Senran Kagura breast'em-up finally announced in English!


New member
Feb 2, 2011
major_chaos said:
So its Dead or Alive: side scrolling underage edition? I defended Dragon's Crown, but this scares me. Like wouldn't let my younger sister near anyone who openly played it level of scares me. Gratz Escapist, I was right there in the crowd with you, laughing at people who said sexism was a problem in games and the gaming community, but you have convinced me of just how wrong I was.
Oh for crying out loud. You know what? Sure, yeah. Real underage girls are totally well-known for their curvy, porn-star proportions, and pedophiles are always after the ones with the round asses and huge tits. That's totally how that works.

What I'm getting at is this: An attraction to underage anime characters =/= an attraction to actual underage people. When judging people who like fictional women, canon age is not what matters, apparent physical age is. The canon ages of the women in Senran Kagura probably range from 15 to 18, just as a guess. But if you're judging them by their physical ages, there's no way any of them would be that young in real life. No way. Senran Kagura is a game for people who like big, round curves and a tiny waist. That's not the "dangerous predator" crowd that you're so afraid of. The people who play Senran Kagura are no more likely to harm your sister than the people who work for charity organizations.

And I'm tired of having to explain this, but I'll explain it again. Sexy =/= sexism. Just because a game features sexy women does not mean that the game intends to claim that women should always be sexy. The answer to solving the sexism issue is not to ban games like that altogether, it's simply to tone them down. Make them less frequently. Create more games featuring strong women who are actually well written and interesting. But to say that there's something wrong with the mere existence of sexy women is to say there's something wrong with being a straight male or a lesbian. These games are made for people who like to fantasize about unrealistically curvy women, and that's who they're marketed to. It only becomes insulting and sexist when the game's creators try to market it to everybody as if they think everybody would enjoy it. These games are basically softcore porn, and softcore porn has a place in our society because fantasizing is healthy. You're supposed to fantasize. You're supposed to explore your sexuality. It's the people who don't explore their sexuality who you really need to fear. Those are the real ones who pose a threat to your sister. The guys who keep their sexuality locked up and repressed. For example, people who work for the church.

Do you ever wonder why there are so many reports of molestation coming from the church? It's not just a coincidence. There's a reason for it, and that reason is very simple: Priests aren't allowed to have sex. "Clergy" is the only profession in the world where you're told to remain celibate, and that's why they end up all screwed up. The human body isn't designed that way. Evolution didn't intend for us to bottle up our sexualities. That's why you need to fantasize. You need to "play with yourself" once in a while. You need to be honest with yourself about what you enjoy. But when you repress it, when you fight your sexual urges, and join an organization that makes you feel guilty for even having those urges, it starts to screw up your head in all kinds of crazy ways. Pedophile priests didn't start out as pedophiles. They were just so repressed that their brains actually broke.

I'll be the first to admit, I like Senran Kagura. I like unrealistically sexy, bouncy women in video games. But you probably assume that automatically makes me a terrible person, so let's see what kind of terrible person I really am: I go to college. I donate to charity quite regularly even though I don't have much myself. I don't believe in war or the death penalty, I don't like killing. I'm also a male feminist. I believe in total gender equality, and I treat women with the same respect I treat men. I regard them as equals and will have any debate with a woman that I will have with a man. If I find a woman attractive, it does not automatically turn her into an object in my mind. I don't use words like "*****" because I think words like that carry sexist connotations. I recently helped campaign for gay marriage in my state. I hate how the justice system works and I think we should free all the potheads. I support equal pay for women. I'm pro-choice. Oh, and I have a girlfriend.



New member
Jul 18, 2008
Maxtro said:
Hah! It should be no surprise that I watched this anime. It was actually somewhat decent. Though it was predicable that the "good" girls and "bad" girls would team up.
Really? Everyone I've asked that managed to get through more than half an episode panned it as pretty much the worst anime they ever saw.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
The gameplay looks like an utter drag, both the sidescrolling and the... sort of... Persona inspired running around and talking to people. The general artstyle too looks pretty shoddy (even for an anime-styled one) and pretty lacking in bright colors.

The boobs and the fanservice is hilarious though. Animation is also quirky and isn't being held back by the 3DS's limitations. I love the shamelessness of these games. I'm not getting the game, however, because I don't have a 3DS or interest in this game.


New member
Mar 16, 2013
Belated said:
major_chaos said:
So its Dead or Alive: side scrolling underage edition? I defended Dragon's Crown, but this scares me. Like wouldn't let my younger sister near anyone who openly played it level of scares me. Gratz Escapist, I was right there in the crowd with you, laughing at people who said sexism was a problem in games and the gaming community, but you have convinced me of just how wrong I was.
Oh for crying out loud. You know what? Sure, yeah. Real underage girls are totally well-known for their curvy, porn-star proportions, and pedophiles are always after the ones with the round asses and huge tits. That's totally how that works.

