Seven Sins Personality Question


New member
May 8, 2013
Lust > Pride > Envy > Sloth > Wrath > Greed > Gluttony

Souplex said:
That's Pride.
I'd say pride. I'm better than many people, and far too aware of it.
I found this ironic.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
1 - Sloth: I lack a whole lot of motivation and as such don't really go for anything.

2 - Pride: I usually refuse to ask for help and I'd prefer to appear as if I never need any.

3 - Wrath: My anger isn't as "fiery" as most people, but it's probably more definite. Once I get angry and make a decision, I stick to that decision regardless of what happens afterwards. Good at holding grudges.

4 - Envy: When I see people who have direction in their lives and seem to be happy, I want their knowledge of where to go and what to do, even if it's just something I perceive instead of how it actually is.

5 - Lust: Well, that more relates to my libido than anything else, but I'm pretty good at keeping it in check even though my reasoning can change when intensely desiring something or someone.

6 - Gluttony: I generally don't eat a whole lot, and never more than I need, and when there is something left I usually save it for later rather than throwing it away. Candy and snacks meant for one day usually lasts me several days, even if it's something I really like.

7 - Greed: This vice is almost unknown to me, to me the whole point of wealth is to share it.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
Wrath > Sloth > Greed > Lust > Gluttony > Pride > Envy

Wrath - Most certainly my worst one. I, without a doubt have an anger problem.

Sloth - I'm lazy. I should have cleaned the kitchen last night but I sat on my butt on here all night. >.>

I'm lumping this one in with gluttony. I've been known to take a good thing and do it far too much. I'm an extremist by nature.

Lust - Sex. :p

Pride - More of an issue than it used to be when I was younger, but not as bad as my anger.

Envy - I think I do pretty good with this one. (there's that pride) There's just not a whole whole lot I truly feel envious over. There are some things I wish I could have, but I do pretty well with not thinking about it most of the time.


New member
Jul 16, 2013
Nobody wants to read the middle ones, just the extremes. To that end, the one that defines me best is 'Pride' and the one that defines me least is 'Wrath'.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
1. Sloth- I'm incredibly unmotivated, it's probably the root of all my other problems.
2. Wrath- I have pretty much no temper, but I sort of hate everything.
3. Lust- I'm a 19 year old guy, what the fuck are you expecting here?

Now those are the only ones that I consider my vices, the others I don't really indulge much.

4. Gluttony- I do actually have the capacity to eat ridiculous amounts of food- I haven't felt full since I was a kid- but I keep it in check nowadays, I don't eat very much at all.
5. Greed- I can be greedy and I used to be when I was a kid. It's something about myself that I really hate, so I do my level best these days to suppress it.
6. Envy- Envy isn't something I really do. I don't know why, but I just don't really feel it.
7. Pride- I did say I hated everything- I'm very self-loathing, which I figure is pretty much the opposite of pride.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Ok, lets give it a go.

Greed - I am not so much greedy in money as greedy in experience. i must play every gay listen to every audio album, watch every movie and read every book. i cant imagone myself not trying to do that ever. i can never understand people who say "oh i dont wathc many movies" how can you not, you must watch EVERY SINGLE ONE.
well ok im a bit extragarating here but you got the point.

Pride - Im better than all of you, okay?

Gluttony - Im fat. Jim Sterling level fat.

Envy - Once again, not as much amterliastic as information envy. i envy people who can speak klingon, i envy people who can tell you every little detail about a game woken up in the middle of the night, i envy Bobs level of movie knowledge, basically i envy the fact that people know more than i do.

Wrath - i used to be optimist, then turned pesimist, during which phase i was angry and everyone and everything, now im just...cynical most of the time. I kinda got over my wrath in many instances and it was changed with "0 fucks given".

Sloth - Im lazy. but this is often overriden by my greed and the rest of sins above. so while im sloth, i dont have much time for slothing.

Lust - Theoretically, this should rank high. i got plenty of lustful fantasies and so on. in practice however im a virgin so.....

Yuno Gasai

Queen of Yandere
Nov 6, 2010
Sloth - There are a plethora of things I could and should be doing at any given time. That doesn't mean I actually manage to successfully do them, though.

Lust - This would probably be higher if I actually had the opportunity to act on my thoughts. Maybe.

Envy - I can be quite a jealous person. I'm guilty of constantly comparing myself to other people, and then getting upset if they seem to be better at something than I am.

Pride - I sometimes find it a little bit difficult to accept that I'm wrong, or that I've made a mistake. Strangely, I don't really struggle to apologize, though. (If anything, I'm a bit too willing to apologize.)

Greed - This kinda ties in with Envy. I'm not too good at sharing.

Gluttony - I'm not really guilty of overindulging things, so Gluttony & Wrath are tied for bottom spot.

Wrath - As I mentioned above, this is tied with Gluttony. I'm pretty slow to anger (and I'm not much of a vengeful spirit), so Wrath isn't really an issue for me.


Dec 1, 2011
Sloth > Wrath > Lust > Greed > Gluttony > Envy > Pride

I can be very lazy about a lot of things and, as many of my friends can tell you, I can get really pissed off at times.


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
My list:
Gluttony- I tend to over eat sometimes, but I'm trying to loose some weight
Sloth- I have a bat habit of procrastination. Enough said.
Wrath- Let's just say I have a very bad temper...
Lust- ...Does being a bit of pervert count?
Greed- I guess I'm just paranoid about running out of money, but I will donate money if I feel like it.
Envy- Maybe I'm a bit jealous of rich people, but that's it.
Pride- Honestly, I don't have a very good self-esteem.


