I picked this up from Steam on a whim and really, it is the BEST shooter I've played in the past few months at very least. As someone who has no interest in Metal of Blops type games, only a passing interest in Counter Strike and only like TF2 before it became a vending machine, I'm not the typical "modern" shooter player. Borderlands was a high point for me, as was Global Agenda that manages to do MMOShooter better than most MMOs do MMO and Shooters do Shooter, all while costing nearly NOTHING. I'm also an old school fan of Tribes and Planetside.
Section 8
rejudice served to show how absolutely lacking Brink had been. With the exception of GFWL, its near perfect for what it is. Sure, the story is the standard Gears of Halo redux but it isn't done badly, and the gameplay is fantastic. Customization comes in that you can select your guns, their ammo, and a handful of utilities, along with your stat points - this being more meaningful customization than other games. There's a full featured single campaign as well as multiple multiplayer (and Co-Op) modes, vehicles, drop-ins, sprint and jetpack etc... for $15! Its well worth your time and is priced exactly right.