Skyrim physical copies have no data on the discs


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Insanity72 said:
Baresark said:
Insanity72 said:
Baresark said:
Somonah said:
People still buy PC games from stores?

EDIT- i bet the people who buy PC games from RL shops also have VHS players, a CRT monitor and music on cassettes.
There was originally talk of a cloth map, which was revealed to be lie. you have a source that says the premium map is a lie? Because i have not been able to find one article, blog or announcement stating that it's a lie.

Bethesda has stated that the Premium map will be made of a similar material to Burlap
It will apparently be a paper material that feels similar to burlap. It was tweeted on that guys (his name escapes me at this time) twitter account. The guy from Bethesda... damn, and I can't find his name. It's not just going to be plain paper, no worries about that.
Ahh yes, i see, i got the game today (although can't play it yet since i got it for PC.....) the material is almost like a fine hardened burlap, well that's the best way i can describe it
LoL, I felt like a real idiot not being able to remember Todd Howard's name.


Some kind of Monster
Feb 21, 2009
Gill Kaiser said:
Kris015 said:
distortedreality said:
Kris015 said:
distortedreality said:
Kris015 said:
Just fucking great. I don't have any more space on the HDD where i keep steam -.-
Even if you install it from a disc, it still needs to go where Steam does...
What do you mean? I bought retail. I have 3 HDDs so if it didn't use steam I'd just install it on another one.
Akaik it's a steamworks title, which means it installs where all your other steam games are.
Yeah.. I'm aware of that.
...then your previous posts don't make much sense.

For a Steamworks title there is functionally no difference between buying a physical disk and buying the game on Steam, except that you can bypass the download itself by installing from the disk. In all other aspects it's the same as buying it digitally... the game installs in the Steam directory, it unlocks on Steam and becomes available for re-download from Steam whenever you wish, and it opens through Steam.
Listen here then: I thought that when I bought it RETAIL I could install it anywhere i wanted. BUT since it requires steam, I have to install it via Steam. Steam is on the 1 HDD (I have 3) which has no space left. Get it now? I HAD NO IDEA THAT IT WAS A STEAMWORKS GAME.


New member
Mar 14, 2009
What is this shit. you guys are idiots. Mine just installed properly. it requires steam for the install but no download. This just sounds like fear mongering from a console elitist.

Edit: it installs but then you need to download the remaining 3% which is a about 200mb


New member
Nov 11, 2011
Ok. I just tried to load my Skyrim. Apperantly Steam decided to start and download the entire game, not just the 200MB. I had to turn off steam, then uninstall skyrim, then install.

After that it installed off the disk.

Levi Cheely

New member
Nov 11, 2011
Actually this is what happens: When installing the game on steam, it glitchs. If this happens, you pause the game download, right click press delete content, delete it, and reinstall from disk. You actually only download .5mb from steam before being able to play. OP way wrong :p

First install is glitching for everyone, just pause the download when it says its downloading the game. Delete the install, and reinstall it with steam already opened and boom your good. This is what I did, and im in the game right now.


New member
Nov 11, 2011
For those wanting to install from the DVD and not through Steam - stop downloading/updating (right click on Skyrim in the library and select 'cancel update'), in the library right click on the game again and select 'delete local content'. Then exit Steam (Steam>Exit). Then click Start button and Run. In the dialog box type:

(for windows 64 bit)

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe" -install d:

(for windows 32 bit)

"C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe" -install d:

replace d: with the drive letter of your DVD drive. Now it will install from the disk (still using Steam) considerably faster than downloading it.


New member
Sep 18, 2009
bahumat42 said:
tahrey said:
bahumat42 said:
it wouldn't be hard
at all
there will be a dozen download sites offering the game in perpetuity. It will always be there, now for those unlucky enough to have terrible internet, sucks to be you i guess, but the stuff is still here for the rest of us.
*questioning future archival and replay ability*
older games you have a point with. newer games have many backups, its the nature of running a business.
Welcome to thoroughly missing the point. I'm talking about people who have bought the game but don't have a physical copy of it, not the companies themselves, who will naturally have quite a few backups of their own. You can buy the game, but later on they can pull it from the download store etc and, whoop, if your HDD crashes or you upgrade to a new machine, etc, you're shit outta luck. Whereas even with my quite old games that I've bought on CDROM, I can just install them straight back to the HDD and either play natively, or fire up something like DOSbox...

I mean, this doesn't even seem to be a case of the disc unlocking a download site where you can then grab all the install files and keep them for your own use (e.g. dropping them onto an archival-quality DVDR for safekeeping) - with the site serving up, say, some kind of custom-encrypted installer that will only respond to being unlocked by your unique physical disc. Kind of like a shiny circular "dongle".

Instead, you just try to run the install off the disc and it goes online to grab the files instead. I already hate it when downloaded programs go and do that shit (why do you think I was downloading it anyway? what if I want to install your not necessarily internet using thing on a PC that hasn't got a web connection? they do still exist... why not just give us all the files to download at once in one go anyway, as we're going to grab them from your server anyhow, and getting them once to install on 10 different machines will chew far less of your bandwidth and my time than doing it 10 times over (yeah this is something I run into when installing free-to-download but pro-grade driver software for institutional presentation equipment etc)), an actual physically distributed thing pulling the same trick is totally unacceptable.

(And yes, I know we're working in the realm of the theoretical now, as it's likely a complete hoax; the point still stands)