I made it about 4 hours into my playthrough of this game before I had to stop out of boredom. I get where people are coming from in the sense that Silent Hill 2 is a horror classic, and maybe the original game is. However I found the game boring and not at all scary in the slightest, mainly due to the music and the radios. Too much about the monsters are given away to the player well before they are seen or even heard thanks to the radio warning you about them being nearby. Even when the radio isn't buzzing, the music gives signs of danger being close.
And while it does serve to be atmospheric and tense, like a great horror game should. It's incredibly light on plot. James comes back to Silent Hill because he thinks he got a letter form his wife who's been dead for three years, in that letter she says she is waiting for him in SH. Okay....why didn't he drive to the town instead of parking on an overlook way outside of town only to have to take a fairly long hike into the town properly? He meets a girl in a graveyard who's acting a little odd, but offers no real hints of plot, and then you are in town for quite a while.
The first big "puzzle" (which isn't a puzzle it's just a fetch quest) is to fix a jutebox. Notes tell you where to go and outside of a few monsters along the way it's fairly straightforward. The entire section takes almost an hour though and throughout there is no story to drive you or James into fixing the jutebox. You just have to do it to get to the next section.
This is where the set up loses me. These obtuse puzzle locks worked in the resident evil games because you had a clear goal of escaping the mansion or the police stations or whatever. So the crazy puzzles made a bit more sense because they were part of an umbrella lab or part of an old museum and the characters where never really intended to solve the shit, but they have to because there are zombies outside so solving the locks are the only way out.
Here it's just like....why? The town is clearly abandoned, and James is mistaken as to his wife possibly being here. Why push forward, why even try to traverse the foggy town, why not try to wait out the fog and come back when you can see people? Why not leave the second a gimp monster pukes on you?
Unlike Racoon City, James isn't trapped, he can simply go back to the car and bounce. There is nothing pushing him forward either. His wife isn't baiting him (yet, that probably happens later but for now it's all bullshit).
Anyway you finally fix the jutebox and get a key to another section of town. Then you find a note to go check out some apartments, under the name of someone not relevant to James in anyway (that I know of). The note is basically, "Yo Bob left his car parked in back, someone should go to his place and see if he intends to come get his car anytime soon." And the player is like, "I guess I'm going to find Bob for some reason."
So for me it doesn't give me anything to care about. I don't have any reason to push forward, and I don't have any reason to care about James because he isn't trapped and can just walk back to his car whenever.
In the apartments begins another long string of breaking and entering in which you gather bullets, health items, and key pieces for some big master lock puzzle. Pyramid head is in one of the hallway for some reason, but he doesn't hang out long. Probably have to fight him later but I have a gun now so it'll be fine.
What am I doing here?