What I'm getting at is this: An attraction to underage anime characters =/= an attraction to actual underage people. When judging people who like fictional women, canon age is not what matters, apparent physical age is. The canon ages of the women in Senran Kagura probably range from 15 to 18, just as a guess. But if you're judging them by their physical ages, there's no way any of them would be that young in real life. No way. Senran Kagura is a game for people who like big, round curves and a tiny waist.
It's not so much about any stated ages but about the discrepancy between face and body. If the body is adult but the face of a child, and the face kinda matters a lot. And this sexualization of child-like characters, yea, a few people are uncomfortable with that. Give them a matching behaviour and maybe put them in school uniforms on top of that, and you just can't argue anymore that those characters are supposed to be adults.
Now you claim there's no reason for concern whatsoever, but let's not forget that lots of this pervy stuff is from Japan, and there's a reason for that. They have quite different attitudes towards underage sex, amongst other things, than we do here in the West. A lot of what's sorta "okay" to do over there, here, it is not.

Call me judgmental all you want, but if I see a grown man reading/watching/playing such stuff in (more or less) public, and that's what the person you quoted said, I'll find that creepy too. Not saying that I'd be automatically assuming he's a child molester or anything, but the fact alone that he seems to be thinking that there's nothing with it doing that in public.


Anime Nerds Unite
Apr 25, 2013
Sleekit said:
Izanagi009 said:
I know Japan has different perceptions of sex and sexuality (hell, minimum age of consent there is 13, you can now get creeped out) but this is still ridiculously beyond what is normal for them.
you think this is beyond the used pantie machines and the giant penis shrines and parades ?...
The pantie machines were actually illegal if I recall and the parades have some actual history, Senran Kagura is just pandering with it's merit being questionable as no gameplay has been put out on a mass scale for review


New member
May 22, 2009
The thing about this game is that it was a solid game, if it weren't then it wouldn't be so popular as to get an anime, manga, TCG, Gree social game, various artbooks, and a Vita game that is so fun, even people who were worried this game was too shameless had fun with it too. Burst ultimately is the definitive version of the 3DS Senran Kagura game, it polished up the gameplay, includes the entire first game running off the polished gameplay and an entire game of its own which stars the antagonist ninja school.
It was made so the producer could see anime boobs in 3D, but at least they put work into it to make it more than that.

sextus the crazy

New member
Oct 15, 2011
RatherDull said:
High school boobs ninjas.

Somehow I am not offended by this.
It's not really surprising as far as anime stuff goes.

It's less of a "AH! Disgusting" thing and more of a "ughhh. Again?" Reaction.


Terminally Apathetic
Jun 17, 2013
CloudAtlas said:
Belated said:
major_chaos said:
So its Dead or Alive: side scrolling underage edition? I defended Dragon's Crown, but this scares me. Like wouldn't let my younger sister near anyone who openly played it level of scares me. Gratz Escapist, I was right there in the crowd with you, laughing at people who said sexism was a problem in games and the gaming community, but you have convinced me of just how wrong I was.
Oh for crying out loud. You know what? Sure, yeah. Real underage girls are totally well-known for their curvy, porn-star proportions, and pedophiles are always after the ones with the round asses and huge tits. That's totally how that works.

What I'm getting at is this: An attraction to underage anime characters =/= an attraction to actual underage people. When judging people who like fictional women, canon age is not what matters, apparent physical age is. The canon ages of the women in Senran Kagura probably range from 15 to 18, just as a guess. But if you're judging them by their physical ages, there's no way any of them would be that young in real life. No way. Senran Kagura is a game for people who like big, round curves and a tiny waist.
It's not so much about any stated ages but about the discrepancy between face and body. If the body is adult but the face of a child, and the face kinda matters a lot. And this sexualization of child-like characters, yea, a few people are uncomfortable with that. Give them a matching behaviour and maybe put them in school uniforms on top of that, and you just can't argue anymore that those characters are supposed to be adults.
Now you claim there's no reason for concern whatsoever, but let's not forget that lots of this pervy stuff is from Japan, and there's a reason for that. They have quite different attitudes towards underage sex, amongst other things, than we do here in the West. A lot of what's sorta "okay" to do over there, here, it is not.

