Serial Killer 81: Post Apocalypse Survival (Cycle 4: Killer has been executed! SK 81 is over!)


Tastes like Science!
Feb 21, 2011

Similar to the party game of Werewolf, Murderer or Mafia, the objective is to find the Killer and execute him or her to prevent them from continuing their murderous rampage. The Game Master of the next round is whoever the Killer is in the current one. For new players, please join the Serial Killer usergroup and turn news notifications on to see announcements easier and be up-to-date with what's going on.

Part 1 - Preparation:

Before the game starts, everyone who wants to join will need to send a PM to the Game Master (GM) of the current round. The message doesn't have to include anything specific unless stated by the GM, but it should be obvious you are looking to join the game.

Part 2 - Dishing out the roles:

The Killer role is randomly determined first. The method is decided by the GM, whether it's using a list randomiser on a website or pulling names out of a hat. After a player is aware of their role as a Killer, they then choose another player to help them as a Lawyer. Once this has been done all the other roles are then randomly appointed, once again using whatever method the GM would like to use. More details on roles in the "Roles of the Game" section.

Part 3 - Murder Phase:

A round is made of multiple cycles. It begins with the Killer choosing who they want to murder.

The Killer, Medic, Spy, and Lawyer roles activate durring this phase.

Once a valid murder target has been selected an announcement will be made that someone has been murdered and the Spy and Lawyer role abilities will resolve. Soon after the now deceased player will post in the thread detailing their death and mention if they had a role or not. The GM will make an announcement confirming the murdered player's death and role and the Voting Phase will begin.

Part 4 - Voting Phase:

All living players may vote by sending a PM indicating their target to the current GM. All participants have TWO DAYS to cast their votes. Multiple PMs can be sent as long as the two day time limit hasn't been reached. Only the last sent vote will be tallied. If votes do not reach 65% in participation, the Killer will be spared, and a random player who didn't vote will be killed off instead.

The Arbiter, and Trickster abilities are activated durring this phase.

Once voting is complete yet another announcement is made and the votes will be tallied. The person with the highest number of votes will be PMed that they have been executed and are expected to write a death post. If the Killer was executed the round ends. If the Killer is execute the current round ends. If not...

Part 5 - Rinse and Repeat:

After the execution death post, an announcement is made for the next cycle to begin starting again on the Murder Phase. This repeats until either the Killer or their are no remaining living players other than those aligned with the Killer.

There are six roles in this round of Serial Killer: the Killer
, the Medic
, the Spy
, the Arbiter
, the Lawyer
, and Trickster

This is the primary focus of the game. The Killer PMs the GM who they wish to kill at the beginning of each cycle. He or she is still allowed to vote in executions and they can also be 'saved' by the Medic. Eliminating the Killer by execution or the use of the Arbiter ends the round.
The Medic has the power to save players from the Killer and gets a certain number of saves depending on the number of players in total.

>24 players = Five saves
20-24 players = Four saves
15-19 players = Three saves
10-14 players = Two saves
<10 players = One save

At the beginning of each cycle the Medic chooses who they wish to save by PMing a list of the appropriate usernames to the GM. They cannot save the same person twice in a row nor can they target themselves.

When someone is saved by the Medic, a public announcement will be made that this has happened and the saved user will be informed they were saved by the Medic as well as the identify of the Medic.The Killer is free to select another target to murder that same round.
The Spy is allowed to PM the GM up to three "yes or no" questions about the Killer's profile throughout the course of the game to attempt to determine their identity.

Example: "Does the Killer have a letter 'a' in their username?"
IF YES: The GM replies with a list of everyone who does have a letter 'a' in their username.
IF NO: The GM replies with a list of everyone who does not have a letter 'a' in their username.

A question is answered immediately after someone has been murdered as long as the Spy is not the one murdered.
The Spy is free to distribute the information however they wish - be it in full view of the public, in private, or otherwise until they are murdered or executed. Upon the GM messaging the Spy that they have been murdered or executed they can no longer inform any players of the questions asked, and their answers or who they have narrowed the possible suspects down to. This is extended to revealing the gathered information in the Spy's death post. If the Spy divulges any information in death, either true, untrue, or to confirm will result in the Killer getting two free kills, and each time there after will have as escalated punishment.

