My Honors Chemistry teacher. He had a policy that if you missed school, you saw him the morning before class to get the missing assignments. I had missed the previous day, so I go to his class and he isn't there. I wait until the bell rings, causing me to be late to my first hour class. Second hour roles around and I enter my Chem class. I see the teacher is just sitting at his desk, playing music(cause, you know, he was hip like that), and I think it is an okay time to see him. I walk up to him and ask, "Excuse me Mr. Smith, I was wondering what I missed last class. I tried to come in this morning, but-" Then it began.
Mr. Smith gets up and starts screaming at me. "You know you are supposed to come in before school! You think I am not busy? You think I have time to waste on a kid like you, who can't even follow simple rules? I have twenty other kids who can follow those rules, and I have to teach them." I would also like to note that class hadn't started at this point. Mr. Smith tells me sit down. I sit down and think it is over. It wasn't.
He then walks up to the front of class and starts yelling at me in front of everyone, talking about how I shouldn't miss school just because of a hurt leg or a stomach ache, that in real life, you have to man up and do things you don't like. He continues to yell for about ten minutes until he asks me "So Blas, what was your lame excuse for missing school? Huh, you stomach hurt, or you didn't do your homework?" I stand up and say, " sir. I watched my Grandfather die yesterday. I chose to come into school today, even though I am missing the wake and my last chance to see my Grandfather." Mr. Smith's face turns purple. I still don't know if he was embarressed or angry, but he told me to leave his class immediately. I left and wen to the office.
I was switched out of the class by the end of the week. To this day, Smith won't look me in the face.