Skyrim - One Year On


New member
Sep 24, 2010
Chairman Miaow said:
I left my Skyrim severely lacking in uniqueness, character, role-playing, enemy types, decent magic system and happiness.

I loved Oblivion but Skyrim felt dated.
I put about 60 hours into the game to fully experience the story and a good chunk of that time wasn't very fun. I'm glad the game was successful but it's just not my thing anymore.

I'm hoping they'll make another non-MMO and revamp the mechanics. I'm willing to give the series another try but it can't just touch up on the old formula anymore.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
I've been trying to get back into it, and every time I spend hours downloading mods and making sure they all get along. By the time I'm done, I don't feel like playing anymore and just uninstall everything.


Dec 3, 2010
I played like crazy for ~120 hours when I got the game. Haven't touched it since I got my platinum.

Would be fun to start it up again, but I'm not sure I can be arsed with the problems that follows on the PS3.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
To clarify, I have 5 characters. I will give an account of my first, an Orc two-handed warrior.

1. The Legion has been dealt a heavy blow, but underwhelmed by the uselessness of my fellow warriors and in light of their extreme racism, I've left the rest of the campaign to them.
2. I am the most fearsome of the Companions despite werewolf form being seldom used.
3. Accruer of Daedric artifacts, no matter the callous things I had to do to get them.
4. The Vampires fear the blade of the Dawnguard.
5. The World Eater is vanquished.
6. The College is probably destroyed by now because I never even visited.
7. The Thieve's Guild were left disappointed at my lack of interest and were used only as far as plot-practical.
8. The Dark Brotherhood consists of but one member, that vampire child who apparently escaped death because of reasons. Ain't no ************ gonna disturb my sleep and live to tell of it.
9. I am extremely confused as to where I will go when I die. To Sovngard, Hircine, or to the side of one of my Daedric sponsors? If we go by weapon most liberally applied, I think I shall join Malacath.


New member
Feb 15, 2010
Had a Nord female, wrapped up the main quest, wanted to do more, got to level. 43....i think..

Then...the bow phase.
Hunger Games, Hawkeye etc...

New character, Female Nord. (again)
(i don't like Elves and Cats....and those reptile things....)

And then i learned bows are awesome and save me a lot of anger.

Left her at lvl. 15..orso...then other games happened.

Ow...and PS3 user.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
My main play of Skyrim has the Imperials having won the Civil War, Alduin defeated and the vampire menace destroyed by Shaghaggis of Shagbastard, DRAGONBORN.
He's also lord of the Companions or whatever but I never really gave a toss about them, can't remember why but the pissed me off at the start of my game and I never liked them after that.


Elite Member
Feb 19, 2009
I left mine with the main questline unfinished after about 50 hours of doing what I pleased. I made it 30 hours without even doing the first story mission. The last time I played was several months ago and the game has been uninstalled for quite some time.

In the week leading up to BLOPS2, I had nothing to play ( I don't buy many games ) So I put FallOut: New Vegas back on w/ Fook + Wep Mods + Wep Textures; so i've been on a RPG gun stat wank for about the past week and a half.

Good times.


New member
Jan 30, 2010
I walked west and south from the opening area, happening upon wolves that I tried to defeat with a sword and shield, but couldn't. So I switched to magic, sneaking and a bow and got past them, happening upon a magic Word and a small building filled with vampires. Their leader managed to curse me with vampirism, but I wasn't aware of it for a while, I just kept walking and exploring. Finding a sort of wooden atronach in a circular ruin that kept chasing me, I ran for many miles while dual wielding a healing spell. I excavated a tomb. I got chased by regenerating trolls I couldn't damage fast enough to kill over snowy mountains and the ruins of Labyrinthian. I walked out of the world during a glitch, allowing me to come back into the world at the top of stairs guarded by tons of necromancers and sneaking past them all, which meant i was free to walk into their den, open a chest and promptly fall three floors into a cell. Their leader talked a big game at me, but he regretted having his back turned when I got the lock open and started bludgeoning him with a warhammer I had just found. I talked with a convicted child murderer who was a werewolf, and when he escaped from prison I chased him to Bloated Man's Grotto and killed him. I headed for dawnstar to find the hilariously named Rustleif that i had seen in a screenshot, then found a stranded ship on the coast and a grotto called Yngvild full of ghosts on an island. Then the vampirism kicked in, people started fearing me and I could not figure out how to cure myself.

So I looked up a guide, and it said: You're too late to cure it conventionally now that it's advanced this far. Get to this town, which is troubled by the death of a family in a mysterious fire. Solve that mystery. Then talk to this guy. If you have a soul geam, he will transfer your curse to that gem.

