Share an interesting random fact


New member
Nov 29, 2011
Mischa87 said:
Cookiegerard said:
Ducks reproduce by rape.
I'll see your duck rape, and raise you bedbugs reproduce via rape, but the males don't actually penetrate the female's reproductive tract, they inject it directly into their blood through a random place on their carapace, if I recall correctly, this kills them females 1/3 of the time.

Also, ducks have spiral/corkscrew penises... just say'n.
It's called traumatic insemination, and their penis is a literal corkscrew to break through the females abdomen.

And there is a type of duck, the Muscovy duck, that can't get raped. Yes, the male's penis can reach it's full size in less than a second, but the female's vaginal canal has multiple twists and turns, making it nigh impossible for the male to fully penetrate. They can only reproduce if the female relaxes her canal and allows the male.

Mugen said:
Statistics, all true.

33.3 percent of the Jonas brothers have diabetes.

One out of ever four kids with the initials ADD actually has it, and four out of four kids with the initials ADHD have an annoying, self righteous mother who wouldn't just shut the fuck up and take her husbands last name.

One out every 44 US presidents can DUNK. its Miller Fillmore, you racists.

The average child of Sarah Palin has 46.2 chromosomes.

The average person has one Fallopian tube.

The average penis length is 5.5 inches, and the average penis length of a man who googles ''average penis length'' is 3.5 inches.
Ahhh, Bo Burnham is hilarious. :)

My facts are:
1. The genome for the Black Death plague in the 1300's has recently been decoded, and has been found to be close to the origin of Y. pestis, or the Plague disease.

2. The name for the medical condition that the Viagra and other male enhancers warn you about, "if you have an erection lasting longer than 4 hours...", is called priapism. It causes the penis or clitoris to swell without sexual stimulation and prevent de-inflammation. Priapisms can be very painful and lead to scarring. It can occur because of drugs, some cancers and blood disorders, and some venomous spider bites.

3. For every 35 pounds an overweight man loses, his penis gains an inch.

4. Back before we knew about bacterium and viruses, John Hunter did research on the STD's syphilis and chlamydia. He believed that they were different stages of one disease, and to prove it, he took samples from another infected male's sore (a symptom of syphilis is an open sore on the penis) and lacerated the only clean penis that he had, his own, and infected himself with it. He ended up getting both syphilis and chlamydia and wrongly claiming they were one disease. But the reason that he got both was because his original sampler unknowingly had both.

I apparently know a great deal of random facts about intercourse. Thank you honors classes!


New member
Nov 29, 2011
217not237 said:
EpicEps said:
For every 35 pounds an overweight man loses, his penis gains an inch.
I now have to start excercising :p
It has something to do with how the fat is distributed throughout the body. Both genders have fat deposits around their thighs and for men, that includes their penis. If you're already of a healthy weight, though, you won't see any effects. :D


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Aug 16, 2009
The Unworthy Gentleman said:
feebstalicious93 said:
Belly button lint comes from your underwear
fly larvae helps to heal wounds quicker
Natural animal explosions can occur for a variety of reasons. On 2004, a buildup of gas inside a decomposing sperm whale, measuring 17 meters (56 ft.) long and weighing 50 tons, caused it to burst in Taiwan. The explosion was reported to have splattered blood and whale entrails over surrounding shop-fronts, bystanders, and cars.
That is the first time I've ever seen a sextuple post. Fucking awesome.

OT: Shouting your question with the preface "Gun to your head..." while pointing your index finger and your middle finger at someone's head in the shape of a gun is an appropriate way to get their true answer and, occasionally, a fist to the face.

You may leave someone within the first 5 minutes (300 seconds, act fast) of any date for whatever reason, you simply say "I'm going to have to Lemon Law" and leave. The Lemon Law, it's a thing.

I am better than every single one of you and everyone you know and love by several country miles.
i once did the lemon law on someone who knew about the lemon law. true story.


New member
Aug 16, 2009
Vausch said:
Hitler was a vegetarian.

From a complete stop, a human can outrun a formula one race car for about 30 feet.

"Luke, I am your father" is the most misquoted line in film history.

Christmas comes from the Pagan Holiday Saturnalia. In fact, the star on the tree is supposed to be a sun, as it was Saturn who pulled the sun along with his chariot.
another misquoted line is "Beam me up Scotty"


New member
Mar 16, 2009
EpicEps said:
For every 35 pounds an overweight man loses, his penis gains an inch.

I really doubt that.

If that was true i would have a 9 inch penis.

I really wish it is true, though.


