Skyrim Character Plans?


New member
Jul 30, 2011
Breton, if i can dual wield magic i will be, if not it will be stave and magic, named after me, as my first playthrough always is.
Next is my high elf arch-mage Teclis (named for obvious reasons, yes because im a nerd) same sort of setup but i always like the sign of the apprentice for max magika and massive weakness for the irony.
Grimgor the Orc next(again nerdy reasos) 2 handed axes FTW Murder and pillaging shall be my greatest entertainments
after that at some point i usually end up and a bosmer with a bow, or tony the tiger... i mean khajit with same thievery set up=]
i intend 10 playthroughs with this as i have done with morrowind and oblivion, one for each race, then a couple more for funsies (currently on playthrogh 20 of oblivion)


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Arina Love said:
female Wood Elf light armour double daggers going to be good girl don't steal and kill innocent people. Gonna choose what town i like most and then find me a wife and big house and set it as base of operations for my adventures.
The only thing wrong with that is being a "good girl"
You sure you just don't want to.. stab.. a few innocent people? :3


New member
Aug 30, 2011
I'm OCD, and whenever I play a Bethesda game, I try to finish everything,
But I really think Skyrim is going to make me need more pills...


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Qitz said:
Nord. Always Nord. Best race ever. Course, it helps that I plan to make a Melee heavy character. Maybe two-handed with heavy armor.

Also, finding out how to join The Black Hand and doing sneaky sneaky death things with them.

Aside from that I'll do what I do in EVERY game that's has a ton weapons and items. Become a horder.
In Fallout NV I had one room in the Lucky 38 filled with Drugs. Psycho, Jet, Med-X etc.
I really hope they expand the real estate aspect to Skyrim, I'd really like a small lake side cottage =]


New member
Nov 23, 2010
Like any such game, like myself.
Nord, Sword and Shield (or a spear), Light armor. Preferably no magic, if there are throwing spears I'll use them, but no bows. Karma would be Controversaly good.

With other words, a vigilante, close combat nord.

Arina Love

Apr 8, 2010
iLeikHip said:
Arina Love said:
female Wood Elf light armour double daggers going to be good girl don't steal and kill innocent people. Gonna choose what town i like most and then find me a wife and big house and set it as base of operations for my adventures.
The only thing wrong with that is being a "good girl"
You sure you just don't want to.. stab.. a few innocent people? :3
well i have scissors but they aren't for stabbing.


New member
Mar 6, 2011
iLeikHip said:
In Fallout NV I had one room in the Lucky 38 filled with Drugs. Psycho, Jet, Med-X etc.
I really hope they expand the real estate aspect to Skyrim, I'd really like a small lake side cottage =]
Well if you want to be eaten by Mudcrabs...though I guess that means I'll have more loot to hoard.

Would be awesome as hell if they let you build a house where ever you wanted to though.


New member
Sep 10, 2010
Normally in RPGs I play as a strong, close-combat (or big guns in case of Fallout series), heavy armour brute with either a security or persuasion skills with points in as a back up.

This time though, I've heard that they are powering up archery, so I guess I'll get a Wood Elf who specialises in sneaking and archery with possibly some blade in case things go hairy.


New member
Feb 3, 2009
Probably an elf who is good with a bow. I personally dont like stuffing around changing spells, so I dont really use magic. Maybe just one spell levelled as high as it can go. But at the end of the day, my character will be a sneaky archer. That suits me fine.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
i want to be a legionary. my first priority will be to make a sword and shield guy and see if i can join the imperial legion like in morrowind


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
The same plan I used for Oblivion. A wispy Kajit girl who specializes in blunt weapons and alteration magic.

After that I'm probably going to play an Argonian with what ever skills I figure out work the best.


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
I'm debating whether to make my "half-blood" sapphic vampire hunter or my dunmer noble assassin. Or maybe I'll go my breton archmage again. I haven't been following too much news about the game - that way, I'll be pleasantly surprised (or appalled) at whatever the new Elder Scrolls game has in store for me.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Twad said:
If i get the game i will play a rogue/archer, no magic (or as little as i can get away with). Then i will pray that this "build" wont suck as bad as it did in oblivion.
What are you talking about? This is my go-to build in every Elder Scrolls game, and it's never failed me. When you get your stealth and marksman skills up, you can pretty much 1 hit any enemy across the map with the massive damage multiplier. Even the ones that survive only take another arrow or two before they collapse, it's rare I even take damage when I'm playing that class.

OT: I'll be an Argonian assassin as always, specialising in sneak, marksman, blade, light armour and maybe alchemy. I've played every Elder Scrolls game with a character like this, and it's always the most fun playthrough. I originally went into illusion a bit, but turning invisible just felt way too cheap, so I never used it anyway.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
I'm thinking a very agile Nord, with some roguish aspects. So sort of like some fantasy-esque version of Jack Sparrow. So one handed sword, interchanging a dagger and certain spells (on my other hand). I imagine a rogue with some magic attributes has potential. I may also use a bow for certain things. So a varied character, but all in keeping with the same element.

If I do another play-through, maybe a "water bender" like High Elf/human (we'll see)

Edit: My Nord, I think will start off as a sort of mercenary (I like the word sellsword used in Game of Thrones) and grow to see the lucrativeness in dragon slaying.


New member
Jun 10, 2010
First time through will be either with a Nord lightly armored warrior/thief type w 2 weapons or a 2-handed sword, or an Imperial sword/shield/magic. Since it's in Skyrim I'll probably start with the Nord.

Pierce Graham

New member
Jun 1, 2011
Imperial, One-handed (instead of blade), Block, Light armor, Restoration, Destruction, Mercantile and Speechcraft. I would have gone with Athletics and Acrobatics, but apparently Bethesda believes the best way to fix a problem is to remove it completely.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
Nord Fighter.

Then i'll mod myself in some decent armour and weapons and maybe make myself a nice stronghold to hold all the loot all be beating out of pixel bad guys.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
brodie21 said:
i want to be a legionary. my first priority will be to make a sword and shield guy and see if i can join the imperial legion like in morrowind
Hate to break it to you, but the Legion does not exist anymore. Neither does the Empire.

OT: I almost always roll as a wood elf first. Probably do the sneaky-sneaky, stabby-stabby, shooty-shooty stuff.

Hero in a half shell

It's not easy being green
Dec 30, 2009
I'm gonna play as a Nord, just because I think it is proper that the Dovakiin and hero of Skyrim should be a Nord (as far as my limited understanding of the story goes) It just doesn't seem right that the dragon-born saviour of Skyrim would be a random person from a completely different race and area of Tamriel.

So I'll be an all out warrior, and since apparently if you marry someone you can take them adventuring with you, I'm gonna marry one of the mage races, and together we'll defeat everybody!