New member
Nov 12, 2012

Add a depression in there and except Sloth and Lust everything is pretty tempered. Though I might start eating when I'm bored or go into my "why not" mode.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I would order this from the highest to lowest-

Gluttony (I'm not obese but my meals tend to be a bigger portion at times)
Sloth (Yup I can be quite lazy at times)
Lust (Err what can I say without sound like a perv?)
Greed (I want more money or stuff like anyone else but I am nowhere near greedy when I was little)
Wrath (Depend at who or what I get angry toward to)
Pride (Sure I do got pride at certain things but I am not prideful).
Envy (There is only one thing I get envy about but other than that I had learn not to get jealous)


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
1) Wrath. I'm all about my wrath. But beyond that I hardly partake in the other sins.
Then it's a HUGE step down before
2) Sloth, I suppose. When I'm not working I'm really lazy.
Then there are negligible amounts of the others, if I had to put them in order it would be


New member
Aug 29, 2011
For the sake of the OP, I'll start with listing the sins in order, greatest to weakest.

1. Wrath: I wouldn't say that I'm a violent person (quite the contrary). In terms of having feelings and thoughts of rage, I do have them reserved for all the idiots, war mongers, terrorists, and generally any human being lacking in common sense, morals, and humanity. So yeah, probably the biggest one in the lot, but I'd never really lash out physically or make idle threats.

2. Envy: Again, not at all to a degree that can be considered negative or damaging. I usually don't fret over being ignored or others having things I desire. I often just wish that people would consider asking things of me, reaching out for my company, or inviting me to certain outings that they know that I would both enjoy and definitely join in.

3. Lust: Same as the above. In this case, I just often times desire to be with someone for companionship more so than physical desires. I could live on without it, but it would be something nice to have.

4. Pride: More on this on the bottom. In general, I'm proud of all that I've done and I don't feel the need to always boast about it.

5. Gluttony: Despite my appearance, I am not a heavy eater. I enjoy food, but will not stuff myself silly. I just need to work out more (which is what I've been doing lately).

6. Greed: I'm probably one of the few people in this world who sees money as a tool or accessory in order to acquire that things that are necessary for me to have a simple, happy, and enjoyable life. I was never swayed or driven to garner a large fortune, and even if I did, it wouldn't change who I am and how I would spend my money (I've been there before and it just made affording college just a little bit easier).

7. Sloth: I rarely have time to be lazy and I am an early riser at that. I always have something to do or something that occupies my time; be it work, studies, research, hobbies, social outings, family matters, chores, errands, or the occasional walk to gather my thoughts, I'm never bored with my life or existence.

To put it bluntly, my family is the perfect embodyment of the sin of Pride.

Every direct member that shares our bloodline is guilty to this sin. They flaunt any and all successes and accomplishments to whoever they meet, including family members, in an effort to establish their status and importance in the family. Many times, my own family members will compete with one another into trying to outshine one another (bigger car, better house, better kids, etc.). It's gotten to the point where many of my family member will stop speaking with one another for weeks, months, or even years because of them flaunting around their successes (and we're a very tight-knit family. We usually have a family gathering every week or so).

I did none of these things, and for a while, I believed that I was an outcast. I also learned to be charitable and helpful to others outside of my family, which only strengthened my resolve of not harboring the sin of Pride that was fostered in my family. I proclaimed to be different and generally a better person for not giving in to the selfish and haughty desires of my family members, only to realize that rejecting my association with my family's sin and stating that I'm better than that is a form of Pride itself.

After this realization, I accept that I am guilty of the sin of Pride. However, it is a degree that is both harmless and beneficial in concreting my beliefs and morals, as well as to make me a better person.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
Sloth>Pride>Gluttony>Everything else?

I'm not greedy, or wrathful, or envious, or particularly lusty so I can't really say what order they come in. I just sit around a lot, taking pride in any slightly good thing I do and eat a significant amount of food. Everything else is just kind of there.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
ah hell i'm a fan of all seven.

but for me it would be wrath lust pride gluttony greed sloth envy.

main ones being the first three tho.

im a fairly primal type i guess


New member
Jul 31, 2008
Lust - I always wants stuff...and sex)
Sloth - I'm a terrible procrastinator
Pride - because sometime I'm fucking awesome
Wrath - I'm generally not all that angry, though a few subjects will warrant a disproportionately vicious response.
Envy - More often in terms of what people can do rather than what they have. Generally mixed with a high level of respect Gluttony - I enjoy my food but I really don't eat all that much by 1st world country standards anyway
Greed - while I want things (lust), I don't always act on it, I have no strong desire to hoard things or not share with others


New member
Oct 1, 2012
Sloth 75 points
Wrath 60 points
Greed 20 points
Pride 15
Envy 10
Lust 10
Gluttony 3
....I can't organize this beyond that. I am always trying to eat less, I am SUPER fuckin' lazy though. Not even going to deny that. I have a rather short fuse, not with others but with myself most of the time, I shouldn't keep making the same mistakes or have a 1:1 or less KD ratio in TF2/CSS/CSGO. I don't really envy other people, compared to many I live like royalty, and I don't really have any lust, due to my lack of care of sex. Greed is such an awkawrd thing as I try to follow Buddhist life style where I don't hold anything too close to me, but I'm sure I've fucked that over.