New member
Aug 16, 2009
Men who kiss their wives in the morning live five years longer than those who don't.
President George W. Bush was once a cheerleader
Over 1,000 birds a year die from smashing into windows.
According to statistics, Australian women are most likely to have sex on the first date.
A group of officers is called a mess.
there is a superman in every episode of "Seinfeld"
Mark Wahlberg has three nipples
A is the first letter of the alphabet
B is the second letter of the alphabet
1 is the loneliest number


New member
May 10, 2011
Tharwen said:
It's possible for a human to survive unprotected in the vacuum of space for up to around 2 minutes. You don't lose much heat because there's nothing for it to conduct to and the body is tough enough not to immediately die from the pressure difference.

After about 30 seconds, however, the blood vessels in your skin will begin to burst, and of course you'll asphyxiate. You'll also get extremely bad sunburn if you're anywhere near a star.
I thought the temperature in space is close to absolute zero (minus 273 degrees Celsius) and thus you would freeze instantly?? At least on the "dark sides" of space. If you are in space when facing the sun you get burned to death (without protective gear or an ozone layer to protect you). No?

Dethenger said:
Krion_Vark said:
TYPEWRITER, is the longest word that can be made using the letters on only one row of the keyboard.
To expand on this, the reason is that people selling typewriters would be able to type the word while pitching it in order to impress the customer.

Also, the QWERTY arrangement was designed because the early, more fragile keyboards had a tendency to jam when two keys next to each other were pressed in rapid succession, which meant spreading out the more commonly used letters around some.
And little did he know that QWERTY would set the standard for the keyboard. Because even though the problem of jamming was no longer an issue, people found out you could type faster if the commonly used letters are further apart.


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Jan 27, 2010
4RM3D said:
y1fella said:
Mt Everest is the highest point on earth but not the highest mountain. That honor goes to Mauna Kea. Which is not the highest mountain on earth because some 8000 meters of it is underwater.
scrambledeggs said:
I get what you were trying to say, but it made little sense.. the meaning of mountain changed.
Actually, you are both wrong.

Mount Everest is considered to be the highest mountain above sea level. But it is NOT the highest point on earth. That honor goes to Mount Kilimanjaro. The reason for this is its location. Kilimanjaro is closer to the equator. At this point the landmasses are higher. Making Kilimanjaro the winner.* As for the highest mountain with its base below sea level, that is indeed Mauna Kea.

*This is still disputed. Mount McKinley and Nanga Parbat are also contenders, but Kilimanjaro is considering to be the most probable.

Also this wont be true in some 22.5k years as Mt Everest is actually growing 60cm a year. Also imo submarine based volcanes shouldnt count because they have the advantage of reduces gravity and generally higher angle of internal resistance.


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Dec 4, 2010
Coal power plants emit far more radiation into the environment than nuclear power plants.


New member
Dec 7, 2009
feebstalicious93 said:
1 is the loneliest number
But 2 can be as bad as 1, it's the loneliest number since the number 1.

Piccolo is Akira Toriyama's favourite character from Dragonball, and he believes Vegeta will be the first to die of natural causes due to high blood pressure.

Theory is often misused in place of "hypothesis" (the two words are NOT synonyms).

Ralph Bakshi punched the producer of Cool World in the mouth for changing almost everything behind his back.

Friday the 13th will always fall on a month starting on a Sunday.

If you heat a diamond to 1405 degrees Fahrenheit, it will turn into vapour.


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Sep 17, 2011
zelda2fanboy said:
Die Hard is based off of a novel called Nothing Ever Changes that is a sequel to a previous book called The Detective. The Detective was adapted into a film of the same name in 1968, starring Frank Sinatra. The characters' names in Die Hard were changed for it to be a standalone movie, but in a roundabout way, Frank Sinatra is the original John McClane.
So the plot of all the movies takes after the novel title... Cool


New member
May 10, 2011
Talshere said:
4RM3D said:
Mount Everest is considered to be the highest mountain above sea level. But it is NOT the highest point on earth. That honor goes to Mount Kilimanjaro. The reason for this is its location. Kilimanjaro is closer to the equator. At this point the landmasses are higher. Making Kilimanjaro the winner.* As for the highest mountain with its base below sea level, that is indeed Mauna Kea.

*This is still disputed. Mount McKinley and Nanga Parbat are also contenders, but Kilimanjaro is considering to be the most probable.

Also this wont be true in some 22.5k years as Mt Everest is actually growing 60cm a year. Also imo submarine based volcanes shouldnt count because they have the advantage of reduces gravity and generally higher angle of internal resistance.
In some 22.5k years we may very well have blown ourselves out of existence. That or a certain meteor thought that Mount Everest would make a good spot to settle down.

In reality though the platonic shift may very well screw everything over. Like turning California into an island or launching some other mountain into space.


