REPTILE 0009 said:
How bout you guys stop picking on the COD series for no reason. Seriously, grow up.
There's a definite reason for them "picking on" CoD; which is that it hasn't made a significant evolution since Modern Warfare.
Now I loved CoD 4, loved it to death- and I will defend it against anyone who badmouths it. Yet, even with that love, I can't deny that MW2, Blops, and probably the upcoming MW3 are/appear to be more of the same. Same settings (or at least types), same Cold-War era mentality (even in the "modern" ones due to the villainous Russians), same HUD (which is now spreading to other games), etc.
Essentially, Activision believes that releasing the same game every two years with better graphics (and little else in the way of innovation) is justification for an additional $60. This is an attitude that is poisonous to the entire games industry because it propagates crass indulgence and money-grabbing instead of technical or artistic innovation.
So, yeah, they aren't "picking CoD for no reason," they are suggesting flaws in the current system of gaming, of which the continuous cloning of CoD 4 is a serious symptom.
If anyone needs to grow up around here, it's a fanboy who blindly defends a series that has stagnated against any constructive criticism which might make the series better in the long run.