Sega Loses $50 Million in Three Months


New member
Jan 3, 2010
What the hell is wrong with sonics face in the article? o_o

Also, fire the sonic team, they are only wasting your money at this point sega.


Aug 27, 2010
Sega, let me help you.
Step one: Give the Sonic IP to someone else than Sonic Team.
Step two: Make sequels to Vanquish, Bayonetta, Crazy taxi, Valkyria chronicles (NOT on the PSP) and some of your best JRPGs.
Step three: Let Nintendo buy you. Failing that, sell them the sonic IP.
Step four: Profit!

There is another, less classy way as well:
Step one: Make all your devs each make a Sonic game, and only give them 3 months to do it.
Step two: Release 20 sonic games a year.
Step three: Profit!

I wonder how much Sonic actually does for them. It's a recognizable franchise and it probably sells regardless of quality, I just wonder how much. I do think it would fetch a high price from Nintendo and that they could make it good again.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
Gindil said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
They won't stop with Sonic. They SHOULDN'T stop with Sonic, from a financial perspective, at least. It's one of their few profitable series.

So, they aren't doing it ALL wrong.

Shadow the Hedgehog
Werewolf Sonic
Sonic as a sword swinging knight...

No, they really need to stop beating him further into the ground. Sonic needs a vacation.
But Sonic Colors sold over 2 million copies. Running it into the ground makes them money, sorry.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
koroem said:
Here is an idea sega. Stop making Sonic games.
Well... Finish legacy... Make another saying it'll be the last sonic game, wait for everyone to start missing sonic, then make 4 more games

idk ask the idiots at mirosoft

Rodrigo Girao

New member
May 13, 2011
Sega has tons of abandoned franchises from the Sat/DC eras that they could use, rather than keep milking Sonic to death.

Low Key

New member
May 7, 2009
Sega is fixated on one franchise. I don't get why they constantly re-release the same shit over and over again and expect people to buy it. Who do they think they are? Activision?



Sep 12, 2008
I think they're just trying to kill themselves. Make some damn Phantasy Star games, and Shenmue 3. License out some of your titles for remakes.


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Grey Carter said:
President and CEO Satoru Iwata took a 50% pay cut [] in response to Nintendo going from insanely profitable to merely quite profitable.
Umm. No. Nintendo's stock is at an all-time low and it reported a [a href=""]loss[/a] last year, not a profit. $290,million by this time, in fact, due to the value of the Yen and poor software sales on the Wii. With the 3DS doing so poorly they're probably reporting a much larger loss.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
TheNaut131 said:
Salad Is Murder said:
No, they should stop with Sonic...that well is truly dry.
After Sonic Generations, they should put Sonic away for a few years and perhaps let Sonic Team try something different. Anyone here remember Billy Hatcher? It wasn't the best game ever, but hell it was pretty good in my book. It was also the last time Sonic Team tried something different.
Billy hatcher, Ristar, vectorman, Alex kidd? There's quite a few games they could give a boost too even some failed choices could work with some thoughful reinvention like Nights.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
TheNaut131 said:
Anyone here remember Billy Hatcher? It wasn't the best game ever, but hell it was pretty good in my book. It was also the last time Sonic Team tried something different.
I try not to. I do not have fond memories of that game. It started out okay I guess, but rapidly went downhill for me. I can't remember why. It was so long ago and I sold it because I didn't want it anymore, so I can't go try again to remember.

Doesn't mean I disagree with them trying something other than milking every last drop they can out of Sonic the Hedgehog though. I was just on another forum where a thread asked if we would buy a Dreamcast 2, and my answer was a very solid no considering SEGA has absolutely nothing I'm interested in right now. So yes, I think they should at least try something different.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
I love SEGA, they created Sonic, Shinobi, and Vanquish. All great titles, and I'm so excited for Sonic Generations. So damn excited after playing the demo.

I hope SEGA gets it's ass out of the water and starts making great game again. I still have yet to play Valkyria Chronicles though.

Now is the perfect time for a reinvention. Release my Dreamcast 2, with some great titles that aren't platformers. Shenmue III, a brand new Crazy Taxi, and some titles specifically made to show off it's great features (whatever they could be). I think a great trick would be the ability to influence a game with your voice, or having your voice patterns recorded so that your RPG character has your voice.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Man Sega has such a great back log of titles that would bring in money if they would just dip into it. I personally would like to see the Shining Force games given a modern coat of paint and remade. Other than that Crazi Taxi was always a ton of fun and if they really want to get crazy how about making a modern version of Eternal Champions.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
Make another Jet Set/Grind Radio and Shenmue 3 and I guarantee you they'll rake in the cash.

Anti-Robot Man

New member
Apr 5, 2010
I can't fathom why, in an age of digital distribution, they don't mine their back-catalogue for all it's worth. They're IP rich, they need to either re-release their classics (not the same batch of Megadrive games they've already sold in every possible medium) or sell off the rights to other companies.

They've totally run Sonic into the ground, and their other active franchises just don't have enough pull. They've really got to work at developing quality games again.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Atheist. said:
I think they're just trying to kill themselves. Make some damn Phantasy Star games, and Shenmue 3. License out some of your titles for remakes.
I say this, and localize Valkyria Chronicles 3.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
Nintendo and Sega are dying...

Sad to say, but if they don't get cracking, they're going to end up being like the Atari 2600 and the Intellivision, once great rivals that no one really cares about anymore...

Who knows, if Nintendo and Sega don't figure out what people want they're never going to get a foot out of the grave. Big N should have learned from Sony's PS3 release that you need games, not just a fancy system. PS3 didn't become a real contender until almost the end of it's second year when it got a decent library to combat the 360. 3DS isn't selling well because nothing was actually ready for it? no duh. Seriously, it is just like what happened with E.T. We don't just want the name, we need substance. But at least we'll know it is a problem when Nintendo decides to bury 3DSes in a landfill in a desert, or at least put them in a warehouse with the Virtua Boys (the other 3D flop from Nintendo)... And I think Sega needs to stop digging and just lay down...

I really like you Nintendo, but you really got to figure it out. Look at Sega, they just released crap after crap after crap that their genuinely good system didn't have a chance.

Wow, Nintendo not paying attention to what happened to Sony AND Sega?

And the dumbest thing Sega did was probably those urinal games. What was the point of that? To prove that Japan is weird? We already knew that Sega...


New member
Nov 17, 2009
if only Britain and US excutives for companies would take similar pay cuts when their companies weren't doing well