Share your stories of shitty professors/teachers


New member
Jul 7, 2010
My 10th grade math teacher for Algebra II had a mustache.

Female, with a mustache. Perhaps there are females who can pull this off but she was definitely not one of them.

And she was a really bad teacher too, I mean she couldn't teach the material in any way that people could easily learn it. I'm sure most people have had that kind of teacher before. The teacher that no one in class could follow.


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
A few really, really bad ones
Grade 4: I suffered from ADD. I tuned her lecture out, because, to be quite frank, I knew what she was talking about. She would then call on me, hoping that making me look bad for tuning her out would make the other students pay attention. I answered her question correctly, and it, according to her, ?Made the other students not pay attention?. She was really bitchy to me, and a nasty person. She was removed from the school the next year, thank God.

Grade 9: My science teacher was a awful person. No one liked her. She had to give out copious amounts of extra credit because everyone failed her tests. She also demanded that everyone know how to spell all, and I do mean all, the basic elements. She knew nothing about what she was teaching.

Last year; I had a English-Comp teacher who, as an activity, had us make a PBJ. This was a college course. On english. She was also cruel to a student with LD issues.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
Last year I had a maths teacher that had 1 lesson where he actually taught the class something. 1! All other classes he left it to the book to teach us. His excuse? "I find this stuff too easy so I can't teach it to you". That's ok, we're only year 12's you know and that's not a big deal or anything.

open trap

New member
Feb 26, 2009
At 8th grade grad dance the health teacher who has hated me ever seince i voiced a political opinion different from hers tried to make me spend the entire last day of school cleaning the bathroom because i "smashed soap all over the place". i then asked her what proof she had and that my buddy next to me could attest to me being in line to get a character for a good 30 min and not once enter the bathroom my entire in the school. She claimed to have seen me, i called bullshit and asked her to tell me who told her, she said a reliable source. I called her on changing her story and she walked away. Have not spoken to me seince.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Once I had a teacher give me a detention because I handed a single piece of work in late even though all the other teachers would have either a three strikes and you're out or one more day with less marks otherwise detention.

But then again I'd sit at the back and mess around with my mates quite a bit but even so.

Sep 9, 2010
PettingZOOPONY said:
How about we come up with some shitty student stories.
personal gripe much? You wanna elaborate? Mind you my neck of the United States has the opposite problem when it comes to teachers everywhere else, they're actually as overpaid as well as their administration.

5000 dollars in taxes for the schools alone. not even the police get that.


New member
Feb 18, 2010
The only thing I remember about my 7th grade physics teacher was that she was a *****, but I wouldn't be able to cite specifics. I was a dick back then. I had a humorous incident where I wrote a lowercase a as an answer on a test and got sent down for calling the teacher an old hag because she marked it incorrectly. The entertaining part was that unlike any of the 50 other times I got called down, my other teachers didn't punish me at all. They spent all their time trying to figure out what character I put down, with a,b,c and even d being mentioned as possible options.

By contrast, my HS is extremely good with the teachers. I only had one person who I can consider shitty, who was a phys ed lady that refused to excuse me for 2 weeks of absences for the very painful ankle injury I had sustained that my doctor told me to stay home for. I never saw her in the building since that year.

I was thinking about this one other person, my freshman biology teacher, but she wasn't really shitty. I failed both terms of her class, mostly because I didn't write up lab reports, but I only realized when I was having a conversation with some of my friends two years later that she ended up teaching us like an AP class. With some 2nd year college stuff in there. To 9th graders that are forced to take biology. I don't harbor that much of a grudge against her, I aced the regular course when I retook bio and that was that. I still knew the material she taught us, but it's kind of a dick move when the grade for the class goes on your transcript.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
My second grade teacher would write me up for just getting up to get my pencil! Then she'd get all red-faced and damn-near scream her head off when I kept saying that I was just getting my pencil.


I'm back, baby, & still dancing!
Dec 27, 2010
I once went through 3 English teachers in 1.5 years. The first one was awesome; she was a native speaker from Wales and of course she left for greener pastures after 6 months.

The second one was a drunk; he'd leave in the middle of class for 5 minutes and come back smelling of booze. During the summer hols I bumped into him at noon one day downtown and he was staggering drunk. He did not come back the next semester.

The third one was the worst - even if I have a pathological aversion to drunks I must admit the second one was an OK teacher. When no3 found out English was my mother tongue she would ask before class if I thought this and that sentence was right or was her grammar wrong in the sentence written on the blackboard and if I could help her. Yeah, I cut that class; I didn't need the pressure of teaching my teacher =/

But that's really the worst that's happened to me teacher-wise. I've been lucky =)

A Weary Exile

New member
Aug 24, 2009
I've quite a few really awful teachers, especially senior year of high school, but one in particular comes to mind. My sixth grade math teacher would suddenly veer waaay off topic for an entire class period mid-lecture, he liked to give us 'Inspiring' talks or talk about the stuff he did when he wasn't teaching such as base-jumping or surfboarding.