This ability can only be used every other cycle beginning in cycle 2.

The Arbiter
This role has the power to instantly execute one other player without the need of a vote. The Arbiter may decide during the voting phase to include a name of someone they would like executed along with their vote. If after tallying votes both the Arbiter and the chosen target are alive, the Arbiter's ability is activated - the Arbiter sacrifices themselves to immediately execute their chosen target. If either the Arbiter or their target are not alive by the end of tallying votes this ability is not activated.

An arbiter who uses their ability and whoever is killed by it do not have to write a death post (although they are still encourgaed to). This ability must be used before the seventh cycle of the game.
The Lawyer is the Killer's right-hand man/woman and its their job to gather intel for their murderous employer. Unlikely most roles the Lawyer is choosen by the Killer before the other roles are assigned. The identity of the Killer will only be revealed if the player accepts the role, otherwise the Killer must choose another player.

The Lawyer may ask the GM whether or not any individual has a role (yes or no question, without specifics). The question can be asked every cycle (5 times total), and if the Lawyer is killed then any information gained from the GM cannot be shared publicly, or privately if it hasn't been shared already. Sharing information in the death post is not allowed. Breaking of this rule will result in another role getting two free picks at an execution without the need of a vote. As with the Spy further breaking of this rule will result in escalated punishment.

This ability does not have to be used every cycle and entirely controlled by the Lawyer, not Killer.
[HEADING=3]The Trickster[/HEADING]
Dying isn't much fun but the Trickster role allows then those no longer among the living to still cause mayhem. A player is awarded this role upon their death regardless of what caused it or any previous roles they may have had.

Once per game during the voting phase a Trickster may designate two living players - one they would like to deduct a vote from and one they'd like to add a vote to. If their target for deduction has no votes this ability fails to activate and the Trickster is free to attempt to use this ability during another cycle. If multiple Tricksters would reduce a player's tally to 0 the abilities will activate in the order of when the Trickster roles were obtained. Once there is a toal of 7 or fewer living players, each Tricksters' deduction/addition will be worth only half a vote rather than a full vote.

The first person murdered in cycle 1 receives the variant role &#945;-Trickster. Once per game during the voting phase the &#945;-Trickster may designate two living players and swap their tally. This ability is unaffected by the number of living players.

After the Killer PMs the GM on who their victim is for the current cycle or once voting has been decided, the GM messages who will die. Once this has been done, the player (murdered or executed) has 48 hours to post their death or recruit someone else to write it in the case of bad Internet, a family emergency or another legitimate reason.

An amazing piece of literature is not necessary, but some level of effort is expect in your death post.

Dead players are still able to interact with others the same way when alive. They can still chat, give their own suspicions and such but are not allowed to provide any evidence. Dying awards a player the Trickster role and allows them to continue to influence the executions each round.

At the end of the round depending on the GM and the amount of entries, there may also be a Death Post award highlighting those deaths that the participants enjoyed the most. The GM also gets to choose one themselves.

Anyone can leave the game at any point for whatever reason. If the Killer forfeits, this is will immediately end the round. If a player with a role leaves, their role will pass on to a random alive player (their role's availability remains the same). None of this counts as a murder nor execution so the round essentially carries on as normal. A player who does this does not have to write a death post but can if they want to. The GM can end the game whenever they wish also.

When a player fails to vote within the full 48 hour voting time in 3 cycles in a row, said player will be kicked from the game. If they had a role, it will be passed on to a random, alive player. This also does not count as an execution or murder.

Spreading a screencap of a PM such as the GM giving a role or a message from a user mentioning they are the Killer are allowed. However, fake messages are a possibility so be wary.

-Strength in numbers! The key to survival is to keep your friends close, so creating alliances would be advised.

-Be wary of betrayal! Even though this might be contradicting the previous point, don't be surprised if the friends you kept close turned out to be enemies.

-Image alteration is a thing! When someone "proves" they are to be trusted because of a screencap they gave, think again.

-Have fun! In the end, this is just a game. Don't take dying in it personally.