I had no soul gem, and no way to fill it, but one of the places to get one? Whiterun, where the main quest had pointed me to since forever. So I walked there, drinking the blood of sleeping people to appear inconspicous. I listened to the jarl, but not really. Then I talked to his mage, and I bought the Soul Trap spell from him along with a gem. After which I went north to that sunken ship, cast the spill, Killed some wolves and trapped them in the gem. Went to the town, started the ritual, and then I was cured. So I decided I should _probably_ do some kind of quests instead of just wandering around for 20 hours. I went to the College of Winterhold since they probably had some more magic for me, and the quests in that storyline were all uninteresting, but they gave me a goal to work toward and new reasons to explore the world to reach the marker. So I bought a horse and beat a lone necromancer up to no good on a small mountain northeast of Whiterun. A horse which then died off-screen in mysterious circumstances when Winterhold was invaded by Magic Anomalies. I entered a Dwarven ruin and discovered it was full of this world's equivalent of the LotR ORCS, and spent the next hours running, sneaking and arching to get past dudes that could beat me in a few hits and vastly outnumbered me, my fireball spell, by bow and my two-handed warhammer of embers. I let one of my classmates practice her spells on me and then join me on my journey, a 17-year old sounding, 90-year old-looking woman named Brelyna. Another gave me an exploding flame cloak that damaged me, but did wonders against the skeletons and zombie dragon I soon ran into. I encountered two dragon priest, one on the top of a mountain that I dueled with very boringly for an in-game day, going left and right while shooting our one spell at one another. The other was found in Labyrinthian guarding the Staff of Magnus, which is also a funny name, and with it I saved the college and became the principal.

Very aware of my new responsibilities, I put on the principal's robes, took Brelyna with me and legged it for the southeastern borders of Skyrim, where there were lots of places I hadn't been yet. And that's where I am now, after having beaten another dragon priest in a cloister and beaten a LOT of necromancers and bandits and bears. Also, helping a daedric lady beat a very mean sorceror who locked himself in a special soul gem of hers to live forever.

I don't want to do quests, other than what I run into. They turn the game into a chore, like Kingdoms of Amalur or something. The exploration keeps me going. I love it. Skyrim seems to be better for it. I have seen NO dragons since the opening, and I bet if I don't progress the story they will never start bothering people.


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
With my main...
- Sided with the Empire
- Assassinated the Emperor
- Found several Deadric Artifacts (Clavicius Vile's Mask, the creepy Mace, Azura's Star, The Wabbajack)
- Fought the Thalmor at every opportunity given
- Saved the world from The World Eater
- Killed Parthunax
- Was generally the scourge of Bandits everywhere
- Ventured into The Blackreach, never to be seen again...

And I've actually jumped back into Skyrim recently actually, it's probably my single "most played game" ever, I've sunk almost 200 Hours into it which is a TON For me.

Rickolas Walrus

New member
Mar 2, 2012
First play through I was a Dark Elf that sided with the Stormcloaks because they hadn't tried to kill me, joined the Dark Brotherhood just to further liberate all the oppressed people, saved them from Alduin, took over a college, bought up every house possible just so there was no possible way the beggars would ever have an actual home, and I essentially became a Ghostbuster with how often I have to deal with dragons

Unfortunately I don't have any of the DLC yet cuz I'm playing on PS3, but I'm gonna become a Vampire Lord because I loved being a Dark Elf vampire, but hated the fact that everyone just magically knew when I was at level 4 or whatever

Hero in a half shell said:
Also I've managed to muck up my enchantment skill so levels exponentially and reaches 100 just from unenchanting about 20 weapons. Naturally I abuse this bug every single time.
You did this how exactly?


Jan 4, 2010
United States
I did pretty much everything. Got all the chivos and did every non-Miscellaneous quest in the game at least once across several characters. Currently playing my way through Dawnguard once more on my Dunmer conjurer/archer to get him ready for the Dragonborn DLC.


New member
Sep 4, 2012
I did practically everything (except the Dark Brotherhood quests), feeling burnt out.

IF given the chance, I may play it again, once I have the money for the DLC.


New member
Feb 18, 2011
It's been a year and I still haven't finished the freaking game. I keep getting distracted by doing little things and enjoying the scenery. Mostly it's the scenery. I should seriously do Dawnguard.

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
It's been a while since the last time I played Skyrim (Dark Souls is my new RPG love and my recent addiction), but I still have it installed on my disk, it's one of those games I'll just won't let go and I'll always keep coming back to.

Every now and then I still fire it up and I my jaw still hits the floor looking at the shitton of stuff I left unfinished and all the dungeons/places I still haven't done yet.

I still think that Skyrim is well worth $60.

Also, the thing with most Bethesda's games, is that I always enjoy them (read: I love them), but I'm never able finish them (except Fallout 3, I actually finished that one), for one reason or another (getting bored for a while, accidentally erasing all of my saves, reinstalling Windows and failing to backup my saves and so on and so forth).

King of Wei

New member
Jan 13, 2011
A year since release and I still haven't beaten the damn thing yet. Waiting for the game to be "finished" before I invest more time into it. I'll admit it is very, very, very hard to stay away from it though, because I absolutely love what I've played so far.