Should I keep my Wii?


New member
Jul 5, 2009
I really got bored with the Wii now It's just here collecting duct the only reason I kept it was for No More Heroes a game one of my friends suggested for me. I have a 360 and now I'm thinking of selling the Wii to save for a PS3. Part of me wants to keep it because of No More Heroes 2 but is there anything else I could get to make it fun or should I just sell it to get the PS3?
//Note: I had all the Nintendo Exclusives(Super mario galaxy, Super paper mario, Brawl, etc) but they got boring and fast.//


New member
Nov 7, 2006
Have you tried The Conduit? Supposedly its good...

Other than that I'm not sure what to tell you, I'm rather dissatisfied with my (sisters) Wii as well...



New member
Jul 3, 2009
If you're bored with it and hardly ever use it, why keep it?

Regardless of the console brand


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Keep it, never know when another game is going to come out for it that you might want. Save up for a PS3 anyways as well. Join us in the holy order of multiple console owners!


New member
Dec 8, 2008
Taerdin said:
Have you tried The Conduit? Supposedly its good...

Other than that I'm not sure what to tell you, I'm rather dissatisfied with my (sisters) Wii as well...

I hear otherwise about The conduit...

As for keeping the Wii, most people I know who raved about it when they got now leave it well alone. It doesn't seem to be a console for gamers, more of something you pull out when your friends arrive.

The PS3 would be your best bet, if you're looking for some good solid gaming.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Well, I have the homebrew channel, and it adds to the entertainment quite a lot. Go research it to find out more. I use my wii to play drunken Smash Bros. and MarioKart, but I always have fun with it.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
Well, if they got boring pretty fast, you might want to ask why they got bored. If it's just genuinely unfun, then a switch to PS3 might not help actually stave off boredom. If they just ran out of replayability, invest in a rental card, and browse around, pick up some new titles, or some old titles, if you missed any GCN games that you might want to play. Beyond that, I'd say it's a question of current savings and income versus how much you'd get back for a used wii, and go from there.


New member
Apr 17, 2008
Depends on how much money you could make on it... I'd say if you want, wait for NMH2, play that THEN sell the Wii.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
Radeonx said:
Well, I have the homebrew channel, and it adds to the entertainment quite a lot. Go research it to find out more. I use my wii to play drunken Smash Bros. and MarioKart, but I always have fun with it.
Kazaa for Homebrew! Do you utilize the usb loader, at all?


New member
May 16, 2009
I just recently sold it. I haven't played it in over a year and I was just getting tired of looking at it.

Tears of Blood

New member
Jul 7, 2009
Get rid of that pile of junk and get a PS3.

You're on a site mostly devoted to gaming, I'll assume you're a gamer like myself. I got a Wii shortly after I got my 360 because it was cheap. I figured with Twilight Princess, the Wii must have some games that aren't going to suck hardcore. I was gravely mistaken. I still have only Red Steel, Wii Sports, and Twilight Princess.

However, I am thinking of getting No More Heroes...

Anyway, the Wii isn't a console for real gamers. It's a console for families to pull out during a birthday party and everyone can play Super Smash Bros. for five minutes before they drag their ADD-addled heads off to stuff their faces with cake. I'm surprised all Wii systems don't come with a bottle of adderall or something.

Nintendo is just a plague on the gaming industry anymore, if you ask me.

Aura Guardian

New member
Apr 23, 2008
Tears of Blood said:
Get rid of that pile of junk and get a PS3.

You're on a site mostly devoted to gaming, I'll assume you're a gamer like myself. I got a Wii shortly after I got my 360 because it was cheap. I figured with Twilight Princess, the Wii must have some games that aren't going to suck hardcore. I was gravely mistaken. I still have only Red Steel, Wii Sports, and Twilight Princess.

However, I am thinking of getting No More Heroes...

Anyway, the Wii isn't a console for real gamers. It's a console for families to pull out during a birthday party and everyone can play Super Smash Bros. for five minutes before they drag their ADD-addled heads off to stuff their faces with cake. I'm surprised all Wii systems don't come with a bottle of adderall or something.

Nintendo is just a plague on the gaming industry anymore, if you ask me.
What is a real gamer? You consider the industry that brought gaming back a plague?


New member
Jul 5, 2009
Tears of Blood said:
Get rid of that pile of junk and get a PS3.

You're on a site mostly devoted to gaming, I'll assume you're a gamer like myself. I got a Wii shortly after I got my 360 because it was cheap. I figured with Twilight Princess, the Wii must have some games that aren't going to suck hardcore. I was gravely mistaken. I still have only Red Steel, Wii Sports, and Twilight Princess.

However, I am thinking of getting No More Heroes...

Anyway, the Wii isn't a console for real gamers. It's a console for families to pull out during a birthday party and everyone can play Super Smash Bros. for five minutes before they drag their ADD-addled heads off to stuff their faces with cake. I'm surprised all Wii systems don't come with a bottle of adderall or something.

Nintendo is just a plague on the gaming industry anymore, if you ask me.

Get No More Heroes that's the only reason I kept the Wii.

Tears of Blood

New member
Jul 7, 2009
Darkrai said:
Tears of Blood said:
Get rid of that pile of junk and get a PS3.

You're on a site mostly devoted to gaming, I'll assume you're a gamer like myself. I got a Wii shortly after I got my 360 because it was cheap. I figured with Twilight Princess, the Wii must have some games that aren't going to suck hardcore. I was gravely mistaken. I still have only Red Steel, Wii Sports, and Twilight Princess.

However, I am thinking of getting No More Heroes...

Anyway, the Wii isn't a console for real gamers. It's a console for families to pull out during a birthday party and everyone can play Super Smash Bros. for five minutes before they drag their ADD-addled heads off to stuff their faces with cake. I'm surprised all Wii systems don't come with a bottle of adderall or something.

Nintendo is just a plague on the gaming industry anymore, if you ask me.
What is a real gamer? You consider the industry that brought gaming back a plague?
Let me clarify.

First of all, my post was purely opinion. Second, I used to think Nintendo was great. They did a lot of good things, but now Nintendo has changed, and yes, it's now a plague. Someone can save your life, but they can bug you about it for the rest of your life and make it crap by saying "I saved your life, y'know."

Oh, and I think a real "gamer" is someone who has a passion for gaming and does it regularly. My father plays games occasionally, but I would never call him a gamer, because he doesn't play any game seriously nor does he play them often. However, his friend Lyle who lives across the street is a gamer because even though he's a busy guy, one of his favorite hobbies is gaming.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
Justanothergamer300 said:
DeadlyYellow said:
Virtual Console?
1. I could get the games for free as roms.
2. They haven't released Earthbound yet, whats up with that
1. Eh, just adds reassurance to my belief that most of the internet are selfish and dishonorable.
2. Seriously, what IS up with that? And why no Mother 3 either?