Tastes like Science!
Feb 21, 2011
[HEADING=2]Changes this Round[/HEADING]
Here's a general list of changes for this particular round:

-General carifications on when roles activate and the order of events in each given phase.

-The Spy can activate their ability starting cycle 2, meaning the Spy will have to survive 2 Murder Phases and 1 Voting Phase before getting their first question answered.

-The Priest role has been removed. It really only acted as a safety net for the Spy and led to more confusion than I believe it was worth.

-The intent of these rule changes are to shift game more in favor of the Killer and Lawyer

-I'll be allowing any number of revotes up to the 2 day time limit. The PM with the latest time stamp will be your final vote.

-I'll be sending out a PM to everyone announcing their roles. If you want a second PM claiming you're another role I'll happily oblige. Send me a PM requesting your false role message and I'll send it to you.

[hr][HEADING=2]This Round's Theme[/HEADING]
This round will task its participates with establishing a new home among the barren wasteland. Every cycle during the Voting phase a scenario with multiple choices will be presented to everyone in the game. While voting for execution players should also include which option they would like their struggling band of survivors to take. After voting whichever option received the majority of votes will be the decided course of action for the entire group. Death posts are encouraged (but not required) reflect this decision.

The heavy vault door of your underground bunker slides open with a definitive thud. A rush of fresh outside air quickly fills the antechamber. You inhale deeply.

For 6 months you and your 19 comrades have been inhaling the same purified air. You think the whole experiences has made you closer to them. Maybe. Well most of them. If that guy [] asks you one more time "What's up?" just so he can reply "No man. The ceiling, man. How could you forget that? We're underground remember? HAHAHAHAHA!" you might... might just have to...

Your knuckles turn white as you tighten your grip on the straps of your backpack. Everything you own is currently in this pack - enough food and water for a week, a small handheld pistol, and enough porn to bury a small child in. You take your first tentative step from outside the bunker.

Let's begin.
You share intently across the alien land outside your vault as the others begin to gather their bearings behind you. You survey it carefully. It doesn't seem to even remotely resemble the landscape that you left behind to enter the vault. Or maybe you just forgot how the outside looked in that time?

A loud noise echoes from still within the vault. Curious, you decide go back and quickly investigate. You soon discover a loose porno magazine in one of the back halls.

Oh no...

No one would willingly part with such a treasure. You're alarmed to find not just the one but several more as you track down the source of the sound. At last you come to its source...
Everybody used to joke about what they would do once the world ended. Everybody would fantasize about being Mad Max or Kenshiro or whoever else because damn would that be cool! Sadly the realities of the wasteland were just far too much for some of us. Once it became clear that my porn stash was all I had to rely on, I realized that life really isn't worth living anymore. The internet is gone, Alexis Taylor is gone, and half of my stash is already used to the point that not even The Stranger can get me through most of it!

On the night of the first day after the vault opened, I decided I would go out in as memorable a way as possible, with a rope around my neck and my pants around my ankles. The problem is, somebody walked in before I'd even found myself in the right frame of mind to even get started!

"It's not what it looks like!" I stammered out to whoever was behind me, "I'm just trying to...stretch the muscles in my shoulder! I've been taking up the guitar lately and BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAARG!!" My broken body lay lifeless on the floor of my room, waiting to be discovered by people who would probably be surprised that I wasn't surrounded by my porn. I don't think they'll be surprised that I'd died though considering the number of times they found me wandering the halls, clicking a mouse whose batteries died weeks before. If anything they would probably only be surprised by the gruesome exit-wound that was now my face...
You stare at the gruesome scene before you. Poor [user]Shoogth2588[/user]'s head almost blown to pieces from a bullet. If it wasn't for the bright yellow and white Tweety bird underwear around his ankles you're not sure you'd recognize it was him. You'd seen him wandering the bunker late at night wearing those Tweety bird underwear so many times now - furiously clicking away with a mouse in hand.

You leave the room and head back outside to tell the others. You're met with a general sense of apathy from most.

"I always figured the nut would off himself eventually." One of your comrades replies with a shrug. "Better he did it now than when we get out into the wasteland." At this he drew a map from his pack.

