Sega Loses $50 Million in Three Months


New member
Jul 22, 2010
Sega has a number of games that were good, but most people probably don't remember/never heard of.
And even then, those games have a sort of popularity that if they brought those games back, I'm pretty sure their sales would go up.

Burning Rangers would make a good come back. It would and should!
Shenmue III needs to be made.
Jet Set Radio needs to be remade, or at least brought into XBLA.
And they need to update the Phantasy Star Universe Xbox 360 servers with more stuff that the JPN PC/PS2 servers are getting. Their making 10$ x the amount of people that plays PSU online a month, unless they add more stuff and draw more people they would lose money.

Not to mention that usually, whenever someone says Sega, they usually associate it with Sonic, which most people are starting to lose interest in. Why not something else? I mean, I like Sonic, a part of my childhood I will never forget.

Also, whatever happened to Virtual-On? Weren't they making a new one? I remember going to the movies when I was a kid and spending quarters playing this till the movie started or after it ended. Not to mention me and my dad back then wasted a lot of times beating it on the computer...
...Where's that disk? *rummages through junk*

Well, just got to see if PSO2 can save them. I actually look forward to it... I wanna play it TwT
...Might as well find that free server I used to play for Blue Burst


Mwee bwee bwee.
Feb 4, 2009
koroem said:
Here is an idea sega. Stop making Sonic games.
....and they would do that WHY???

Sonic the Hedgehog is their biggest franchise. Why the Hell would they stop making Sonic games? It makes them a lot of money, despite their completely retarded fanbase.

And don't say anything about Sonic being "dead", he is obviously NOT, thanks to above mentioned fanbase.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
marioandsonic said:
So what does this mean, exactly? If Sonic Generations doesn't do well, Sega will go bankrupt?
Sega's infrastructure is far different from Nintendo's.

They reward seniority, which makes working there a pain in the ass. Getting ideas greenlighted for further development against a person that's a bureaucrat just won't thrive.

No, they probably won't go bankrupt, but it's highly doubtful that you'll see anything other than Sonic for a... *sigh*... Long time.


Pandamonium is at hand
Dec 3, 2008
Here's an idea,scrap Sonic as your mascot,and set Creative Assembly,the guys behind the Total War series as your flag bearer.
Then start publishing real games without pushing the developers to release early and get a buggy gold version of the game that doesn't sell as well as it should.

Sarah Frazier

New member
Dec 7, 2010
A CEO taking a pay cut when the company isn't doing quite as well as before? OMG WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?! And 50% at that. I'm well and truly speechless.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Did always wonder how they can stay in business with the shit they release, I guess this answers it somewhat.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
Sega please take capcom with you on your way out! Or stop making crap games....Streets of rage game with 1on1 up to 4 on 4 support, customizable characters, Street fighter 4 graphics and a level editor with DLC brings the old games into this generation, its win/win for everyone.

Mr. GameBrain

New member
Aug 10, 2009

Its simple.

Makes some videogames.
And if you can't be bothered, get someone who is capable and willing, and hire them to do it.

Heck, buy a damn indie studio and get them to make you stuff around the clock if you have to.

You have fantastic franchises just sitting there:

- Shenmue
- Nights
- Jet Set Radio
- Sega GT
- Rez
- Streets of Rage
- Shining Force
- Ecco the Dolphin
- Vectorman
- With some negotiation: Toejam and Earl
- Crazy Taxi
- ChuChu Rocket
- Billy Hatcher
- Ristar
- Alex Kidd
- Shinobi (well I think there was a 3DS game planned... not seen any updates)
- Bonanza Bros.
- Alien Storm
- Decap Attack
- Psycho Fox
- Fighting Vipers
- Miracle Warriors
- Space Channel 5
- Space Harrier
- Fantasy Zone
- Thunder Blade


Stop just relying on Sonic, ports, and a handful of developers.
Takes some risks, develop a new IP.


Sean Strife

New member
Jan 29, 2010
You know... the prospect of Nintendo buying out Sega and their IPs DOES intrigue me... I mean think about it. You'd get Super Mario Brothers and it's bajillion spinoffs, The Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Brothers, Kirby, Mother, F-Zero, Starfox, Punch-Out!!!, Metroid, Donkey Kong Country, Sonic the Hedgehog, Shenmue, Nights, Jet Set Radio, Sega GT, Rez, Streets of Rage, Shining Force, Virtual On, Victor Man, Phantasy Star, Crazy Taxi, Toejam and Earl, Panzer Dragoon, Alex Kidd, Shinobi, Fighting Vipers, Virtua Fighter, Space Channel 5, Bayonetta, The House of the Dead, Madworld, and I'm probably missing a fuckton more IPs... all under one roof.

