Serial Killer Round 47: It's Over!

War Penguin

Serious Whimsy
Jun 13, 2009
Serial Killer Round 47
[HEADING=2]Just Like the HK Unit![/HEADING]​

Murderville. Of course that's not the town's real name, but it's what people call it. It's an urban legend, a small town in the middle of nowhere, famous for its absurd amount of killers and reported of deaths.

Each one of you works for the local police force. You've seen it all, from the simple back alley stabbings to the "Oh sweet Jesus! Is that his stomach?!" But now... it's different. One of your own men got killed. Maybe it was an outside source, but you suspect it was someone on the inside, someone in the force.

Fingers are pointing, arguments and denials are yelled. But no matter what, the killer is out there, and he's picking each one of you out, one by one. Fight all you want, but you all have one common goal:

Find the killer... before he finds you.

Firstly, hot damn! It's been a while since I last did this! I can handle it, but don't be afraid to call me out on any inevitable mistakes I make.

Secondly, if you want, have your death fit the theme of the game. It doesn't have to, but it's just for fun.

Thirdly, whether or not it's within the theme, please write a death either way! It's in the spirt of SK!

Fourthly, for the newbies, this isn't strictly a Role Play type game. You can just talk casually in the thread with everyone else, whether it's about the game or whatever.

Similar to the party game of Murderer or Mafia, the objective is to find the killer and execute him or her to prevent them from continuing their murderous rampage. The game ends either when the killer is executed, or he has killed off everyone else.

Part 1 - Determining the Killer:
The murderer among you is determined through random chance. Each participant will PM me a number between 1 and 100, inclusive.
Whoever gets the closest number to one I have picked beforehand becomes the killer. In the event of a tie, a random number generator or a coin will be used at my discretion. No player may ask the GM to give them a role, either through PM or publicly. Doing so multiple times may lead to being uninvited from the game.

Every cycle, the killer chooses one person whom they wish to have killed. Because this is primarily a role playing forum, the recently deceased is required to detail and post their death. Deaths are to be contained to one post and should be put in a spoiler. This is done in the style of traditional role playing, although how you choose to die is completely up to you. Just make it clear that you are murdered.

Part 2 - Execution:
After a murder victim has been announced, and their death posted, everyone still standing must cast a vote as to who they believe to be the killer.

The game's voting has a strictly enforced time limit. All participants have TWO DAYS at absolute most to cast their votes. Anyone who has not voted by that time will have their vote randomly determined. If I do not reach 80% participation in the vote, the killer will be spared and one of the non-voting people will be killed off instead.
When the votes are tallied, I will PM the person with the highest number of votes, and they write and post their manner of execution. Again, make it clear that you have been executed.

Part 3 - Rinse and Repeat:
Once the execution has taken place, the killer is free to strike again in the next cycle. The process repeats ad infinitum until one of the two victory conditions detailed above has been completed.

The process of one murder and one execution is henceforth known as a 'cycle'.

When the Killer chooses their victim, they PM the name of his intended victim to the GM, who will then relay that message to the victim. Deceased players (murdered or executed) have 48 hours to post their death or recruit someone else to write it in the case of bad Internet, a family emergency or another legitimate reason.

Should a victim, be it murder or execution, choose to refuse to post a death or post a ridiculous or asinine one, they may not be invited back to future rounds.


There are seven roles in the game of Serial Killer:
The Killer, the Medic, the Spy, the Arbiter, the Entwined, the Celebrity, and the Priest.

The Killer:
The Killer is the primary focus of the game. This player's number is the closest to my choice of number. The killer sends me who they wish to kill at the beginning of each cycle. He or she is allowed to vote in the executions, they can be 'saved' by the Medic, and they can die in an execution if they are chosen by vote. Eliminating the killer, by execution or the use of the Arbiter, ends the round.

The Medic:
The Medic has the power to save players from the killer. The Medic gets a certain number of saves depending on the number of players still alive.
- At 25 players or more, the Medic may save five people.
- 20-24 people gives the Medic four saves.
- 15-19 players: three saves.
- 10-14 players remaining grants the Medic two attempts.
- With less than ten players, the Medic can only save one of them.

The Medic chooses who they wish to save by PMing the appropriate usernames to the GM. The Medic cannot save the same person twice or more in a row, regardless of how many saves they have.

If the Medic saves the killer's target, then they live to vote another day. The killer, however, is free to pick a new victim, regardless of whether they are on the Medic's list. The Medic cannot save themselves from a knife in the dark, however...

The player with the number furthest away from my own becomes the Physician.

The Spy:
The Spy is allowed to ask the GM up to three "yes or no" questions throughout the course of the game, to attempt to determine the killer's identity. I will answer them to the best of my ability. The Spy can only use one question at a time, though, and can only ask the questions every other cycle; for example, if the Spy were to ask a question in the first cycle, they are not allowed to ask another question in the second. This allows the killer to have a good number of victims under their belt.

The Spy is also limited to one question in regards to the Killer's username as it has been deemed too easy to identify the Killer's identity by asking questions only about their username. Other things such as avatars, country of origin, Twitter accounts, et cetera, are fair game.

The Spy is free to distribute the information however they wish, be it in full view of the public, in private or otherwise until they are murdered or executed. Upon the GM messaging the Spy that they have been murdered or executed, the Spy can no longer inform any players of the questions asked and their answers or who they have narrowed the possible suspects down to. This is extended to revealing the gathered information in the Spy's death-post. That's just cheating.