"We should be focusing on where we go from here. Our first priority should be food and supplies." He sticks a greasy finger onto a corner of the map. "There was a small town not far from here. It's probably not completely looted. Plenty of small shops and grocers we can resupply from."

"Are you mad!" another comrade interrupts. "There's a giant robot walking around out there! We need guns and explosives right now!" He places his slightly charred finger defiantly on the map. "There's a military surplus store right over here. We should arm ourselves to the teeth while we still can!"

"A giant robot? Have you lost your mind?" another comrade chimes in as he adjusts his glasses. "We need to regroup with other survivors as quickly as we can.. There's another bunker over here." He slyly places a finger on the opposite side of the map. "We should try to make contact with them as quickly as possible."

"You've all lost your minds!" a fourth comrade interjects before tossing the map and table to the ground. "Have you not seen the horror these porno have brought to us! One of our own has taken his own life! We've angered the Almighty! We must beg for his forgiveness and cleanse ourselves of this filth! A fire! Burn the porno! And maybe some of our excess food while we're at it...
"Guys can we please start focusing." I said to them as I put my foot down. "As long as I live we are not burning our suppliBANG" suddenly I felt the bullet start to penetrate my brain. As I knew this was the end I contemplated all the atrocities I committed, all the horrible things that I survived my last thought was. "Really? is this really what does me in? porn mags?" and with that my body fell to the floor. They then they set my body on fire and throw all the porno mags and supplies on my burning corpse.

"All Praise the porno god! ALL PRAISE THE PRON GOD!"

I was innocent... of this crime at least
"You've all lost your minds!" a fourth comrade interjects before tossing the map and table to the ground. "Have you not seen the horror these porno have brought to us! One of our own has taken his own life! We've angered the Almighty! We must beg for his forgiveness and cleanse ourselves of this filth! A fire! Burn the porno! And maybe some of our excess food while we're at it...
Another comrade joins in, "Yes burn it! Burn the porno! Burn the porno!" Others quickly join in the chant and soon the whole crowd has wipped itself into a frenzy chanting in unison.

Burn the porno? What's wrong with everyone? Why would they want to do that?

A triceratops steps forward in defiance - finally someone with a bit of reason! Hopefully others will join in and -


The sound of a single gunshot echos through the chamber. [user]tf2godz[/user] lies lifeless in front of the crowd - bits of his brains splattered on your boots. The sound of the gunshot hangs in the air as everyone stands in silence before slowly fading away. Someone raises a lighter and lights it with a resounding click.

"A fire!" they shout, tossing the small flame onto [user]tf2godz[/user]'s corpse. It immediately catches flame.

"A fire! A fire!" Before you have time to react someone from behind you grabs your back pack and empties its contents onto the floor. "Burn it!" They grab a handful of your precious porno and throw it onto the burning corpse. Before long everyone else has begun to follow suit and a raging inferno soon engulfs what was once [user]tf2god[/user]'s corpse. In the confusion you just manage to swipe your most precious magazine. You tuck it safely inside your shirt.

"All praise the porno god! ALL PRAISE THE GOD OF PORN!"

Holy shit! These people are crazy!
It was at this point that the Decapitated Centaur finally realized it was actually dead.

I was a normal old nothing of course
You slowly open your eyes. It's bright. A sleepy hand reaches to rub away remnants of sleep from your eyes.

Where am I? And where are my pants!

You rise up and take a quick look around you. Your fellow survivors are thrown about the large chamber in a similar state to you. Your stomach lets out an audible groan.

I'm hungry... Where the hell did my pants go?

You carefully walk around the chamber, avoiding stepping on your slumbering comrades, in search of both your pants and your backpack. You find a discarded pair of pants. A quick examination reveals an odd odorous stain by the the crotch. You place in back down. You'd rather go pants-less than wear whatever that is. You do finally find your backpack. You take out the meager amount of rations that managed to survive the previous night festivities and eat them. That's it for your food rations.

Slowly several other comrades rise up from their slumber. One approaches the nearby overturned table and sets it upright again. He then places the fallen map back on it again.

