That being said, the forensics not only seems to indicate the emails that could be validated are consistently real, they found that the data on the drive matches the origin story that came with it: it was pulled off of a water damaged macbook, with evidence of the efforts to copy off the data in mid-2019, followed by larger efforts to copy and categorize the data in 2020, exactly what the shop owner claimed to have done. The Russian hack of Burisma was months after that started. To think the laptop was faked, you'd either need to believe Russia had hacked Hunter Biden prior to hacking Burisma and planted the laptop at a random repair shop a year in advance of the election while constructing a very thorough forgery, or you can believe they constructed the most insanely thorough data forgery in history and got the cooperation of the repair shop guy in Delaware without leaving any trace of their activity to be detected for the next 2 years at minimum. And then there's the FBI part, who are said to have the physical laptop, and we know have investigated the origin of the laptop and have an ongoing investigation of Hunter Biden, specifically on tax crimes (of which there is evidence in the emails) and for lying on his gun background check about drug use (which there's video of from the laptop).
So if you'd like a specific line to rescind, I'd go with "the Russians are involved in the Hunter Biden email issue", since none of the forensic evidence implicates Russia years later.