Call me judgmental all you want, but if I see a grown man reading/watching/playing such stuff in (more or less) public, and that's what the person you quoted said, I'll find that creepy too. Not saying that I'd be automatically assuming he's a child molester or anything, but the fact alone that he seems to be thinking that there's nothing with it doing that in public.
I know that getting caught playing something like that would be immediate grounds for dismissal in my line of work. Child sexual abuse is a serious problem, and being willing to play something like that where a coworker could see it would be considered extraordinarily incriminating. You just can't couch something like that in technicalities, no matter how many times you claim the character really should be older, or even in many cases is older in the story, such as claiming she's really a 1000 year old half-dragon or fairy or something. The only thing anyone else is going to see is a character that looks and acts like a young teenager, and that crap doesn't fly in most Western countries if your over 20, even if they are technically age of consent, you'll be socially ostracized at the very least and barred from any kind of child welfare profession at the worst.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Capitano Segnaposto said:
Oh yippee! Look at all the hypocrisy!

"Big Boobs in a Japanese port? Oh well, those wacky Japanese."

This is what I have gotten out of this thread so far.
I believe the difference is that its obvious what audience they are going for here. Dragon's Crown advertised itself as an action fighting game and henceforth got action fighting game populations which are made up of both male and female action gamers - most of which focused on the action of the game rather then the massive mammeries.

This's clear what they're going for here. Further more, we're kinda used to THIS STYLE of games being...perverted for lack of a better word.


New member
Dec 17, 2009
EternallyBored said:
I know that getting caught playing something like that would be immediate grounds for dismissal in my line of work. -snip- you'll be socially ostracized at the very least and barred from any kind of child welfare profession at the worst.
No doubt. And that sort of mindless, prejudicial hysteria is just disgusting.

Seeing people who'd call themselves your peers if you asked them do the equivalent panicking, reaching down, shitting into their own hands and flinging it like a lesser primate is just...

Well, never mind. There's no helping people like that. The best you can do is keep them away from the sort of knowledge that drives them into a frothy-mouthed, wild-eyed frenzy of paranoid howler-monkey fear and work while concealing your interest in illustrations of buxom women with subjectively mature faces from your colleagues. *gasp of horror*

(I find the woman in the second video- among many others- to have quite a mature face).

capcha: "love is blind".
Yeah, so is hatred, fear and stupidity.


Ruining videogames
Feb 3, 2011
Belated said:
The answer to solving the sexism issue is not to ban games like that altogether, it's simply to tone them down. Make them less frequently. Create more games featuring strong women who are actually well written and interesting.
Considering that the actual gameplay looks kinda awful I would say that this is the exact kind of game we could do with far less of. Games like No More Heroes, Bayonetta, and Dragon's Crown at least have some actual gameplay merit behind the massive heaving tits, Senran Kagura has nothing, its just one more example of the kind of media that makes it so I can hardly buy anime or video games without the cashier giving me the evil eye. Also I really don't care about what a super awesome amazing cool perfect man of the year you are, the desire to sexually fantasize about 14 year olds is creepy. Does it make you a child molester? No. does it make you an "awful person"? No. But I still find it creepy. Also one of the things you listed as a positive makes me like you marginally less, not saying which one though.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Hazy992 said:
And why, why, why do they always have to look so young? It's already bad enough without you putting massive tits the size of beach balls on someone who looks about 10.
It's anime...even the people who are supposed to be in their 30's look like they're 17, tops.

HA-HAAA! "Tops". :3

Joking aside, one of the reason Japan has no problem with sexualizing young girls in their media is because apparently the Age of Consent over there is 13. o.o

Granted, that age is dependent on whether or not the partner is between the ages of 13 and 17, sooooo yeah.

On the other hand, they do have specialty brothel-like places where you can pay to molest teenage girls that work there and it's all perfectly legal. o.o

Never thought I'd actually LEARN something by watching The Nostalgia Critic, but I did learn some tid-bits about Japanese Sex Law by watching his review of the Sailor Moon series. :3


New member
Jun 10, 2011
I have great news for my fellow UK fans of Senran Kagura. That game will be coming out next year in Europe will a physical and digital release. Click on this link for details:

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
Scarim Coral said:
Look like I had found a future game to buy for my 3DS...

I kid! I'll wait for the review for then to shamelessly buying it for the boobs!

Either way it won't suprise me if there will be future uproar about that game.
Likewise, I'll wait for the reviews to come out before buying this. It might have one of my favorite kinks in it but if the controls suck I'm not buying it period.

I guess the reason why everyone has their undies in a bunch over Dragon's Crown is just the sheer size of that one girl's breasts while this is just straight up with it or am I missing something with the uproar over that game?


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
The anime series is kind of funny, in an odd way, but I don't see myself giving a damn about a game.