"Well we've gone and done it now.", he shakes his head with confusion as he realizes the pair of pants he is currently wearing as a hat. "We went and burned most of our rations. We need to resupply now more than ever! We should follow the initial plan and resupply in the nearby now right now.
Another comrades rises up, he swiftly grabs the pants off the first comrades head and puts them on. "I agree with my comrade - we definitely need to resupply but a damn town's going to be swarming with all sorts of dangerous types. Safer if we gathered food for ourselves. There was a large nature reserve not far from here. We can probably make do hunting and fishing for our own food. I was a boy scout after all."
A third comrade stumbles upon the table - his pants nowhere in sight. "We should still try to meet up with other bunker. There's strength in numbers and they might have spare resources we desperate need now. And maybe some spare pants too." he goes to end his line by adjusting his glasses only to discover that those too have gone missing.
A final comrade rises from his slumber. He dons the pair of odorous pants you noticed earlier without a moment's hesitation. "My eyes have been opened! Ecstasy! Euphoria as I've never experienced before! Truly this was the blessing of his Omnipotence! We've been given a task! We must cleanse the world of its porno! In this, our holy crusade, we -" at this he stops for vomit onto his crotch before laying back down on the ground.

You still can't find your pants.
A final comrade rises from his slumber. He dons the pair of odorous pants you noticed earlier without a moment's hesitation. "My eyes have been opened! Ecstasy! Euphoria as I've never experienced before! Truly this was the blessing of his Omnipotence! We've been given a task! We must cleanse the world of its porno! In this, our holy crusade, we -" at this he stops to vomit onto his crotch before laying back down on the ground.
After the rest of your comrades awake from the previous night's festival, the comrade with soiled pants makes an announcement.

"Comrades! We have done well this night! We have cleansed yourselves of these filthy porno." At this he raises his arms wide in a sweeping gesture, "But what we have done is only a small fraction. This new world is awash with more of this filth! We must continue our crusade to cleanse his Holiness' entire world!" he then begins to chant, "PRAISE BE ONTO YOU, GOD OF PORN!"

The rest of the group begins to join the chant and you find yourself following suit to blend into the crowd.

"Gather your provisions, my lambs. We must set off from this land."

People begin to gather what belongings they still have and placing them into their backpacks. You notice a disparity between the number of pants before and after the festivities.

Did we burn our pants?

You go about packing your bag. While the solitary porno mag you managed to tuck inside your shirt slips out and onto the floor. You quickly snatch it back up and place it back into your bag but not before someone across from you notices.

[user]Igor-Rowan[/user] casts you a wry smile, "Couldn't get rid of your's either, eh?" He lifts the corner of something from his backpack. It's a porno! "I managed to get some of the kinky shit too. Maybe I'll let you-"

A rather obtuse comrade quickly runs by, bumping into [user]Igor-Rowan[/user] and causing the contents of his pack to slip onto the floor. The lone porno mag slides down into everyone's point of view.


Another gun shot rings out and [user]Igor-Rowan[/user] lies silent on the ground. Someone quickly lights the discard porno on fire.

"Good that we rid ourselves of this Heathen now." the rest of the survivors set out from the bunker without a second glance back.

I am so fucking dead...
What a wonderful day for a picnic, I sure hope a stray mini nuke doesn't come from no where and ruin it!
Medic, though you were successful in saving someone, you just diverted the killer's attack to someone else! ME!
The group has been wandering the wasteland for a about a week now - about half of them without pants. Rations are all gone. People have taken to eating what little bit of shrubbery desperate cling to the arid land.

The lack of food has begun to play tricks on your mind. The other day you had an in-depth conversion about the eventual heat death of the universe with a particularly handsome piece of shrubbery. You decided to name him Jeremiah. The day after that you swear you saw a mini-nuke come from nowhere and hit [user]Aerosteam[/user].

Maybe? You've become conscious that reality and your perception of it aren't completely aligned - the thought would terrify you if you still had mental capacity for such emotions. Upon cresting a hill your greeted with an odd sight. Is that a person?

As the person draws closer you notice the two-headed cow to his left, a tall stack of miscellaneous items hang precariously from its back. To his right a large - well you're not really sure what it is - some sort of large humanoid lizard with a proportionally large minigun follows close to him. You shake your head. This must be another hallucination. You turn to your comrades only to find they too can hardly comprehend what they're seeing. Is this for real?

