You mean like how Tony Stark, in the first Iron Man movie, tackled global weaponization by shutting down his military branch of his company, refusing to build any more WMD's? Or how in subsequent films, they remark (usually in offhand comments that can be easily overlooked) that he has repurposed Stark Industries to include disaster relief programs on a global scale, to help with cleanup from the various super-combat locations? Or how he has student enrichment programs in various schools, to try and fund STEM? It would be great to see superheroes do that kind of thing all the time. But it requires someone with a shitton of money/resources, so that excludes 99.9% of superheroes, or someone with massive political clout, or is the ruler of a country. Which again, removes almost all of them. President Hulk just isn't an interesting premise for a movie. Do you want to watch 2 hours of Hulk talking before congress where he presents his comprehensive bill for universal healthcare? Because that's what you are complaining about. And that's just fucking C-SPAN. And I'm sorry, but not even Hulk can make watching C-SPAN for 2 hours, a fun experience. But, watching President Hulk, just leaving the congressional floor, AFTER giving his universal healthcare speech, to be told by Nick Fury that "they have a situation....a....Code Green situation." And then they cut to the avengers assembling to go punch something, perhaps with quips about how Hulk looks good in a suit. THAT is the kind of thing that would make for a good 2 hour viewing experience.Also, fuck superheroes, all they do is enforce the status quo. Name one superhero that has fought for universal healthcare, or against income inequality.
Because movies about toppling companies due to unsexy things like healthcare, are legal dramas, and not action films. You don't solve universal healthcare and income inequality with a punch to the face. You solve "asshole about to do something that immediately blows up lots of people" by punching it in the face. And that is pretty much what action films, super hero versions or not, deal with.