Showing some love for Youtube(rs?)


New member
Jan 14, 2010
So, I recently noticed how Youtube became more like TV for me, with scheduled shows, channels there I frequently watch and such things (With the bennefit of watching whenever I want). So, what about you guys? Are there any channels you subscribe to, or watch frequently?

Some of mine:

Rooster Teeth / Achievement Hunter - I like their let's plays, just for the lols. And also, find really interesting how it all started with a web series recorded with Halo multiplayer, and now the thing has 10 seasons, DVD and BluRay boxes, and even had Elijah Wood as a villain. There's even their own original anime inspired series going on now.

Game Grumps - That's right. I think they're funny, and I like Dan. Judge me!

Northernlion - Dude covers a lot of indie games, and tries to be more informative than just "Ha-ha I'm a funny guy".

Geek & Sundry - Even though I don't watch all their weekly shows, I really like Tabletop, is a good way to know new games. Apparently people on the internet hate Wil Wheaton, but I don't care.

Jeremy Jahns - Reviewer of movies (and sometimes trailers), makes short, dinamic, and really good videos.

Team Four Stars - That's right. Dragon Ball Abridged. I started watching because it was funny, and kept going because the thing got just as good as the original. They cut all the boring stretched parts from DBZ, and still manage to show an interesting story.


New member
Feb 1, 2014
At the moment I have
Screen Junkies
Machinima and Machinima ETC
Car Throttle
Regular Cars
Fast Lane Daily
Fine Bros and their React channel
Nerd cubed and alot more I could or we would be here all day
all subscribed.


New member
May 16, 2014
TotalBiscuit - Enjoying pretty much everything he's doing. His 'reviews' of games are good and his opinions on the gaming market are very healthy. His podcast together with presshearttocontinue and Jessi Cox is also very entertaining

Vsauce - Talks about interesting stuff, scientifical theories etc. Never fails to amaze me with his stuff. Similar to Vsauce: PBS Idea Channel and PBS Game/Show

JonTron - He does reviews of mostly bad and weird games. His new videos are amazing. I really enjoy his humor and mocking of bad games.

Peanut Butter Gamer - You could compare him to JonTron in some ways. With the exception that he also does reviews of stuff he actually enjoys.

Game Grumps - For those times where I'm in a mental state of being able to enjoy fart jokes. Those jokes aside, I really like Dan and Arin, they're two nice guys. I simply enjoy their show as a podcast, where I don't even mind the gameplay footage.

Tomska - Really entertaining short films.

AVGN - eh... duh? But, I really only enjoy James' AVGN stuff and Board James. All the things he's doing with Mike... not so much.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Tetra Ninja - He's my go-to guy for Let's Plays of games I don't care to buy or play. He's softspoken and easy-going and an all around nice guy to listen to and watch play. He's also a good completionist.

Game Grumps - I started watching these guys not one week ago, actually. I don't care for loud players but for some reason I seem to be able to tolerate Arin and Dan's brohood. They're actually pretty funny and insightful if you give them a minute or two. So I guess I follow them now.

Supagogoman - I haven't seen a video from this guy in ages. He used to do Resident Evil Let's Plays. Reminded me a bit of Yahtzee but he's considerably less rampant.

theRadBrad - I don't follow this guy - this guy follows me. Every single time I look up "X + gameplay" on YouTube, the first video I come across is invariably from this guy, so I've watched quite a lot of his content without really looking him up or even caring much for it. Brad can be... a bit thick. But he compensates with genuine enthusiasm.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
MrBTongue - Creator of Tasteful Understated Nerd Rage, he updates infrequently, but his takedown of Bioware tropes and the mess that was Mass Effect 3 are excellent.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
Inside Gaming- They produce great content on a daily basis, proved they can be knowledgeable about the industry, and reflect my opinions nine times out of ten. Out of all their videos on YouTube, only one has not made me laugh. Their evil overlords have sadly stopped putting their hour-long streams on YouTube, so I have to watch on Twitch.

Jarrod Alonge- He's a fan of pop-punk, hardcore, post-hardcore, metalcore, and punk. He brings great satire to the table and makes fun of the multiple flaws these genres have. His Every X Vocalist videos are great.