The man approaches the group while keeping a safe distance between both parties. "Howdy folks!" He flashes a grin while tipping his well worn Stetson. "Y'all folk lookin' like you could be in the need of some-" at this he glances downward toward the lack of pants among the group. "provisions. I've got all sorts of goods here. Be willin' to part with some if'n you'd be so disposed."

Someone in the group raises a question, "What would you want from us? We haven't anything like cash."

The man chuckles, "No I recon' ya don't. Not that fancy money means anything here on the wasteland. We take to barterin' out here. There is one commodity that's always in demand though." at this he draws something from his shirt.

Holy shit! It's a porno!

"If'n ya folks have any of these I'd be more to trade my goods for them. The boys back in town can't get enough of 'em."

"Give us a few moments to discuss this." The stranger gives an acknowledging nod and waits quietly.

"Oh lord he's got food! And probably a few pair of pants. God do I miss my pants." he looks downward longingly, "We need to trade with him for supplies. We've got a surplus of handguns at least. Surely we can trade a few of those for some rations. And pants. God I miss my pants."
Another comrade leans forward defiantly. "He makes a good point. We need supplies and we have a lot of guns. Why not just rob the guy? There's 15 of us and only one person and," he quickly peers over his shoulder toward the humanoid lizard, "an overgrown iguana. I'm sure we can take them!"
Someone else rises a counterpoint. "Um, that's actually a werewolf not an iguana. And he's my friend." Someone is quick to point out the creature's lack of fur. "Nope definitely a werewolf. I'd know one when I see one. We should try to convince the man to give the poor werewolf to us."
A final comrade steps toward, almost foaming at the mouth at this point. He howls out, "PORN! PORN! We must cleanse ourselves of this infidel! Burn him and his sordid wares!" It takes several people to hold the fanatic back from charging the caravan immediately.

You weeaboos killed me. Probably for not liking 2D girls as much as you. Good luck out there in the Wasteland.
1. [user]Caramel Frappe[/user]
2. [user]crimson5pheonix[/user] (Killer): Executed Cycle 4 []
3. [user]tf2godz[/user]: Executed Cycle 1 []
4. [user]revnak[/user]
5. [user]The Decapitated Centaur[/user]: Murdered Cycle 2 []
6. [user]BeerTent[/user] (Lawyer): Removed from game Cycle 3 []
7. [user]Fat Hippo[/user]
8. [user]altnameJag[/user]
9. [user]Jux[/user]
10. [user]Aerosteam[/user]: Murdered Cycle 3 []
11. [user]JUMBO PALACE[/user]: Executed Cycle 3 []
12. [user]The Raw Shark[/user]: Removed from game Cycle 3 []
13. [user]Wary Wolf[/user] [user]SupahEwok[/user]
14. [user]Shoggoth2588[/user]: Murdered Cycle 1 []
15. [user]Evil Roy[/user]
16. [user]Thunderous Cacophony[/user] (Arbiter): Arbiter-ed Cycle 4 []
17. [user]Igor-Rowan[/user] (Spy): Executed Cycle 2
18. [user]springheeljack[/user]: Removed from game Cycle 3 []
19. [user]tippy2k2[/user]: Arbitrated Cycle 4 []
20. [user]Zepherus14[/user]: Murdered Cycle 4 [][hr]NPC
1. [user]Truly British[/user]

Secondhand Revenant

Recycle, Reduce, Redead
Oct 29, 2014
The Nine Hells
This is SR with a name change

Looks like there was some kind of time warp and posts got devoured. Not many here but lol

Fat Hippo

Prepare to be Gnomed
May 29, 2009
Caramel Frappe said:
... Wait, what happened to the post i've made earlier? Am I going crazy?
The radiation poisoning has probably started giving you hallucinations. It's fine, these things happen. *Starts talking to a sock on his own hand* Don't they Mr Johnson?


