Serial Killer 81: Post Apocalypse Survival (Cycle 4: Killer has been executed! SK 81 is over!)


New member
Jan 24, 2012
"Sorry I slept in, what's going on-?" A stickman of the name of Joe [] ran up from the Vault's entrance, his jaw practically slamming the floor when he spotted Viral's Gunmen. "W-What is that!? That's so awesome!!" He exclaimed, wiping some drool from his mouth.
Jan 12, 2012
The Raw Shark said:
Caramel Frappe said:
Surprised the game itself didn't do that to your tumor already. I mean, my heart jumped out the twin tower building after I saw how the new Mass Effect game came to be ... christ almighty man.
Oh it was close to bursting out around the time I hit the 110 hours mark in Inquisition and realized I had so horribly sent 70 USD down the drain on the worst piece of shit that 2014 could have ever shit out. Andromeda was just the bell tolling for my care for BioWare's RPG style now.
If you get 110 hours out of a game, can it really be that bad? DA:I wasn't my favourite of the series, but I put in a comparable amount of time and still found enough in there to like.

Godzillarich(aka tf2godz)

Get the point
Aug 1, 2011
Zepherus14 said:
"Sorry I slept in, what's going on-?" A stickman of the name of Joe [] ran up from the Vault's entrance, his jaw practically slamming the floor when he spotted Viral's Gunmen. "W-What is that!? That's so awesome!!" He exclaimed, wiping some drool from his mouth.

Okay so being a Interdimensional Traveling Triceratops mad scientist zombie is apparently uninteresting then. Glad to see I'm not special. ( goes to sob in the corner)


New member
Jan 24, 2012
tf2godz said:
Okay so being a Interdimensional Traveling Triceratops mad scientist zombie is apparently uninteresting then. Glad to see I'm not special. ( goes to sob in the corner)
"But, it's a robot! You're a zombie. I'd imagine zombies are a dime a dozen in this hellscape."


Tastes like Science!
Feb 21, 2011
tf2godz said:
Okay so being a Interdimensional Traveling Triceratops mad scientist zombie is apparently uninteresting then. Glad to see I'm not special. ( goes to sob in the corner)
That's cute. He thinks he really does science.

Godzillarich(aka tf2godz)

Get the point
Aug 1, 2011
gritch said:
tf2godz said:
Okay so being a Interdimensional Traveling Triceratops mad scientist zombie is apparently uninteresting then. Glad to see I'm not special. ( goes to sob in the corner)
That's cute. He thinks he really does science.
HA! Says the little girl. I have made abominations, I have brought back my dinosaur kind after I wiped them out as my mindless minions, I have destroyed an entire world of superheroes, I have made space and time my *****, What have you done to make yourself scoff at my achievements?


Tastes like Science!
Feb 21, 2011
tf2godz said:
HA! Says the little girl. I have made abominations, I have brought back my dinosaur kind after I wiped them out as my mindless minions, I have destroyed an entire world of superheroes, I have made space and time my *****, What have you done to make yourself scoff at my achievements?
Brought back your dinosaur kind? *looks around* There doesn't seem to be any around. Some nice henchmen you got there. I got some sick robots up in here. Like this one.
She's got a goddamn shark for a hand! A shark! You know what I call that? Lunch. And you best be stepping off my science-creds lest have you for desert.

Godzillarich(aka tf2godz)

Get the point
Aug 1, 2011
gritch said:
tf2godz said:
HA! Says the little girl. I have made abominations, I have brought back my dinosaur kind after I wiped them out as my mindless minions, I have destroyed an entire world of superheroes, I have made space and time my *****, What have you done to make yourself scoff at my achievements?
Brought back your dinosaur kind? *looks around* There doesn't seem to be any around. Some nice henchmen you got there. I got some sick robots up in here. Like this one.
She's got a goddamn shark for a hand! A shark! You know what I call that? Lunch. And you best be stepping off my science-creds lest have you for desert.
I'm actually trying to get back to my world at the moment, It's a long story but I've been dimension hopping all over the place. If you want I can bring you to my world and have your little girl robot meet my abominations. I'm sure she'll love them as they twist her a part like a piece of paper along with you HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!

Wary Wolf

New member
Sep 10, 2015

"My master and creator is capable of far greater than you can possibly imagine! And Nano is the pinnacle of his work!

(Much as I hate to admit to being second to anyone...)

Although she did go through some rather drastic changes after the apocalypse..."


The Raw Shark

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes.
Nov 19, 2014
Thunderous Cacophony said:
The Raw Shark said:
Caramel Frappe said:
Surprised the game itself didn't do that to your tumor already. I mean, my heart jumped out the twin tower building after I saw how the new Mass Effect game came to be ... christ almighty man.
Oh it was close to bursting out around the time I hit the 110 hours mark in Inquisition and realized I had so horribly sent 70 USD down the drain on the worst piece of shit that 2014 could have ever shit out. Andromeda was just the bell tolling for my care for BioWare's RPG style now.
If you get 110 hours out of a game, can it really be that bad? DA:I wasn't my favourite of the series, but I put in a comparable amount of time and still found enough in there to like.
It wasn't a particularly enjoyable 110 hours mind you, but hours filled with desperation in justifying an extraordinarily horrific purchase from my experience.


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
tf2godz said:
Really wish I didn't fall for this every time

So apparently we're making dramatic entrances into the wasteland. I've never been a particularly wordy dude



Tastes like Science!
Feb 21, 2011
[HEADING=2]Someone has been murdered! Check your inboxes.[/HEADING]

Death post incoming!


