Share your stories of shitty professors/teachers

Sep 9, 2010
Once again, I had the same professor take 20 minutes of class time to ***** about how "were not in high school anymore" and then went on to say how her students were "emotionally draining her."

Meanwhile, I'm paying a good chunk of change to attend class on top of the gas and time I have to take going back and forth. It's about 60 dollars in gas alone. I'm paying you to teach me, not ***** about the mofo' thats wasting his opportunity. Not for you to take out your daily life's problems out on the class because you can't keep your personal problems at the door. I'm sorry the rest of the kids didn't read the damn book, but I did and I'm fucking paying you so don't run off and pout "Oh I can't teach like this."

I hate it when Professor do this. It's like if you bought a hamburger at McDonalds, ate half of it and went to throw it away and the person behind the counter bitching about your waste of a meal and how hard that worked on making that Quater Pounder with cheese. As if this miss opportunity is slight against them. This same professor caught two girls cheating on a test and flipped out on them, and it's just... Jesus Christ, the fuck do you care? Just take their papers away and tell them they're getting zeroes and you'll speak to the department head. You don't need to be ranting and raving like a lunatic as if these girls pissed in your coffee.

Not to mention how many of us 20 somethings over the course of our lives have heard that "Your not in [blank] anymore." line? That "This year will finally start treating you like adults!" I heard this consistently through out my life every year of schooling, and it was always a crockashit. Treat you like an adult, they say, but God forbid you pull out an ipod during your freetime.

Aug... Share your stories of shitty professors/teachers

P.S. Yeah, even I know this post comes across spoiled and entitled. Just so fucking of that attitude, and I'm venting


New member
Jan 31, 2011
My engineering prof last semester would go off on long tangents about how easy everything was and how he could do all the problems in about 30 seconds. He interrupted lecture to talk on his phone two or three times as well. Meanwhile half the class was failing because this idiot couldn't teach a rock how to fall off a fencepost.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
I had a TA recently accuse me and my friend of cheating in my chem lab. He said we had similar reports on the experiment and our graphs were the same. This would have carried some weight if it hadn't been for the fact that me and my friend were partners in the experiment and he knows that we have been partners since day one. I had to go through a bunch of shit to clear mine and my friends name just because this tool thought it would be funny to fuck with me right before the end of the semester.

where's a "haters gonna hate" picture when you need one?


New member
May 9, 2010
I had a kinda racist art teacher in elementary school. Apparently, though I can't remember this, one of my friends (he's Hispanic) asked a question, and she'd blow him off, and when a white kid would ask the same question, she'd gladly answer with a smile.

All around, she was just unreasonable.
Of course, since elementary school art class was so crucial to our academic careers, we could never talk in her class.

Midway through fifth grade, we got a new art teacher who was really nice, and I once got a plastic moose in her class.

silver wolf009

Jan 23, 2010
BoredDragon said:
where's a "haters gonna hate" picture when you need one?
Here you go:

OT: My second grade teacher gave me a lunch detention for try to argue the point that cameleons change color not for their background, but to display their attitudes at the time.


New member
Nov 13, 2009
Hmmm lets see well there is my English teacher who always preaches about how we need to take responsibility and do our work and I always find it ironic that he spends 35-45 minutes of our class talking about some inane bullshit that doesn't help us with our assignment.


New member
May 16, 2009
My history teacher used to love making an example of me in front of the class because I was a rather poor student.
She'd say things like "This is not how you want to be" and point at me or hold up a paper of mine, telling everyone that "You do not want to write like this" and single me out, making all the students hate me even more than they already did. She even tried to suspend me for arguing that Greek Mythology is no more "ridiculous" as she put it, than Christianity or any major religion.
I was 10 at the time and she couldn't handle that someone would challenge her beliefs.
Then again, I would always deliberately try to piss her off after that so... yay :D

It was kinda funny though and I like to laugh about what a ***** she was :3
This was also not the only instance of this happening and certainly not the only teacher >.>

I never really had any teachers that were nice to me except for one but... that didn't really ever help much.


This is a placeholder
Aug 24, 2009
United Kingdom
Eh, nothing too bad, although this teacher was sort of annoying. I once had a teacher who let us into class, then fucked off for about 20 minutes to do someone thing, we weren't sure who what.

Then he entered the classroom and said "Right, I'm keeping you back for 20 minutes at lunch-time because you've wasted my time." ...Mother...fricker.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Back in secondary school my A-level Chemistry teacher kept reminding me I was going to fail because I didn't do masses of work in lessons and pissed around a lot, even though I got As in all of the tests. I wouldn't have minded as much if he wasn't such a big headed asshole.


New member
Feb 5, 2011
Had a college prof whose lectures consisted of 15 minutes of actual material and 40 minutes of random facts about all this cool shit he and his lab had discovered about chemical X. Then he'd test us on everything that was in the lecture notes that he didn't get around to covering.

Another professor half the words he'd say in a given lecture where umm, err and m'ky, one day the m'ky total alone was above 60.

One of the my math prof's English was soooo bad he'd have a TA in the room to translate, even better the translator was Russian with a thick accent and STILL managed to be more comprehensible.


New member
Jan 28, 2010
I once had a statistics lecturer who would routinely mix up words. Not helpful when trying to grasp stats concepts for the first time. I'm just glad that the textbook was actually a good one.

And why didn't the university pick up on the fact that he had only a basic knowledge of English? Fair enough it was his second language but if you don't know the finer points how can you expect to teach a complicated subject?


New member
Feb 5, 2011
Mercurio128 said:
And why didn't the university pick up on the fact that he had only a basic knowledge of English? Fair enough it was his second language but if you don't know the finer points how can you expect to teach a complicated subject?
Some universities are more interested in the notoriety, honors and research money their profs bring in rather than ability to teach.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
I had an Irish teacher who could barely speak any Irish. She would give us an exercise to do and then just read a book for the class. If anyone asked her to translate a particular word she'd tell them she didn't know and to just ignore it.


New member
Jun 11, 2008
SaneAmongInsane said:
I can not fucking stand teachers like that. They need to realise that we are not their friends, we are their students. We are not their boyfriends, we are their students. We are not their family, we are their students. We don't give one solitary fuck about their personal lives because we're their motherfricking students.

I went to a pretty abysmal comprehensive school (gee, that was fun as a middle class kid) so I've got a lot of teachers on my shit list. Largely the teachers who used their class as an excuse to preach their half-baked pseudo-feminist bullshit (every second female teacher seemed to think she was the poor man's Germaine Greer on a mandate to whine about men), to not teach at all (e.g. read a magazine) or do simply batshit insane things like jump around the classroom clapping (not even kidding).

Then again, this was a school where one kid pushed another's head into a drill for calling his mum 'gay', so nine tenths of the teachers' behaviour is probably explained somewhere on the side-effects packaging for whatever anxiolytic they were taking.


Space. Lance.
Jun 7, 2010
My physics teacher did very little actual teaching. It wasn't coincidence that only 30% passed that class. Granted, I did too, but narrowly.

I mean it's pretty telling when he gets bored of his own lecture 15 minutes in and starts a game of Heads Up Seven Up to whittle away the last hour.


Fuhuhzucking hellcocks I'm good
Mar 17, 2010
In my personal experience Biology teachers were the biggest whingers. Through GCSE, A level and re-doing my A level, Biology teachers were the worst. It was like trying to deal with a child.