DouchebagChocolat= Better known as Demoltion D, he is my anime god.


Mandatory Madness!
Aug 31, 2010

Bee and PuppyCat and Bravest Warriors are exceptional, and they do try new things regularly. If you like cartoons I'd suggest giving them a try.

The "Real Facts" series is rather funny.

Lost Wax makes steampunk stuff. Their tophat was what brought me to checking them out.
He does top 10 type videos, but he tends to be funny and does like to find new things to talk about. A little bit of everything goes into his videos, and it's an ok distraction.
Her voice is pleasant, she stays very polite, and she makes noises. When drawing at night and having to wear headphones to not wake the wife, I will listen to this as it's not as distracting as music..

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
I'm currently subscribed to 47 YouTube channels apparently. So this should be fun. I'll probably cut some of them that I haven't watched in ages.

331Erock - Does rock versions of various pieces of music.
Alex Steacy - One of the LoadingReadyRun crew, hosts the old Crapshot videos.
AngryJoeShow - YouTube reviewer. As the name may suggest, propensity to get angry.
CardGamesFTW - AKA LittleKuriboh's channel, the creator of Yugioh Abridged, one of the first "Abridged" series on YouTube
Cox n' Crendor - Animations from the Cox n' Crendor podcast. I've never actually listened to the podcast, but I enjoy these animations regardless
Cryoatic - Mainly due to collabs that I've enjoyed that he's done with other YouTubers
DesertBusForHope - Clips from the annual Desert Bus For Hope charity that LoadingReadyRun participates in
Dexbonus - The vlog channel of Dodger
Dracula Fetus - An animator who creates "The Northernlion Story", various animations from stuff Northernlion has said
Dying Alone - The YouTube channel belonging to Grey Carter, one of the guys behind Critical Miss
Escapist - This very site's YouTube channel
Escapist Communicast - The podcast that was done by various members of this community
Extra Credits - Formerly of The Escapist, a channel mainly about game design and the gaming industry
FamilyJules7X - Guitar covers of video game themes
Foo Fighters - Official video channel for the Foo Fighters
HAWPOfficial - Comedy shorts about video games. Made by Ashly and Anthony Burch.
Hot Pepper Gaming - Game reviews done by various geek personalities...whilst feeling the after effects of a pepper
Indeimaus - Does video game animations, list videos and various other nonsense, which includes making intros for the NLSS. Definitely not deadmau5.
Jesse Cox - Funny Let's Player.
Jim Sterling - YouTube channel of ex-Escapist Jim Sterling.
Jonah Rocks - Kid drummer
Kate - Lovelymomo - Northernlion's wife, often plays a variety of games with him, whether co-operative or competitive.
Lindsey Stirling - Geek culture violinist. Has expanded to original songs
Linkin Park - Yes, I like Linkin Park. Shut up.
LoadingReadyLive - The YouTube VODs of LoadingReadyRun's Twitch streams
Loadingreadyrun - LRR's various content.
MathasGames - Gaming YouTuber. Collabs with Northernlion.
Matt Lees - Created the popular "E3 Abridged" series. Also an ex-Escapist.
miracleofsound - Creates songs inspired by games (and sometimes films/TV). You may have heard of him.
MiracleOfSoundGaming - His gaming channel.
Northernlion - Gaming YouTuber. Most notable for Binding of Isaac, but also does first impressions, let's plays and the Northernlion Live Super Show, 3 hours of himself and friends playing a variety of video games. Makes possibly the highest amount of references that I've ever seen.
OverClocked ReMix - Various awesome remixes from a fuckton of games.
Polaris - Videos created by members of the Polaris network
PressHeartToContinue - The gaming channel of Dodger.
Rosanna Pansino - Geek chef
Smooth McGroove - Sings acapella versions of video game tunes
SPFL - Highlights of Scottish football. None of you will care.
That One Video Gamer - AKA The Completionist. Reviews games only after he has completed game 100%.
Totalbiscuit, The Cynical Brit - Gaming YouTuber. Very much PC orientated, but a lot of his content can also be useful for games that also come out on console
Werster - Pokemon speedrunner. Australian.
yahtzee19 - The YouTube channel of our very own Yahtzee.