New member
Nov 30, 2008
mbug said:
usmarine4160 said:
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word in the English dictionary, it's a lung disease caused by the inhalation of fine silica dust (like from volcanoes, makes sense as 'volcano' is part of the condition).
When i looked at that i didnt even try to read the word... i kinda just skipped to "longest word in english dictionary"....

OT: A goldfish is the only animal that can see ultra violet and infra red lighting.
Pronounce it: New mono ultra microscopic silico volcano coni osis
It's easy.

Male Koalas have forked penises, and females have two vaginas.


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Dec 11, 2008
Santa Claus wears a jacket with a hat; Father Christmas a robe with a hood.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
4RM3D said:
Talshere said:
4RM3D said:
Mount Everest is considered to be the highest mountain above sea level. But it is NOT the highest point on earth. That honor goes to Mount Kilimanjaro. The reason for this is its location. Kilimanjaro is closer to the equator. At this point the landmasses are higher. Making Kilimanjaro the winner.* As for the highest mountain with its base below sea level, that is indeed Mauna Kea.

*This is still disputed. Mount McKinley and Nanga Parbat are also contenders, but Kilimanjaro is considering to be the most probable.

Also this wont be true in some 22.5k years as Mt Everest is actually growing 60cm a year. Also imo submarine based volcanes shouldnt count because they have the advantage of reduces gravity and generally higher angle of internal resistance.
In some 22.5k years we may very well have blown ourselves out of existence. That or a certain meteor thought that Mount Everest would make a good spot to settle down.

In reality though the platonic shift may very well screw everything over. Like turning California into an island or launching some other mountain into space.

While I cant comment on the probability of a meteor impact, Mt Everest and the Himalayas in general are not exactly prime targets for a nuke based on current significance. Even if they did become fully populated the dynamics of explosions and the topography of such a new mountain range would make nuking such an area tantamount to pointless.

While we know little of the actually true dynamics of plate tectonics, given the actual rate of movement is some 2cm per year on average the probability of a significant tectonic movement occurring that thrusts another mountain into a contender for the title is as close to zero as these things ever get.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
The longest word of any kind is the chemical name for Titin, and is 189819 letters long. It is the longest protein yet discovered. I have spoilered it, to save you from eye-rape.

EDIT: It was too long. Here's a link.


New member
Nov 29, 2011
Burst6 said:
EpicEps said:
For every 35 pounds an overweight man loses, his penis gains an inch.

I really doubt that.

If that was true i would have a 9 inch penis.

I really wish it is true, though.
I think it's relative to your body weight. If you're more overweight, then when you lose weight then you'll gain more length to your penis. But if you're average weight, there would be little to no noticeable effect.

Karaoke, when translated from Japanese, means empty orchestra.

Isaac Asimov is the only person to have a book in every category in the Dewey decimal system.

Lethologica is the sensation of not being able to remember the word that you want to use.

There was a Russian woman in the mid 1700s that had 69 kids, the most on record. The break down is 16 sets of twins, 7 sets of triplets, and 4 sets of quadruplets.

There is popular myth in Paraguay. A god, Kurupí, was blamed for children born out of wedlock or born of an affair. The mothers of these children were usually adolescents sneaking out for some fun. They blamed their pregnancies on Kurupí, who rapes young girls who adventure out in the forest. He captures them with his extremely long penis, which he keeps wrapped multiple times around his waist, that he can use as a rope to snare girls and the only way to escape him is to sever his penis or to climb a fruit tree.


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
4RM3D said:
Tharwen said:
It's possible for a human to survive unprotected in the vacuum of space for up to around 2 minutes. You don't lose much heat because there's nothing for it to conduct to and the body is tough enough not to immediately die from the pressure difference.

After about 30 seconds, however, the blood vessels in your skin will begin to burst, and of course you'll asphyxiate. You'll also get extremely bad sunburn if you're anywhere near a star.
I thought the temperature in space is close to absolute zero (minus 273 degrees Celsius) and thus you would freeze instantly?? At least on the "dark sides" of space. If you are in space when facing the sun you get burned to death (without protective gear or an ozone layer to protect you). No?
There's no air for your body heat to conduct to, so the only way you can cool down is by radiation, which isn't very fast.


New member
May 10, 2011
Talshere said:
While we know little of the actually true dynamics of plate tectonics, given the actual rate of movement is some 2cm per year on average the probability of a significant tectonic movement occurring that thrusts another mountain into a contender for the title is as close to zero as these things ever get.
While I am no expert on these matters... but there is still the possibility that a platonic tectonic shift causes a chain reaction; like a snowball down a snowy mountain principle.

But what I just wanted to point out is: the future is uncertain; anything can happen.