Shower Thoughts MK2

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
The more I've thought about it, the more I'm convinced that you could make a DAMN good story out of an Ursula+Triton prequel story. Triton is already an antagonistic figure for most of The Little Mermaid so making Ursula seem a bit sympathetic in the past with him as a foil isn't a stretch. Seeing details of how Triton came to hate humans or when Ursula crossed the line that got her banished... There's real potential there. Why the hell were Maleficent and Cruella the first villains Disney thought of to try to give a sympathetic backstory to?


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
'Tis odd, the evolution of human communication. We likely started with the primitive simian vocalizations which eventually became descriptive pictures which then became words which eventually became written language. Then, we learned to communicate via telephone which became text messages which has itself devolved into shorthand and pictures (emojis.) And now, with the advent of the robocall that has everyone rolling their eyes every time their phone rings, we avoid vocal telecommunication altogether, preferring shorthand texts and emojis over even our closest friends and family calling unannounced. With the speed of scientific advancement, my guess is we'll be back to the simian vocalizations within the next couple of years.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
'Tis odd, the evolution of human communication. We likely started with the primitive simian vocalizations which eventually became descriptive pictures which then became words which eventually became written language. Then, we learned to communicate via telephone which became text messages which has itself devolved into shorthand and pictures (emojis.) And now, with the advent of the robocall that has everyone rolling their eyes every time their phone rings, we avoid vocal telecommunication altogether, preferring shorthand texts and emojis over even our closest friends and family calling unannounced. With the speed of scientific advancement, my guess is we'll be back to the simian vocalizations within the next couple of years.
Are robocalls really that bad? We don't get them here. I watched the John Oliver episode on it, but don't remember much.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Are robocalls really that bad? We don't get them here. I watched the John Oliver episode on it, but don't remember much.
Put it this way: it's not even noon here, and I've had 7 robocalls since 8am. I have more blocked numbers than actual contacts in my phone.


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
What's with Olympics and pro-sports being so tight on weed usage as if it's some sort of cheating? Mate, if anyone wins anything so physically strenuous and competitive under the influence, they deserve two bloody medals!


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Jesus Christ, how have they let it get that bad??? I think our phone rings like once a week.
I have no idea, but we *used* to have a national "do not call" list for people to opt into to avoid telemarketers, but that shit's out the window as everyone's phone rings multiple times a day with robots offering insurance and warnings that your car's warranty has expired. I'd say it's getting old, but this shit's been old for a couple years now, to the point that I'd say 80% of incoming phone calls are bullshit.

What's with Olympics and pro-sports being so tight on weed usage as if it's some sort of cheating? Mate, if anyone wins anything so physically strenuous and competitive under the influence, they deserve two bloody medals!
I was thinking the same thing. If I ran a sub 4-second 40 meter dash and they discovered I was drunk at the time, I think that's twice as impressive. Weed isn't performance-enhancing and is, for all intents and purposes, "legal" almost everywhere now; holding Olympians to some outdated standard is ludicrous.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I find it very interesting that there are, and what a lot of people claim, better non-Punisher/Punisher-like movies better than all of the actual live-action Punisher adaptions. The Dolph Lundren film I vaguely remember, Thomas Jane version was okay, but too much of a slow build, and War Zone (Ray Steveyson) was entertaining, but decent. You have people claiming that the Purge: Anarchy and Election Year both have better takes of character with the stand-in, Leo. Or Matt McMuscles claimed that Man on Fire is the best Punisher movie ever made. And then you have the Equalizer movies, which are consider (better) Punisher films. Those movies I can see where people are coming from. And then there is the first Taken film which is consider an unintentional adaption of one of the Punisher MAX stories. Any thoughts on this @happyninja42 or any one else on this phenomenon. I know you're not a huge fan and dislike the character, but I wanted to hear your input.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
I find it very interesting that there are, and what a lot of people claim, better non-Punisher/Punisher-like movies better than all of the actual live-action Punisher adaptions. The Dolph Lundren film I vaguely remember, Thomas Jane version was okay, but too much of a slow build, and War Zone (Ray Steveyson) was entertaining, but decent. You have people claiming that the Purge: Anarchy and Election Year both have better takes of character with the stand-in, Leo. Or Matt McMuscles claimed that Man on Fire is the best Punisher movie ever made. And then you have the Equalizer movies, which are consider (better) Punisher films. Those movies I can see where people are coming from. And then there is the first Taken film which is consider an unintentional adaption of one of the Punisher MAX stories. Any thoughts on this @happyninja42 or any one else on this phenomenon. I know you're not a huge fan and dislike the character, but I wanted to hear your input.
To be honest I haven't seen a lot of those examples, as the "broken man trying to forget his past, is forced back into a world of killing" trope plot, just isn't my jam these days? I saw the Thomas Jane Punisher film, and I thought it was good. I actually liked it was a slow burn, as it gave Jane time to make the Punisher a human. His interactions with his apartment-mates, etc. I liked that they let him do things more tactically, when taking down the bad guys, instead of just nothing but guns and bullets. But it wasn't really a movie that I wanted to watch again. It was what I dub "yep, that was a movie" kind of films. Just run of the mill, I guess slightly below average for my personal rating scale, as average films usually have a positive opinion in my mind. I won't say it's bad, or that I disliked it. But I can't say I would've regretted never seeing it you know?

Man on Fire I enjoyed, also because it took the time to humanize Denzel's character. Giving me people for him to connect with, to empathize with. I've heard they went VERY afar from the novel it's based on, as far as what the ending of the film is like, and it's why I say that Max Payne 3 seemed to be a video game adaptation of Man on Fire, on so many levels, including the ending. I enjoyed that film a lot, but these days, eh, my increasing dislike for violence would probably mean I wouldn't seek it out to watch it again. But I thought the performances from everyone were fantastic, like Dakota and Denzel's chemistry was really good.