Tastes like Science!
Feb 21, 2011
Fat Hippo said:
Caramel Frappe said:
... Wait, what happened to the post i've made earlier? Am I going crazy?
The radiation poisoning has probably started giving you hallucinations. It's fine, these things happen. *Starts talking to a sock on his own hand* Don't they Mr Johnson?
@Caramel Frappe: Don't listen to him. Radiation poisoning a myth. Nothing at all to worry about. DEFINITELY NOT A THING.

But seriously there was apparently some site maintenance [] yesterday. I didn't realize that myself and actually lost an update to the OP as well. Luckily this is why all my major posts are also saved as a txt file.

The Raw Shark

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes.
Nov 19, 2014
Pretty off topic but is anyone else having trouble changing their avatar or have I just forgotten that it keeps blanking like it doesn't know what a picture is whenever I change it?


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
Whoo we're back! Looking forward to it.

Also... I know it's a little petty, but it would be cool if I could get my name added to the Hall of Murderous Infamy since I won the previous round. I know it was a little stacked in my favor though. Dunno who would go about making that change.


Tastes like Science!
Feb 21, 2011
@tastysnack: Wait, who are you? You were Jack O' Ripper, right? Why does everyone keep changing their usernames? First SR now you. Can't keep my lists straight.

The Raw Shark

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes.
Nov 19, 2014
gritch said:
@tastysnack: Wait, who are you? You were Jack O' Ripper, right? Why does everyone keep changing their usernames? First SR now you. Can't keep my lists straight.
I am indeed the artist formerly known as Jack, sorry about the whole mess.

But seriously my avatar won't show at all.


Get out while you still can
Sep 22, 2011
The Raw Shark said:
Pretty off topic but is anyone else having trouble changing their avatar or have I just forgotten that it keeps blanking like it doesn't know what a picture is whenever I change it?
Two options:

A - Wait an indefinite amount of time for it too show up

B - Try uploading the avatar from a different device

We can see your avatar by the way. The deal is, whatever device you use won't show your avatar, but everything else will - try logging in on something you don't normally use and see if your avatar appears, if it does, reupload the avatar on that device so it appears on your normal one.

Secondhand Revenant

Recycle, Reduce, Redead
Oct 29, 2014
The Nine Hells
The Raw Shark said:
gritch said:
@tastysnack: Wait, who are you? You were Jack O' Ripper, right? Why does everyone keep changing their usernames? First SR now you. Can't keep my lists straight.
I am indeed the artist formerly known as Jack, sorry about the whole mess.

But seriously my avatar won't show at all.
Trying clear browser cache

The Raw Shark

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes.
Nov 19, 2014
Aerosteam said:
Two options:

A - Wait an indefinite amount of time for it too show up

B - Try uploading the avatar from a different device

We can see your avatar by the way. The deal is, whatever device you use won't show your avatar, but everything else will - try logging in on something you don't normally use and see if your avatar appears, if it does, reupload the avatar on that device so it appears on your normal one.
The Decapitated Centaur said:
Trying clear browser cache
Thanks guys, that did the trick.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Caramel Frappe said:
altnameJag said:
As of an hour and a half later, no luck. Sorry Caramel.
Uh, every Avatar I try now (even ones I made / wore before that worked) aren't working ... what's happening.
Showing up now for me.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
Just as a FYI to everyone (I'm not certain how these things work so maybe this is unneeded but I'm going to say it until the game starts just in case :D)

There is a very very very good chance that at multiple points, I will talk about using my banhammer (like "Oh, I'm about to get voted off, be a shame if my banhammer accidentally flew out and hit someone..."). For the love of God, I am always joking when I say anything of that nature :D

Just a heads-up because I guarantee I'm going to make that joke. Hell, I already did it PMing gritch when I asked to join (although I still argue that making me the killer and my murder weapon being the banhammer WOULD make the game much more exciting with higher stakes but for some reason, that idea got shot down) :p

I'm excited for my first game in my many years being on Ze Escapist.

Fat Hippo

Prepare to be Gnomed
May 29, 2009
Wow, a few old faces here on the player list I haven't talked to in a while! How's everyone doing?

The Raw Shark

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes.
Nov 19, 2014
Fat Hippo said:
Wow, a few old faces here on the player list I haven't talked to in a while! How's everyone doing?
It's all good in the hood bud. (Jack O' Ripper here)