Once again, I had the same professor take 20 minutes of class time to ***** about how "were not in high school anymore" and then went on to say how her students were "emotionally draining her."
Meanwhile, I'm paying a good chunk of change to attend class on top of the gas and time I have to take going back and forth. It's about 60 dollars in gas alone. I'm paying you to teach me, not ***** about the mofo' thats wasting his opportunity. Not for you to take out your daily life's problems out on the class because you can't keep your personal problems at the door. I'm sorry the rest of the kids didn't read the damn book, but I did and I'm fucking paying you so don't run off and pout "Oh I can't teach like this."
I hate it when Professor do this. It's like if you bought a hamburger at McDonalds, ate half of it and went to throw it away and the person behind the counter bitching about your waste of a meal and how hard that worked on making that Quater Pounder with cheese. As if this miss opportunity is slight against them. This same professor caught two girls cheating on a test and flipped out on them, and it's just... Jesus Christ, the fuck do you care? Just take their papers away and tell them they're getting zeroes and you'll speak to the department head. You don't need to be ranting and raving like a lunatic as if these girls pissed in your coffee.
Not to mention how many of us 20 somethings over the course of our lives have heard that "Your not in [blank] anymore." line? That "This year will finally start treating you like adults!" I heard this consistently through out my life every year of schooling, and it was always a crockashit. Treat you like an adult, they say, but God forbid you pull out an ipod during your freetime.
Aug... Share your stories of shitty professors/teachers
P.S. Yeah, even I know this post comes across spoiled and entitled. Just so fucking of that attitude, and I'm venting
Meanwhile, I'm paying a good chunk of change to attend class on top of the gas and time I have to take going back and forth. It's about 60 dollars in gas alone. I'm paying you to teach me, not ***** about the mofo' thats wasting his opportunity. Not for you to take out your daily life's problems out on the class because you can't keep your personal problems at the door. I'm sorry the rest of the kids didn't read the damn book, but I did and I'm fucking paying you so don't run off and pout "Oh I can't teach like this."
I hate it when Professor do this. It's like if you bought a hamburger at McDonalds, ate half of it and went to throw it away and the person behind the counter bitching about your waste of a meal and how hard that worked on making that Quater Pounder with cheese. As if this miss opportunity is slight against them. This same professor caught two girls cheating on a test and flipped out on them, and it's just... Jesus Christ, the fuck do you care? Just take their papers away and tell them they're getting zeroes and you'll speak to the department head. You don't need to be ranting and raving like a lunatic as if these girls pissed in your coffee.
Not to mention how many of us 20 somethings over the course of our lives have heard that "Your not in [blank] anymore." line? That "This year will finally start treating you like adults!" I heard this consistently through out my life every year of schooling, and it was always a crockashit. Treat you like an adult, they say, but God forbid you pull out an ipod during your freetime.
Aug... Share your stories of shitty professors/teachers
P.S. Yeah, even I know this post comes across spoiled and entitled. Just so fucking of that attitude, and I'm venting