So that's why I am having such a laugh at all of this. I'm in college for IT security. I guess this means I'll have a job open to me when I finish.
It sucks to see customers of these business suffer, and I know it doesn't seem like it, but trust me when I say it's for the greater good. Wouldn't you rather know your data is secure rather than trust a company that doesn't even have an operating firewall? I know I would.
Take this with a grain of salt if you must, but there are a few easy ways to protect yourself from hackers even when these companies can't.
Step 1: Always use HTTPS in your browser rather than HTTP. Most sites don't use SSL certificates (which is retarded, sorry Escapist, looking at you), but utilizing the sites that do use them is best.
Step 2: NEVER, I repeat, NEVER use your day to day credit card for online transactions, ever. Go out and get a prepaid credit card if you must purchase something online.
Step 3: I wouldn't trust online banking with my name, let alone my account numbers. Avoid it at all costs. If you must use it, only use it at home (you never know who is running Wireshark over wifi), but don't expect these banks to keep your data safe.
Only YOU can protect YOU. If you think all of these companies give a fuck about anything more than their bottom line, you are delusional.