Silicon Knights CEO Says Natal Won't Make Great Games


New member
Aug 13, 2009
AceDiamond said:
SantoUno said:
Damn you are all being unreasonable fucks don't you think? Sheesh he's still a game designer so get off his back.

Well it's pretty damn obvious that Natal will not produce good games. There can only be good games that utilize Natal properly. And by properly I don't mean like the stupid Wii games that force you to wave your god damn arms and wrists around which in turn might make you lose because not everyone has wrists of steel.
so you're saying you don't want to do physical movement then

well Natal is going to disappoint since i'm pretty sure moving about to utilize a system that interprets motion is the only way to use it "properly"
I was thinking more along the lines of moving your hand or finger to point a light in a game or imagine casting a spell Oblivion style and opening your hand towards the screen. THAT doesn't require any annoying movements like most Wii games do. It's not going nto be mandatory either.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Good to see the head of Silicon Knights got his brain back now that he's done with Too Human.
I entirely agree.


New member
Sep 20, 2009
No, Natal won't make great games. In effect, it's a replacement controller and that's the centre of the project, not the games surrounding it. Wether good games come out for it is up to the game developers, including Silicon Knights. And if the CEO of aforementioned company doesn't like that, he doesn't have to invest.

Thinking about it, it's just going to bring a wave of novelty games, like the Wii.


New member
Apr 3, 2008
That man speaks the truth. Natal won't make the game great. There are many other aspects to make a game great. But I dont need to go into detail seeing as how you all know as well.


New member
Apr 27, 2009
Christemo said:
Furburt said:
He's right in my view. Just because Natal is cool won't magically make games better.
i agree. motion control on games should never have been made in the first place.
It's people like you who are holding back holodecks.

OT - Yeah... I was gonna make a "Silicon Knights make shit games anyway" rip, but it's been done. It's different, but it's not worse - it just needs someone to take the technology involved and actually make a game for it, not just put on some shitty ports of FPSs which will inevitably be the first wave.


New member
Nov 16, 2009
Is this really that controversial?

It would be like saying they're not going to make use of rhythm game instrument controllers in any of their upcoming games... Congrats?

I could be wrong but I don't think anyone is seriously suggesting that all games & genres should be "Natalized for our gaming pleasure". Some gameplay styles will be a better fit than others, and not everyone is going to buy Natal, so logic would dictate that not every game by every company will use the new technology.

(That being said, I'm still looking forward to games that make good use of the new technology). :)


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Yeah, I don't know too much about the CEO, but I agree about his comments with Natal. The Wii may use gimicky motion controls, but at the end of the day you still have a controller in your hand that can provide all the traditional functionality plus much smoother aiming controls. From what we've seen of the Natal it's ramped up the gimicky aspect but loses all sense of traditional control.


New member
Jul 16, 2008
It's sad many of the comments seem to be, "lol Dyack made Too Human wut he know?" Yes. We're glad you have a easy chance to make a cheapshot joke, but it detracts from the discussion at hand:

Will Natal help make a better game?

Either way you look at it, it's a meaningless statement. It's like saying a pen that plays music when you write won't help you write a better novel. Of course it won't! It's unrelated. Better graphics sure as hell don't tell a better story. It all depends on what designers DO with what is given to them. Surely the man who made one of the best (Fun Fact: Noah "The Spoony One" Antwiler stated that Eternal Darkness was his favorite game of all time, and I'm inclined to agree.) AND one of the worst games out there (Didn't Penny Arcade have a comic saying Too Human was going to be shite years BEFORE it came out?) should be able to see that?

Maybe Dyack really is waiting on a musical pen.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
SantoUno said:
AceDiamond said:
SantoUno said:
Damn you are all being unreasonable fucks don't you think? Sheesh he's still a game designer so get off his back.

Well it's pretty damn obvious that Natal will not produce good games. There can only be good games that utilize Natal properly. And by properly I don't mean like the stupid Wii games that force you to wave your god damn arms and wrists around which in turn might make you lose because not everyone has wrists of steel.
so you're saying you don't want to do physical movement then

well Natal is going to disappoint since i'm pretty sure moving about to utilize a system that interprets motion is the only way to use it "properly"
I was thinking more along the lines of moving your hand or finger to point a light in a game or imagine casting a spell Oblivion style and opening your hand towards the screen. THAT doesn't require any annoying movements like most Wii games do. It's not going nto be mandatory either.
And neither are Wii motion controls. In fact a lot of the first-party games don't even make a full-range use of the motion aspect if at all.

Look maybe it's because I actually own one and have had the experience of using games that have done motion controls well as well as badly, but I can say it's doable, just not enough developers want to take the time to make it doable. At least at first.

And I don't see how Natal will have things wind up any different.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
IdealistCommi said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
The Silicon Knights CEO should learn how to make a great game first.

OT: Uh...I agree with Funk. First make a great game, then you get one free one-time-complain coupon.
Eternal Darkness was great. Not enough variety and complexity when it comes to combat, but certainly a unique horror thriller. Plus you can (and frequently do) experience psychotic hallucinations.

Maybe Silicon Knights just jumped the shark early. Sad.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Mr.Wiggles said:
Greg Tito said:
Silicon Knights Wont Make Great Games

Seriously who are they to comment after Too Human I thought that they had all died of shame
CantFaketheFunk said:
The Silicon Knights CEO should learn how to make a great game first.

It's been downhill since Blood Omen, seriously.

Lord Honk

New member
Mar 24, 2009
i don't want "great" games, i want entertaining games. If i wanted great games, i wouldn't play the xbox (ooh edgy :p)
maybe i'm not your average gamer, but i do find entertainment in call of duty as well as tetris xD it's like having an appetite for that very special, yet cheap, piece'a'candy when you've got your dad working in a pastry shop.
What I'm saying is, people are different, and whatevery floats your boat, nobody can ill-talk that.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
To be fair I really liked the LoK and Blood Omen series.

But he really needs to get back on the horse.


New member
Aug 30, 2008
Well, seeing what he did w/ Too Human, a game that was a decade in the making and had a really good concept into an almost unplayable piece of shit, I don't think he has a right to say much...

and no I didn't own a Gamecube so I never played Eternal Darkness... and even if I had, it doesn't excuse Too Human.. it had SO much potential, and it failed on every level..


New member
Jul 29, 2009
Blanks said:
Eternal Darkness was pretty awesome ... as much as i think he's right the only one i think could when use natal properly would be Suda51 >.> imo...
I wonder if he'll finally make a game where you can recharge your lightsaber with more realistic jerk-off motions :D