So turns out I didn't cut that much. Well, there you go anyway.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
Oh, another one of these.

Damo2986 - Brit that likes making up stories as he goes along playing games. His series have to be some of the most fun to listen to as he turns them into as true of an RPG as he can. Personally love his CK2 and older Sims series myself.

Gamer Dudester - probably one of the better channels to watch if you're into competitive Total War, from a casting point of view at least.

NateWantstoBattle - fun guy that likes Nuzlocke runs and doing his own translated covers of anime songs.

Blue Table Painting - a commission painting studio for miniatures, routinely has videos that showcase a huge amount of talent, conversions, paint jobs, and a game played with an army they have for sale every once in a while

MiniWarGaming - online store/content producers that also own their own small wargame called "Dark Potential", huge amount of lore and thought put into how everything works, as in like 20 hours of vlogging covering it.

Das24680 and Pewpewchewchew - Both strategy game players, often do walkthroughs of EA games explaining the basics and playing through them. Helped alot with deciding if a game is worth getting or not. Also Dwarf Fortress.

SWEAbridged - standard abridged team, currently having the most success of theirs, SAO

DanteAxeProduction - purposefully bad animation and lotsa weird lol jokes, what more could you ask for?

Super Cyborg

New member
Jul 25, 2014
Not many places myself, but a few.

Jesse Cox: Funny guy, and if Crendor is playing as well, I have to watch. Cox n Crendor is a great podcast to listen to, especially if you need a laugh.

Totalbiscuit: Usually more for his talks about the industry and other stuff, because he seems quite knowledgeable of it. Also the Co-optional podcast that is funny and informative.

Thecompletionist and Superbeard bros: The first one is interesting just from the perspective of completing the game fully, and getting an idea about the game. The other channel he is also a part of, where they play various games. Only one I've really watched so far was the Kaizo Mario stuff.

I watched Markplier for a bit (mainly Alien Isolation and 5 nights), but not gonna be a fan. Screams way to much and just rubs me the wrong way.

Combustion Kevin

New member
Nov 17, 2011
let's get a little obscure, shall we?

Beaglerush - no, not a channel about puppies, contrary to what then name may imply, he's a videogame enthusiast that started out posting videos from his ARMA play sessions from his little gaming community, he now has a running XCOM: Long War series in both a heavily edited form and a more freeform mode.
He is charismatic, funny, and knows enough about actual military trivia to dress up his commentary in an interesting way.


- in Glorious Black & White!
Jun 22, 2009
Well, there's Game Grumps (surprise, surprise),
pyschadelicsnake - mostly Let's Play's but he's always a hoot no matter what he's doing,
AnimatedJames (whose Sonic/MLP crossover animations are decently made and insanely funny),
Good Mythical Morning - two guys talking about awesome stuff -

- and finally,

Yeah, I like silent movies, and this guy owns one of those amazing machines that were used to make sound effects back in the day. It's the kind of thing that must be seen (and heard) to be believed!

EDIT: Here, have another video -


New member
Jul 31, 2009
supergreatfriend: He LP's, demos, and otherwise looks at games that I think most people either ignored or weren't even aware existed. I'm sure as hell I didn't know there was a game called Laser Lords for the Philips CD-I.

brickroadbrickroad: Another LPer, started following him because of his Shantae LP, and when discovering that he does special Christmas videos that average on 3 hours long, for when you've finished opening gifts and spending time with the family and need something to watch or do. Manages to be energetic and cheerful without being grating.

runnyrunny999: A cooking-centric channel wherein people send in requests and Runny makes a video about how to cook it (or at least how he thinks it's cooked). I credit most of my recipes to this channel.

JoergSprave: A guy who made a channel focused on slingshots, and his personal projects that involve showing off slingshots that he's finished making. The description I just gave doesn't do it justice, there's some very cool videos on this channel.

One F Jef: And yet another LPer, except with a focus on difficult or niche PC games. He plays himself off as someone who's bad at games, but he's actually pretty skilled and fun to watch.

Scott Manley: a channel dedicated to space games, space science, space history, and space. Has a long-running Kerbal Space Program series.