My Spanish teacher senior year made no attempt to teach because a large portion of the class already spoke fluent Spanish and just wanted an easy grade, leaving the rest of us out in the cold.


New member
Aug 20, 2010
My Honors Chemistry teacher. He had a policy that if you missed school, you saw him the morning before class to get the missing assignments. I had missed the previous day, so I go to his class and he isn't there. I wait until the bell rings, causing me to be late to my first hour class. Second hour roles around and I enter my Chem class. I see the teacher is just sitting at his desk, playing music(cause, you know, he was hip like that), and I think it is an okay time to see him. I walk up to him and ask, "Excuse me Mr. Smith, I was wondering what I missed last class. I tried to come in this morning, but-" Then it began.

Mr. Smith gets up and starts screaming at me. "You know you are supposed to come in before school! You think I am not busy? You think I have time to waste on a kid like you, who can't even follow simple rules? I have twenty other kids who can follow those rules, and I have to teach them." I would also like to note that class hadn't started at this point. Mr. Smith tells me sit down. I sit down and think it is over. It wasn't.

He then walks up to the front of class and starts yelling at me in front of everyone, talking about how I shouldn't miss school just because of a hurt leg or a stomach ache, that in real life, you have to man up and do things you don't like. He continues to yell for about ten minutes until he asks me "So Blas, what was your lame excuse for missing school? Huh, you stomach hurt, or you didn't do your homework?" I stand up and say, " sir. I watched my Grandfather die yesterday. I chose to come into school today, even though I am missing the wake and my last chance to see my Grandfather." Mr. Smith's face turns purple. I still don't know if he was embarressed or angry, but he told me to leave his class immediately. I left and wen to the office.

I was switched out of the class by the end of the week. To this day, Smith won't look me in the face.


New member
Jul 4, 2010
So My current High School English teacher is a *****, and my old Science Teacher (Who was a midget) was a asshole.But I won't tell any tales, I'll just get riled up and pissed off over them.


Fussy Fiddler
May 7, 2009
Year 7, 8, and 9 almost totally killed my passion for history. I had one of the stupidest teachers known to man, he was incredibly biased, when teaching about Ancient Rome and Greece he used words like "Pagan Deities", "False Idols", and "Heretics" (that one I found really funny... because it was before Christ...)...

Thankfully I found my passion for history again after I left school. It's been something I've enjoyed all my life, and that wanker almost killed it for me with his preaching. Funny thing is today I'd class myself as a Christian, and I go to church often, and if I ran into him today, he'd still annoy me, and I'd likely bop him on the nose.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Some tard in class kept poking me in the back

"Toby please stop poking me"

"Toby stop poking me"

"Jack dont interupt during class and go see the princaple"


New member
Nov 18, 2009
during my last year of secondary school (Year 11) I had an IT Teacher that repeatedly told us at the start of every lesson that we weren't going to finish our coursework in time. that was at the start of the year. I think everyone in the class did finish their coursewoirk, the majority with time to spare, except for one kid that had messed with the council filters because of a program that bypassed them, he got kicked out of the class.

obviously not as bad as some of the teachers on this topic, but one of the worst I think I had

Also had an art teacher who was bad at teaching, repeatedly lost work and blamed it on the students, saying they didn't put it away properly when they did. Destroyed any interest I had in art when I decided to take it as a GCSE (Something I would change if I could travel in time)


New member
Feb 15, 2010
PettingZOOPONY said:
How about we come up with some shitty student stories.
I'm a teacher and I have some of those. I've only been teaching for a year and some of thee stories you wouldn't believe. Parental excuses for things are the worst thing I come across, these totally stupid and pointless reasons why Billy couldn't do the simplest homework. Or why Freddy had to be excused from swimming.

It's as if the parents actually think we are an uneducated bunch and can't see through these barely concealed, poorly constructed lies.

OT: I once had a Physics teacher who taught the same lesson every week, he also used bunsen burners to heat the classroom on cold days. So we would just end up messing around with the fire or piss about if it was a warm day but could always show him completed work when he asked to see our books. Shame he never looked at the date on the work we showed him.

I also had a lecturer who sat in silence for around 15-20 minutes waiting for us to answer his question, but no-one in the class could. After the 20 minutes he got really angry with us but as a class we decided to leave (it was only a small class approx 15 people) and went directly to the head of department to complain.

There was another lecturer who spoke so quickly and with such a strong accent that nobody could understand her, even recording the lectures were no help...


New member
Mar 28, 2009
I had a physics lecturer who seemed to be trying to conform to every single stereotype concerning his profession. Trailing off, coming to class with his cardigan on backwards, stopping mid-sentence because a flock of birds had just flown past the window...
Don't get me wrong, he was a great lecturer, but it was amusing to have every preconception I have about physicists validated. There is something strange about people who delve too deeply into mathematics >,>