@Link Well, I did rip out his heart with my bare hands. But then again, that's not nearly as fatal as it used to be. So who knows? Maybe he's still out there. Watching.... Waiting.... Drinking Mello Yello. The bastard.
@Zero: Yeah...we usually don't follow those rules too strictly. Last round I think it was a week between deaths. Despite how much I wanted certain people dead. >.>
@Zero Link speaks the truth. In the summer we were locked down tight on the time limits but since a lot of us are in college, high school, or university; we tend to give people little more breathing room before we call the execution.
@Icarion I suggest messaging the non voters now rather than later.
@Omega & @Link: And winnah of the smacketh downeth is... Omega! Woooooo-eth!
@Neo: I think you lost your $10. We didn't have enough money to hire Bill for a guest appearance. And it was Omega that laid the smacketh downeth at the end, I'm afraid.
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