Seven is the magic number of anger


New member
Jan 14, 2009
you should just get the new 360, it doesn't have the issue. Two of my xbox's died, both covered.


New member
Jul 6, 2011
I'm on my second 360, but it was actually my fault the first one burned up. There were quite a few times when I'd watch a concert dvd or something as I was going to sleep, then once the timer function turned the tv off, I'd just completely forget that I left the 360 running. I think I left it spinning a disc to loop audio on a dvd menu for almost a week because I had to go out of town and didn't realize I'd left it on. After noticing a few glitches (one that looked almost exactly what an old magnavox tv I had in the early 90's did when it overheated) the video output totally died. Yeah, my 360 downgraded itself to an interactive radio entertainment system. Even then it didn't throw the old red ring at me though, it just overheated (I guess) to the point where the thermal paste on the gpu degraded.

After I bought a replacement (the original was out of warranty), a friend and I started trying to take the other one apart and diagnose it. After we had it apart and tried re-seating the gpu the first time THEN it gave a RROD. We did manage to get it right the next time we worked on it, restoring video function, but then we discovered the drive started scratching discs up really badly. My friend still has it at his house, using it as a bookend.


New member
May 14, 2010
Got an early generation 360 in 08. After a few years it started over heating and making the screen all fuzzy so I bought an external fan and a while later all it does is occasionally not read a disc the first few tries. Haven't had any problems other than that.


New member
Oct 2, 2010
Snotnarok said:
I don't even know what to say that'll accurately portray how angry I am. Today my SEVENTH Xbox 360 has just died. I've been with the 360 and PS3 very early on but there's one GLARING difference between the two. I've had SEVEN 360's die on me, and the same PS3 has sat on my shelf. 6 of those 360's all died within 5 months. It's not like I played them 24 hours a day in a hot room, my room is always very cold and I really don't play the 360 that often compared to PC.

I called up MS to have my 360 repaired or whatever hoping they'd make this right but no, they want me to pay for the repairs. The repairs for an E74 error being the solder came loose on a chip for the video out, so 100 bucks for that. After seven xbox 360's died on me I don't think I can honestly say I feel like I need to pay for the service. I have a over 11 consoles and all of them I treat very well.

I don't mean for this to come off as a hate rant but I'm just so angry that I've gone through so many and I've seen others use their unit FAR more and had less or NO problems. All my consoles put together haven't broken down as much as this one specific console. And to rub salt in the wound, not 2 months ago my second original Xbox died on me.

TL:DR: My seventh Xbox 360 has died, they refuse to cover it for free and they want me to pay 100 bucks to fix it. No other console has died on me or needed service as much as my 2 Xbox1s and my SEVEN 360's.

I gotta ask you guys how many have you had die on you? Have you had trouble like this with any other console/device? What would you do in this situation?
Like I said on CGR, that sucks and you should probably just opt for a new one. Preferably a slim or elite.


New member
Jun 12, 2011
My Xbox 360 is 4 years old. The key to its long life, is tough love. I have given mine a royal kick in on a number of occasions and its still going strong :). My PS3 has also never had issues, but then all it has to do is play media from my hard drive!


New member
Nov 17, 2008
StBishop said:
Just saying, that does look really cramped. Not well ventilated.
Heat isn't the problem, the E74 error is the solder giving out on a part of the video scaling/video out portion of the system. I make computers I'm not exactly ignorant in the matter. Trust me, it's well ventilated, it even has my AC near it.


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
Oh well. I stopped caring about these rants a long time ago, especially so because there seems to be tons of these threads every week. This is nothing personal against you, but it seems weird how every time someone on these forums have Xbox 360 problems, they feel the need to tell everybody (then sneakily put in there how the PS3 which they happen to have as well has never broken down).

Ursus Buckler

New member
Apr 15, 2011
I've never had my 360 break down on me once. The red ring has TRIED to appear twice, but I stopped them both times. Although, in all honesty I'm surprised my friend's 360 lasted as long as it did- his dad does a night shift, so when my friend would go to school his dad would go on the xbox and play on Gears until my friend came back. The 360 was on almost constantly for around two-three weeks before it packed in. Now they have two 360s in their household.


New member
Feb 2, 2010
The only reason my Xbox 360's have been changed is because i chose to get the newer versions when they released, i've never had a RRoD problem.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
7!? How'd you manage that? Ive had one since they 1st came out and Ive only lost one to RROD, which was my fault for sandwhiching it beside my PC, if you keep them in open air and give them a cursory go with the hover when your cleaning then they should last you for years, I think its time to look at how you keep it reather then blame Microsoft.

sgt. soap mctavish

New member
Jun 13, 2010
TornadoFive said:
7? Damn, that's some bad luck right there. I got an Elite version about a year and a half ago, and it's worked fine for me.
I've got a arcade model, and that's lasted me for 3 years and it's still running!


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Never had an Xbow360 die on me, on my second one now due to theft. The first two PS3's died though, strange malady of unknown source by which they became slower and slower to start up until they simply wouldn't.


Dec 3, 2010
Bought my 360 a bit over three years ago and it's still running. Have hardly played it for the past two years though since I bought a PS3... but I feel your pain OP. I would've given up on the 360's after my second one died however.


New member
May 13, 2010
I've had a launch PS3 and used it very regularly with no problems, similar experience amongst friends (of some 50 I keep in contact with one has had ylod). Amongst my friends with 360's only one of the two dozen or so hasn't had the rrod.

On the flip side, ylod left friend with no options, he wasn't given a new PS3 or fixed for free (no protection and outside warranty). rrod has generally been met with MS replacing/repairing. Though recently it seems to have been more problematic.

ShindoL Shill

Truely we are the Our Avatars XI
Jul 11, 2011
ive had one die on me and thats because the fan had a minor fault. i had it for a couple of years first though. the customer service is crap though.