Whoever picks the number second-closest to my own becomes the Spy.

The Arbiter:
The Arbiter has the power to instantly execute one other player, without the need for a vote or intervention on any other player's behalf or that of the GM. Should the Arbiter do so, both the Arbiter and their target are killed to maintain the balance of the game and thus allow the killer to continue should he not be executed.

The Arbiter may perform their execution at any time of their choosing, without the need for a vote from the others. They should, however, notify the GM when they execute someone; if this doesn't happen then the GM, and by extension the other players, is out of the loop in regards to the Arbiter's execution. In order to maintain fairness to the killer, the Arbiter has restrictions on the use of their power. The Arbiter can use their power up until the point where the Spy has asked their third question to the GM. The Arbiter will have 5 rounds to decide their kill, or less if the Spy acts faster than the Arbiter.

The role of Arbiter is given to the player who guessed the number second farthest away from the GM's number.

The Entwined:
The two Entwined are linked by a special invisible bond... and the strength of their connection is only known when one of the two dies. When one of the Entwined dies, the other commits suicide. This role goes to the first players that choose identical numbers, or failing that, the first players that choose consecutive numbers. Neither of the Entwined can have a second role.

If there are no consecutive or identical guesses, those who guess the two numbers that are closest together become the Entwined. The two Entwined are aware of each other's existence, though no-one else is.

The Double Voter:
When certain people speak, the others around them seem more inclined to listen. The Double Voter is one of those people. He or she gets two votes instead of one. The Double Voter can vote for two different people or put both votes towards one person: The choice is yours. The double vote is for every cycle, not just one. This role's number is decided by a random dice roll, after all the other roles have been determined.

The Priest:
The Priest's role is an interesting one. He or she has the power to sacrifice themselves to resurrect someone who died in a previous cycle. When someone is resurrected, everyone in the round becomes aware of any role that the resurrected player may have.

A resurrected Arbiter cannot use their ability if they have already used it: it dies with them. If they have not used their power, however, and the conditions for its use are still acceptable (i.e. within the first five cycles of the game, the Spy has not asked all three of their questions) then they are free to execute a target.

The role of the Priest is determined by calculating the average of the guessed numbers, not including that of the GM. Whoever guesses the number closest to the average becomes the Priest.


[user]Mortis Nuncius[/user] Killed, Cycle 2
[user]RaNDM_G[/user] Executed, Cycle 2
[user]War Penguin[/user] Killer Killed by Arbiter []
[user]Schizzy[/user] Arbiter Noble Sacrifice []
[user]Mortified Penguin[/user]
[user]xTwinkiesX[/user] Killed, Cycle 1 []
[user]Venom 3135[/user] Executed, Cycle 1 []

Be sure to join our Serial Killer Group [] if you wish to partake in future rounds!


1) [user]sky14kemea[/user] Killed, Cycle 1
2) [user]CounterAttack[/user] Killed, Cycle 5
3) [user]NeoAC[/user] Executed, Cycle 1 []
4) [user]Schizzy[/user] Executed, Cycle 4
5) [user]Link_to_Future[/user]
6) [user]Redlin5[/user] Executed, Cycle 3 []
7) [user]Zero_ctrl[/user] Entwined Executed, Cycle 6
8) [user]Diablo1099[/user] Entwined Entwined Death
9) [user]Mortis Nuncius[/user]
10) [user]RaNDM G[/user] Killed, Cycle 8
11) [user]Nouw[/user] The Medic Killed, Cycle 7
12) [user]razer17[/user] Executed, Cycle 5
13) [user]MortifiedPenguin[/user] Killed, Cycle 6

14) [user]Terratina.[/user]
15) [user]TrilbyWill[/user] Executed, Cycle 7
16) [user]xTwinkiesx[/user] The Double Voter Killed, Cycle 4
17) [user]Lizmichi[/user] The Spy Executed, Cycle 2 []
18) [user]Jak23[/user] Killed, Cycle 3 []
19) [user]KrimsonNekros[/user] The Priest Killed, Cycle 2 []

The killer has been chosen! The game is now closed! You had your chance...


A Writer With Many Faces
Dec 25, 2008
"Definition: 'Love' is making a shot to the knees of a target a hundred and twenty kilometres away using an Aratech sniper rifle with a tri-light scope."
Number shall be sent in shortly.


Good Dog. Best Friend.
Nov 19, 2009
Statement: Indeed, I am most eager to engage in some unadulterated violence. At your command of course, Master.

Let's just leave quotes here instead of playing the game. ^_^

Edit: Also, funny that you would bring up Hitman. I just got off of a two hour Blood Money binge to wash the taste of Absolution out of my mouth. :/


Deus Ex-Mod
Jun 26, 2008
Uhmmm... I don't have any witty quotes. So...

I'll just send a number. :I

*eats a box of donuts*


RIP Escapist RP Board
May 24, 2012
Number s-s-sent.

I am determined to having my name on the OP as a regular sometime. >:D

ShindoL Shill

Truely we are the Our Avatars XI
Jul 11, 2011
@Terra: I'm determined to NEVER be a regular, but still take part in as many rounds as possible.

@sky: When you say you ate the whole box... you're just referring to the donuts inside, right?


Zombie Nation #LetsRise
Jun 9, 2008
The HR department either clearly didn't see my track record or their physical requirements are rather lax. Either way, let's do this.


New member
Oct 1, 2010
Number sent! Sorry for not being very active last round. I recently discovered the Skyrim nexus...