Taken, was fine. I don't know if I'd call it a "Punisher" film? But the trope of "daddy wolf goes on a justified killing spree to save baby girl" is about as tropey of an action plot as you get. I've found the "what are the odds" likelihood of the one time the mom and daughter, disregard Daddy's Wisdom/Concern, she's instantly assaulted by an international human trafficking cartel? It felt kind of like the tropes from horror films, punishing the youth for being adventurous and partying. "If only she'd been a good girl, and stayed at home like her Daddy suggested, both of them would be alive!" It's fairly obnoxious and insulting on a lot of levels, but I guess they know the demographic of their audience would eat it up. I don't think I saw any of the other ones after that. I know I didn't see 3, but if I saw Taken 2, it's entirely been deleted from my memory as forgettable.

So yeah, hard to say about better non-Punisher Punisher films, but the premise of Punisher is pretty much pulled straight from 80's action movie cliches anyway, so it's very common.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Man on Fire I enjoyed, also because it took the time to humanize Denzel's character. Giving me people for him to connect with, to empathize with. I've heard they went VERY afar from the novel it's based on, as far as what the ending of the film is like, and it's why I say that Max Payne 3 seemed to be a video game adaptation of Man on Fire, on so many levels, including the ending. I enjoyed that film a lot, but these days, eh, my increasing dislike for violence would probably mean I wouldn't seek it out to watch it again. But I thought the performances from everyone were fantastic, like Dakota and Denzel's chemistry was really good.
I know you weren't the only one to think that. When the first trailer for Max Payne 3 came out, I immediately added to the MP trope page and the Spiritual Adaption page. Man on Fire and Deja Vu are favorite Tony Scott/Denzel Washington combo films.

Taken, was fine. I don't know if I'd call it a "Punisher" film? But the trope of "daddy wolf goes on a justified killing spree to save baby girl" is about as tropey of an action plot as you get. I've found the "what are the odds" likelihood of the one time the mom and daughter, disregard Daddy's Wisdom/Concern, she's instantly assaulted by an international human trafficking cartel? It felt kind of like the tropes from horror films, punishing the youth for being adventurous and partying. "If only she'd been a good girl, and stayed at home like her Daddy suggested, both of them would be alive!" It's fairly obnoxious and insulting on a lot of levels, but I guess they know the demographic of their audience would eat it up. I don't think I saw any of the other ones after that. I know I didn't see 3, but if I saw Taken 2, it's entirely been deleted from my memory as forgettable.
Well the first Taken is called either Punisher, or more usually, a movie version of 24. The sequels you can skip. The action scenes are worse with the quick cutting and shaky-cam, and the 3rd film makes the 2nd film pointless. Bryan's wife gets axed in 3. I've seen people claim that the 3rd film is better than the 2nd, but that is not even close to a milestone. I don't know what is, but my mom loves these films, and Liam Neeson to death. Let's just say, when that torture scene in the first movie came up, she was laughing at the human trafficker getting tortured. The only one in a theater laughing. Some of the people in the theater glanced at my mom like she was the evil/psychotic one.
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~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
The sooner we can abbreviate "chicken nuggets" to "chuggets" and "cheese 'n onion" to "chunion" the sooner world peace will be attained.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Who knew the Tokyo Olympics would be on my birthday tomorrow. Time to prepare the anthem music!

Man that album takes me back. I remember listening to Requiem so many fucking times. I can't say I'm a fan of the album in it's entirety, but...Requiem, fucking worth the album price by itself IMO.
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~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
New movie teased by Jordan Peele has caused many shower thoughts...

The dominant form of them being "is it really going to be about a killer cloud??"

And, "is the answer to that question the title of this film?"

And "if so, what gives? Spilleth the beans, damnit! Fess up fam!!"

(Ppl I live with did complain about my midnight shower yelling by that point)
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
I wonder if there is someone out there unironically named Yeet, and if they are constantly annoyed when hearing the youth of today say his name in slang terms, and turn around thinking someone's calling his name. I know I have had that for years whenever someone loudly says "Yes!" that I overhear.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
I just realized that if we lived in the MCU, and Thanos had actually snapped half of all life out of existence for real, then right now we'd have dumbasses saying the Blip is not real, and that it's all a hoax manufactured by the government trying to cover up the genocide of the white race by having vampire pedophiliac gay frogs piss in the water supply


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
I just realized that if we lived in the MCU, and Thanos had actually snapped half of all life out of existence for real, then right now we'd have dumbasses saying the Blip is not real, and that it's all a hoax manufactured by the government trying to cover up the genocide of the white race by having vampire pedophiliac gay frogs piss in the water supply
Very likely, though given the 50% chance someone they know would poof in front of them, they might end up like the various anti-covid idiots, who end up GETTING the virus, and then are like "holy shit ya'll, it's real! get vaccinated!"
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Have you ever wanted to walk up the stairs, Belmont style, with a whip or a belt in hand as a substitute? I've done that several times.

I just realized that if we lived in the MCU, and Thanos had actually snapped half of all life out of existence for real, then right now we'd have dumbasses saying the Blip is not real, and that it's all a hoax manufactured by the government trying to cover up the genocide of the white race by having vampire pedophiliac gay frogs piss in the water supply
Bob Barbas would appeal to those type of people the most. Too bad they'd be mindless slaves for Mundus (DmC) and his minions. Both would dispose of all of them when they no longer became useful or colossally fuck up.

I realized that Streets of Rage 4 takes place in at least 2004. The 3rd game (presumably) takes place in 1994, and it's stated the game takes place 10 years later.
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