Skyrim puts Dragon Age to shame


New member
Dec 6, 2007
Fix the misleading title already. Of COURSE Skyrim blows DA2 out of the water, that's not fucking hard. As to being better than DAO, it is, but doesn't put it to shame by any means. Skyrim is great, but DAO was too. Primarily just beats it in flexibility, one of the few failings of DAO, where trying to play with anything but a strict team build bordered on suicide. (Without mods, did ANYONE have a team without Wynne if they weren't a healer themself?)


New member
Mar 2, 2011
I can't compare the two, unfortunately, but I feel one thing needs to be said: contrary to the name, Dragon Age 2 was not a game about killing dragons.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Abandon4093 said:
Soviet Heavy said:
I wasn't aware they were competing with each other.
They're both fantasy games with dragons. That's like saying you weren't aware CoD and BF were competing.
Well they aren't. Most people get both CoD and BF games when they come out so the fight EA tries to make it largely pointless and is just a hype mechanic.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
I didn't know they were in the same sub genre of RPGs. These games are non comparable. One is a Tactical RPG that wants to be character driven, but fails hilariously. And the other is an Action RPG that alright, just your standard TES fair.

Sehnsucht Engel

New member
Apr 18, 2009
I never really gave a shit about the dragons in Dragon Age. Well, except the Archdemon, but that battle was alright. I think they might as well rename their game. Dragon Age 2 still beats Skyrim when it comes to story and characters.


New member
Jan 14, 2011
Crono1973 said:
When you can't even compare WRPG's to one another without a bunch of people saying they aren't comparable, it's getting ridiculous.
Yeah, point made right there. The two can be compared quite easily. Watch, I'll show you.

Dragon Age 2: Shitty combat with barely any dragons. And a terrible main quest. And no fun side quests

Skyrim: Decent quests, great combat and tons of dragons.

See, that wasn't too hard. Wanna try some more?
MW3: Cheap rehash of MW2
BF3: Snipers... Yep, that's all you get to use so get used to it.

We can even compare two unrelated games.
Gears of War 3: Monotonous, slight peaks in excitement. Extremely violent.
Sims 3: Same thing, only more violence... Yeah.

Geo Da Sponge

New member
May 14, 2008
Remember people, if you don't want people to say mean things about your games put more dragons in them! No I don't care if 'Dragon Age' is purely a brand name and in the story almost all of the dragons have been wiped out by hunters before the game even starts and actually have nothing to do with the story, I want dragons damn it!

I mean, Skyrim beats Dragon Age 2 but Dragon Age: Origins beats Oblivion. What's your point?


New member
Aug 13, 2008
Dragon Age 2 was just a bad game.
Witcher 2 was waaaaaaaaaaaayyy better, and he is challenger for RPG GOTY.

But still - this 3 games are completely different (two of them good and DragonAge2)


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
havnt playes DA2 but I will say they are different kinds of RPG (I prefer dragon age's style anyhow)

so yeah


New member
Sep 24, 2010
I disagree completely.

Dragon Age 2 has more interesting characters, better graphics and far superior gameplay. It even has a better story line from the 30 hours I've experienced within Skyrim so far.

I think both games have a lot they can teach each other. Skyrim nails the RPG elements and global feel you want in an RPG. Dragon Age 2 nailed the fun gameplay and great characters that should be found in the world.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Kungfu_Teddybear said:
Abandon4093 said:
Soviet Heavy said:
I wasn't aware they were competing with each other.
They're both fantasy games with dragons. That's like saying you weren't aware CoD and BF were competing.
Just because they both have dragons doesn't mean that they are competing with each other. I guess that Skyrim is competing with Spyro the Dragon then?
Yeah. One is a RPG driven by story (a Bioware specialty) and another by its open world environment (a Bethesda specialty).

Clive Howlitzer

New member
Jan 27, 2011
They really aren't the same kind of game. They are both RPGs and are fantasy, that is about where it ends.
Dragon Age is a more closely done narrative, with a lot of character development and interaction and a totally different party based combat system. Skyrim is a huge open ended world, first person, with far less narrative.
You really can't compare them. I enjoy both for their own merits.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
NickCaligo42 said:
Abandon4093 said:
Soviet Heavy said:
I wasn't aware they were competing with each other.
They're both fantasy games with dragons. That's like saying you weren't aware CoD and BF were competing.

Granted there was a large gap between releases. But the games are going to be compared.

Having played neither I can't put forth an argument. But if DAII was anything like the fist, well. Let's just say I'm not rushing out to get it.
Worse, actually. Markedly worse in every way, shape, and form, such that it makes you PINE for the first one even if you disliked it. If you want to know, just check [a href=""]this Let's Play out[/a]. It does a pretty good job of concisely summing up what the DA2 experience is like.
Oh my god that is the funniest thing I've read for a while. There's stuff in there about Bioware I hadn't heard before. Sweet Jesus you work in the games industry but you hate playing games!?


New member
Aug 24, 2010
I couldn't compare them. They are very different, and frankly I had loads of fun with DA2, as I'm having with Skyrim.

Blind Sight

New member
May 16, 2010
Man I love me some apples. I hate oranges though. Fuck 'em. Apples are so much better.

I don't see why it's necessary to compare a sort of turn-based third person fantasy game with a real time first person fantasy game. Nor how it can be objectively determined that one is better. I mean, you could just say the reverse and say Dragon Age Origins was better then Oblivion, and where the hell does that get us? It's all a matter of opinion, but I just don't see how you can compare two games with severely differing design philosophies.