Napalm Records: This channel showcases various musicians of the metallic variety. I've found some neat music through this one.

HCBaily: Honestly I mostly use this one for when I just need background noise. An LP channel that focuses almost exclusively on JRPGs. Notable for how thorough each playthrough is, as well as mercifully editing out all of the random encounters unless they show a new enemy.


New member
Dec 26, 2014
Game grumps, for my daily intake of dick... jokes

Boogie2998, or at least the 30% of his videos where he talks like a human being and you realise he has valid things to say

Yahtzee19, because i really like the back and forth between him gabriel (possibly the only channel i've watched 100% of the content)

Rocket jump, for VGHS and nothing else

LoadingReadyRun , the reason i first came to youtube because they stopped uploading to their site at some point

GIF's with sound , for some uncontrollable giggling at obscure insider internet jokes and cats doing things

Game theory, because i love hearing how you can prove nearly every random bullshit forum theory in a 'scientific' way

GameMeneer, Dutch letsplayer who is a bit annoying to be fair but has a truly impressive audience whilst speaking a language only 23 million people in the world speak.

Every other of my 60+ subscriptions i have because they once had a video i liked and i hope they make one i like again at some point.


Poof, poof, sparkles!
Jun 1, 2010
Well a lot of what I'm subscribed to has already been mentioned, except, bizarrely, Half in the Bag. What's wrong with you lot? Jay and Mike are frauds assholes funny, interesting and a good source of opinions on films. I'm not massive on the content they sandwich the reviews with, but that's easy skipped if needs be.

The only Let's Player that I really watch though really deserves some credit.

I'd be very happy if people checked out Yeti/ClosetYeti. He's trying to go full-time with this and is notable for being calm, natural (i.e. no fucking shrieking facecams) and putting in more effort with regards editing and quality than most.

He tends to focus more on indie games and older games at the moment, namely Rimworld, Don't Starve and Wasteland 2. He's big on the old X-Com games too and they're well worth a watch.

Yeah I think I've sucked him off enough here. But please, do check out that channel.



Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
TheKingNappy Usually has too much energy for me, but I love his Pokemon free for alls. Especially with TheheatedMo, David, and Callum.

Chuggaconroy Along with NintendoCaprisun, still too much energy, but they still deserve a shout-out.

SSOHPKC While he's currently on a long hiatus I've been with him for about...four or five years now. Here's hoping he comes back soon.

NerdCubed I don't quite enjoy his longer videos, but his use of cuts and quick humor are great. So I guess his ...plays series is my favorite, but Little and Cubed is a fun series too.

PurpleEyesWTF You need this in your life. So many quotes. Just...go watch Soul Whatever.

TheSw1tcher They're actually kicking into really high gear now, and have like, four playthroughs going right now. I know they just started off as a Machinima channel and their humor could suck in a lot of people's eyes, but I'm a fan of the hype.

Game Grumps Dan strikes me as a very special person and I'm really glad he hangs around and tells stories. Plus he's the only one that makes me laugh. I could go on and on about how Arin is close-minded and hypocritical about games and that he CANNOT function in a digital 3D environment, but I'll just leave off saying if Dan were gone, there wouldn't be a single person or reason for me to stay subscribed.

I think that wraps it up for who I want to shout-out.

EDIT: Oh yeah, Yahtzee's Let's Drown Out is a good series for when I'm playing games or just need background noise. I actually remember dying in GTA V because I lost my shit when they were making fun of Milton the Ox.


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
Are there channels I subscribe to!?

~checks feed~ 0_0

uhm, yep. more than 160... XD

SoreWristed said:
GameMeneer, Dutch letsplayer who is a bit annoying to be fair but has a truly impressive audience whilst speaking a language only 23 million people in the world speak.
Wait, dutch Is that rare? huh. I never really stopped to think about it I suppose. I've been able to speak it most of my life though, so I guess i'm a little blind to it's relative obscurity.

Anyway, I'm subscribed to way too many things. Don't have as much time to watch stuff though, given that I'm doing regular videos of my own now.
Much more of a time sink than you might imagine, especially for someone doing at best 2 videos a week...

Eh. Youtube is weird, seen from the other side of things...