That could make for a hell of a launch for the WiiU... regardless of how stupid the name is.

Jake Martinez

New member
Apr 2, 2010
Anti-Robot Man said:
I can't fathom why, in an age of digital distribution, they don't mine their back-catalogue for all it's worth. They're IP rich, they need to either re-release their classics (not the same batch of Megadrive games they've already sold in every possible medium) or sell off the rights to other companies.

They've totally run Sonic into the ground, and their other active franchises just don't have enough pull. They've really got to work at developing quality games again.
They are doing this already, check out the Sega tab on Steam - they have like 83 games for sale with lots of classics.

Frankly, I don't know what to believe on this story. They are blaming their games, but not really proving it. For all we know, they lost a lot of capital because their pachinko parlours were out of business after the earthquake. If "Sammy" has been laundering pachinko profits through Sega, they'd obviously want to blame the games division for the lower reported income rather than admit they've been defrauding the japanese government on gambling taxes.

So put that in your pipe and smoke it.


New member
Feb 22, 2010
Onyx Oblivion said:
Gindil said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
They won't stop with Sonic. They SHOULDN'T stop with Sonic, from a financial perspective, at least. It's one of their few profitable series.

So, they aren't doing it ALL wrong.

Shadow the Hedgehog
Werewolf Sonic
Sonic as a sword swinging knight...

No, they really need to stop beating him further into the ground. Sonic needs a vacation.
But Sonic Colors sold over 2 million copies. Running it into the ground makes them money, sorry.
I'd like to live in your fantasy world. I'd love to lose 50 mill in 3 months and still say I'm making money.


New member
Jun 18, 2009
Maybe if Sega would stop spending money making shitty movie tie in games and actually make some QUALITY games they would not be losing money.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
Fursnake said:
Maybe if Sega would stop spending money making shitty movie tie in games and actually make some QUALITY games they would not be losing money.
Just to add insult to injury...

They aren't porting Valkyria Chronicles 3 to the US.

I sincerely hope Atlus picks that one up.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
fundayz said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Gindil said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
They won't stop with Sonic. They SHOULDN'T stop with Sonic, from a financial perspective, at least. It's one of their few profitable series.

So, they aren't doing it ALL wrong.

Shadow the Hedgehog
Werewolf Sonic
Sonic as a sword swinging knight...

No, they really need to stop beating him further into the ground. Sonic needs a vacation.
But Sonic Colors sold over 2 million copies. Running it into the ground makes them money, sorry.
I'd like to live in your fantasy world. I'd love to lose 50 mill in 3 months and still say I'm making money.
I'd like to live in your fantasy world, where one successful game should totally make up for a bunch of failures. Sonic's success or failure isn't solely responsible for SEGA's success or failure.


New member
Feb 22, 2010
Onyx Oblivion said:
I'd like to live in your fantasy world, where one successful game should totally make up for a bunch of failures. Sonic's success or failure isn't solely responsible for SEGA's success or failure.
It isn't solely responsible but it has played a role. The Sonic franchise has disappointed both fans and Sega over and over again, and even it's "successful" games have been completely forgettable and lacked any widespread appeal.

The fact that SOME of it's recent games have made money doesn't mean that the overall investment has been profitable. Sega could have spent the time and money it wasted riding Sonic's muddy coat-tails on worthwhile, QUALITY franchises; instead they kept investing in their completely incompetent Sonic Team.

It is speculation, but I believe that the DECADES of shitty Sonic games have cost Sega dearly in the long. They have been left with almost no relevant games franchises aside from Sonic and even that franchise is dying(a very slow and painful one).


New member
Feb 19, 2010
Onyx Oblivion said:
We'll see what Phantasy Star Online 2 does for profits, then.
Thats alot of rings.

Say what you want about the old game having flaws but after what I saw of PSU I definatly agree that this would be a step in the right direction. Speaking of PSU, SEGA kind of deserve this for that c**t move they pulled by delaying the release date of the final boss just so people had to pay for longer memberships.