Sega to Drop Games and Employees During Extreme Restructuring


New member
Dec 12, 2010
Fuuuuck I forgot SEGA makes Total War. I fucking LOVE Total War. I really hope they make it, because I want far more Total War games.

Amethyst Wind

New member
Apr 1, 2009
A lot of good non-AAA titles (in terms of sales, not quality of games, which is usually far superior in Sega's titles) are produced by Sega. Kind of the problem I suppose. Companies can't support themselves unless they're topping the charts. Sega isn't the first and won't be the last to get into trouble because they aren't spending hundreds of millions to make the next shooter clone based around online multiplayer.


New member
Aug 2, 2010
Sega, this is why you market games besides Sonic.

Valkyria Chronicles would've done much better if people knew about it.


Lord Cromulent
May 21, 2010
Despite the fact that Yahtzee bashed it (thereby causing 90 percent of the site to hate it, sight unseen), Sonic Generations was a legitimate ray of hope for the franchise.

All they need to do is retool Sonic as the silent retcon 'Classic Sonic' and put him in more 2d/3d action. The 3d sections from Generations are really more like a racing game than a 3d Sonic game (a good thing).

Sega has no hope because of who is running the ship, but Sonic has hope to be good, even though he will never be anything close to a cultural icon again.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
Mike Kayatta said:
Under the shadow of hundreds of millions in losses, Sega will place its fate in the white-gloved hands of Sonic the Hedgehog.
I didn't even need to read the article to predict that this wasn't going to help Sega out much.

Hell, putting its fate in Sonic is probably going to put a nail in its coffin. Besides Generations and The Dark Brotherhood (by BioWare), I can't think of a single Sonic game that I'd want to actively keep playing that was made in this generation.


New member
May 22, 2010
xPixelatedx said:
You know what Sega? If you are hurting for money, just cave to the fans already. I know this is strictly against japanese sensibilities but just do it. All anyone wants you to make is a true Sonic squeal. Not a spinoff, not a 3D re-imagining. An actual squeal.

1. Do what Capcom did with Megaman and get the actual instruments and programs you used to make Sonic 3/Knuckles, and on the same engine. Sonic has 100x the fans (which are also 100x the crazy).

2. Release 'FULL GAME' on XBL Live/PSN for $15.

3. ????

4. Profit!

I am not even a sonic fan and I know this. If only you and Square would listen to what your costumers wanted (instead of making small concessions), then both of you would be richer then god right now. RICHER THEN GOD...
Unintentionally hilarious typos aside, you've got a point. Heck, I understand the recent port of Sonic CD involved remaking the engine from scratch, which means they have a classic Sonic accurate engine that runs on modern hardware already. This is one of those "it's obvious enough that I can't believe someone at Sega isn't already working on it" moments. If they make an all new 2D sonic and put it on the Android marketplace, I'd pay $5 or so for it, no problem. Put it on the major DD platforms like you said (including Steam), and they may even get away with $15 a pop.

OT: It really saddens me to see that Sega still hasn't recovered from the mistakes they started making at the tail end of the 16 bit era. This is a company that got its start as a photo booth company whose automatic pictures could be used for ID photos during the reconstruction after World War II[footnote]It was started by an American businessman, believe it or not, and Sega is shorthand for SErvice GAmes[/footnote], and has been around ever since. This is the company that was one of the big boys in console manufacturing all the way through from the third generation to the sixth, and the company that has been an arcade giant for the entire history of the medium. This is also a company that, stupid decisions or not, has never intentionally dicked its customers over, at least not to my knowledge. If they go under while the likes of EA, Activision, and Ubisoft are still raking in millions, there is no justice in the world.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
I kind of enjoyed Sonic Generations and Sonic Colors, but really, as big as Sega was back in the day, I think the only things I'm really going to miss are Virtua Fighter and possible future games in the Jet Grind Radio series.

I'm not surprised they're focusing on Sonic, and I know a couple people who are really into Total War, but Football Manager and Aliens? Really, Sega? That's depressing.


New member
Jan 7, 2010
penguindude42 said:
Kumagawa Misogi said:
How has Sega fallen so far, yet there nearly as large as EA.
Speaking of EA, this is their fault, they took Bioware from Sega, and look what's
happening to them because of that.

Fawxy said:
Sega needs to be, like, bought by someone who actually knows what the hell they're doing.

This is getting depressing.
I.E. Nintendo.
Screw Nintendo, I want my Total War series to remain on the PC. I don't want Total War to be a WiiU exclusive.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
SupahGamuh said:
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
Wow... it's like people on the Escapist forgot the Sonic Colors and Generations happened. Sonic isn't lost in the desert anymore, and if Sega can make more games like generations, hopefully things will start to pick up for them.

It's a real shame. Sega has become one of my favourite publishers. They seem to be a lot more willing to bank on new IPs, rather thank just sticking to the same old franchises, and they've published some of my all time favourite games. Oh Otogi, how I love you so...
I certainly liked Colors and I really, really loved Generations and I'm in my second playthrough now with a possible third afterwards, it's a seriously awesome game and I just can't get enough from it. I'd love if they added some more levels as DLC, I'd definitively throw my money to Sega.

As for the losses... damn... it's a real shame, they've done a great job as publishers and I hope they don't tank anytime soon.

Also, I hope this doesn't affect the Jet Grind Radio port or the Three Rings studio, I still play Spiral Knights from time to time.
Yeah :(. Generations is so much fun.

I wish I had time to finish it.

My only complaint is that his name is not Dr. Eggman and calling him that should be akin to stabbing a baby. Nobody should do it ever.

"But in Japan..."

No. Just no.

He's Robotnik, don't take this from me :(.

Loop Stricken

Covered in bees!
Jun 17, 2009
Mike Kayatta said:
Under the shadow of hundreds of millions in losses, Sega will place its fate in the white-gloved hands of Sonic the Hedgehog.
In other news, Sega is fucked.


New member
Jan 25, 2011
They should just use the engine from Sonic Generations and remake Sonic-Sonic & Knuckles... Don't bother with the Adventure/Post Genesis Era and rake in some quick cash. Also make sure there are no more obvious bugs in their game.


New member
Oct 17, 2010
I hope the losses include everyone responsible for Sonic 2006. I'm still haunted by my experience playing that game.


Fake Best
Apr 5, 2010
Oh god please tell me the Total War series will be fine =( Also if they go bankrupt I wonder if the will sell the rights to Alpha Protocol back to Obsidian.