The face I make when I see unguarded pie.
Jan 9, 2011
Okay. So. I want you all to know that I'm not late to the party. The party just didn't start til I got here.

Caramel Frappe said:

You now can kill me because the new Mass Effect game left me dead inside ... :')
Even ignoring the jancky animations. Holy christ that is ugly. Like WOW ugly.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Everybody used to joke about what they would do once the world ended. Everybody would fantasize about being Mad Max or Kenshiro or whoever else because damn would that be cool! Sadly the realities of the wasteland were just far too much for some of us. Once it became clear that my porn stash was all I had to rely on, I realized that life really isn't worth living anymore. The internet is gone, Alexis Taylor is gone, and half of my stash is already used to the point that not even The Stranger can get me through most of it!

On the night of the first day after the vault opened, I decided I would go out in as memorable a way as possible, with a rope around my neck and my pants around my ankles. The problem is, somebody walked in before I'd even found myself in the right frame of mind to even get started!

"It's not what it looks like!" I stammered out to whoever was behind me, "I'm just trying to...stretch the muscles in my shoulder! I've been taking up the guitar lately and BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAARG!!" My broken body lay lifeless on the floor of my room, waiting to be discovered by people who would probably be surprised that I wasn't surrounded by my porn. I don't think they'll be surprised that I'd died though considering the number of times they found me wandering the halls, clicking a mouse whose batteries died weeks before. If anything they would probably only be surprised by the gruesome exit-wound that was now my face...


Tastes like Science!
Feb 21, 2011
[HEADING=2]Shoggoth2588 is dead! Voting Phase will now begin![/HEADING]
Shoggoth has been killed. In life he had no role but in death he has found new power as the α-Trickster.

The Arbiter and any Tricksters may activate at this time.

Voting will now begin! Everyone has until March 23 22:00EST to cast their votes. Don't forget to choose your choice for the scenario as well!
You stare at the gruesome scene before you. Poor [user]Shoogth2588[/user]'s head almost blown to pieces from a bullet. If it wasn't for the bright yellow and white Tweety bird underwear around his ankles you're not sure you'd recognize it was him. You'd seen him wandering the bunker late at night wearing those Tweety bird underwear so many times now - furiously clicking away with a mouse in hand.

You leave the room and head back outside to tell the others. You're met with a general sense of apathy from most.

"I always figured the nut would off himself eventually." One of your comrades replies with a shrug. "Better he did it now than when we get out into the wasteland." At this he drew a map from his pack.

"We should be focusing on where we go from here. Our first priority should be food and supplies." He sticks a greasy finger onto a corner of the map. "There was a small town not far from here. It's probably not completely looted. Plenty of small shops and grocers we can resupply from."

"Are you mad!" another comrade interrupts. "There's a giant robot walking around out there! We need guns and explosives right now!" He places his slightly charred finger defiantly on the map. "There's a military surplus store right over here. We should arm ourselves to the teeth while we still can!"

"A giant robot? Have you lost your mind?" another comrade chimes in as he adjusts his glasses. "We need to regroup with other survivors as quickly as we can.. There's another bunker over here." He slyly places a finger on the opposite side of the map. "We should try to make contact with them as quickly as possible."

"You've all lost your minds!" a fourth comrade interjects before tossing the map and table to the ground. "Have you not seen the horror these porno have brought to us! One of our own has taken his own life! We've angered the Almighty! We must beg for his forgiveness and cleanse ourselves of this filth! A fire! Burn the porno! And maybe some of our excess food while we're at it...

Godzillarich(aka tf2godz)

Get the point
Aug 1, 2011
"We should be focusing on where we go from here. Our first priority should be food and supplies." He sticks a greasy finger onto a corner of the map. "There was a small town not far from here. It's probably not completely looted. Plenty of small shops and grocers we can resupply from."
I just want to point out that we have a dead comrades to eat here and probably more dead bodies coming soon and for water we can just drink are own urine. We don't need that many much supplies
"Are you mad!" another comrade interrupts. "There's a giant robot walking around out there! We need guns and explosives right now!" He places his slightly charred finger defiantly on the map. "There's a military surplus store right over here. We should arm ourselves to the teeth while we still can!"
I have a rocket launcher strapped to my back. I'm also a brilliant scientist and that "robot" was made by a little girl, we don't need that much weaponry.
"A giant robot? Have you lost your mind?" another comrade chimes in as he adjusts his glasses. "We need to regroup with other survivors as quickly as we can.. There's another bunker over here." He slyly places a finger on the opposite side of the map. "We should try to make contact with them as quickly as possible."
Good point, we could eat them, I will say that's probably the best plan.
"You've all lost your minds!" a fourth comrade interjects before tossing the map and table to the ground. "Have you not seen the horror these porno have brought to us! One of our own has taken his own life! We've angered the Almighty! We must beg for his forgiveness and cleanse ourselves of this filth! A fire! Burn the porno! And maybe some of our excess food while we're at it...
Fat Hippo, are you high?

Also Vote for EvilRoy


New member
Aug 31, 2009
As you debate among yourselves as to what your next course of action should be, at least one of you can't help but feel a sense that something is...wrong. The hairs on the back of your neck stand up, a cold chill creeps up your spine, it feels as though a light static has settled onto your brain...if you listen carefully you swear you can hear something clicking...

The Gods are angry...the Gods demand blood...At least one of you remember Fist of the North least one of you remember exploding limbs and at least one of you remember a fuck-awful OVA featuring Gackt and explicit sexual violence rather than the normal implied sexual violence.

