards.
Oooh, good idea. Dont forget to take the "bloody mess" perk (you know, to show that mellee weapons are as gory as firearms).


New member
Oct 23, 2010
No shooters? ok i will go play DEFCON. Nukeing citys and killing millions is ok is it has no guns in it.


New member
Dec 7, 2009
Spaceman Spiff said:
I'll fire up New Vegas and use melee weapons instead of guns. I doubt the bad guys will also take a virtual, symbolic, totally meaningful stand against gun violence. Those child-hating, gun-toting bastards.
Shadow Warrior Ice Axe run here...

OT: I would not be even a little bit surprised to hear this shit was started by the media assholes at CNN or FOX to try and trick gamers into indirectly agreeing there is a (nonexistant) link between games and gun violence, by "standing down" for a day......


New member
Jan 2, 2012
It's things like these that just make Americans seem far too sentimental.

Try stopping gun violence instead of doing stuff like this.


Swamp Weather Balloon Gas
Apr 11, 2011
I appreciate their sentiment to some extent, but the Starbound beta's out, and hell if anybody's gonna stop for that on the barest thread of connection.