Skyrim puts Dragon Age to shame


New member
Dec 15, 2008
I agree with you, because I really like Skyrim and really hated Dragonage Origins.

But that's just me. I may be a weird guy. I put salt on my ice cream.

M-E-D The Poet

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Sep 12, 2011
Radeonx said:
Well, Dragon Age 2 was completely and utterly rushed by EA, where Bethesda had more than 7-10 months to make a game.
Dragon Age: Origins blows Skyrim out of the water, but 2 isn't as good as Skyrim.
No, no it doesn't
Dragon Age Origins was buggy shoddy and did not have great graphics

Sure it had A great story line but it will never blow skyrim out of the water

It's just not good enough

Also this can't be a competition because Skyrim is an open world whilst dragon age is linear anyway

Soviet Heavy

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Jan 22, 2010
NickCaligo42 said:
Soviet Heavy said:
Oh my god that is the funniest thing I've read for a while. There's stuff in there about Bioware I hadn't heard before. Sweet Jesus you work in the games industry but you hate playing games!?
Yeah, you don't know unless you pay attention to their really niche PR and interviews, but the higher-ups in Bioware are really narrow-minded, condescending jerks. In answer to your question, though, the way I hear it is that Gaider and his posse were friends with the guys who headed up Baldur's Gate and that's how they got put in charge. Only way I could imagine it, anyway.
And their excuse for being unable to equip companions was for cosplay!? That's what they seemed to imply with the Tallis pic.

Worr Monger

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Jan 21, 2008
If you're just talking about Dragon Age 2.... fine.. even though I don't think they are very comparable games... Dragon Age 2 was disappointing mostly due to the fact that it paled in comparison to Dragon Age: Origins.... Otherwise, I still put over 150 hours into DA2.. it wasn't a bad game.

BUT... if you're going to compare Skyrim to Dragon Age: Origins... Nope, sorry, DA:O wins for me... One thing that people seem to forget (or ignore) about Bioware games... is that Bioware creates strong characters. Characters are essential to a story. The Elder Scrolls doesn't really have characters. As massive as Skyrim is... it lacks on a personal level that DA:O provides.

PS.. if your going to compare Skyrim to anything... compare it to Oblivion. Because Oblivion is my DA2 compared to Morrowind. Oblivion pales in comparison to Morrowind.

Brian Hendershot

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Two different games...two different genres...two different sets of fanboys...WHO WILL WINNN????

Seriously. The only thing these games seem to have in common with me is that there are dragons...and...the studio that made them starts with a B.

You are comparing apples to bananas man. They are both fruits...completely different fruits that give you different vitamins.

Anyhow, I enjoyed both Dragon Ages and what little bit of Skyrim I have gotten to play, I have enjoyed! I think it's pretty unfair to compare them.


New member
Feb 15, 2011
Soviet Heavy said:
I wasn't aware they were competing with each other.
This was my first thought. I'm glad to see it's already been said.

However, gun to my head I'm inclined to agree that Skyrim puts Dragon Age 2 to shame. That's only because Dragon Age 2 was complete fucking garbage. I didn't even bother to finish it, and to this day I feel like it was a waste of money.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
Brian Hendershot said:
Two different games...two different genres...two different sets of fanboys...WHO WILL WINNN????

Seriously. The only thing these games seem to have in common with me is that there are dragons...and...the studio that made them starts with a B.

You are comparing apples to bananas man. They are both fruits...completely different fruits that give you different vitamins.

Anyhow, I enjoyed both Dragon Ages and what little bit of Skyrim I have gotten to play, I have enjoyed! I think it's pretty unfair to compare them.
Yes, different genres. One is an WRPG and the other is a....WRPG. Maybe the party members in Bioware's games make it a WJRPG? Oh wait, doesn't Skyrim have companions too?

What next, Mario and Sonic are not comparable because while they are both platformers, one is a hedgehog and the other is a human?

Lunar Templar

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Sep 20, 2009
Elgladiator said:
I don't know whether to laugh or cry over the fact that Dragon Age 2 was released the same year as Skyrim. After defeating my first dragon in an epic battle, I realized just how deeply Bethesda has humiliated Bioware. Think back on your experience in Dragon Age 2 and compare and contrast with Skyrim. The Dragon Age team needs to step up their game.

really -.-, ignoring the glaring fact for now -.- these games have what in common? they both have dragons in them? this is what your basing your comparison on? really? ....

ok, now that THAT'S out of my system.

Skyrim and Dragon Age, have really only 2 things in common

1) dragons
2) fantasy setting

Skyrim is an open world game, where story is more or less shelved in favor of a world that is vast and explorable for god know how long.

Dragon Age, ether, are traditional RPGs, you have a story, a few side quests, but the world and game are pretty linear, you can wander around some but there are SNES RPGs with more explore-ability.

that fact you've said what you have smacks only of some one seeking to start a flame war between fan bases, that, or you don't understand how radically different the 2 developers are (even if one seems to be selling out to 'please the masses')

Sexy Devil

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Jul 12, 2010
Soviet Heavy said:
I wasn't aware they were competing with each other.
In the world of fanboy wars, Call of Duty gameplay is comparable to Skyrim so Dragon Age 2 being comparable to Skyrim isn't a huge stretch for them.


New member
Oct 22, 2011
Crono1973 said:
So, if you could buy only one game and had to choose between Skyrim and some other non open world game, don't ask here because you will be told how pointless it is to compare games that are not exactly the same.
Well, I'd probably ask them if they prefer open world games or story-driven ones.

From there, the recommendation is rather simple.

And Skyrim companions are to Dragon Age companions what bottle-rockets are to space shuttles.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
Valid Comparison is Valid.

Also, Skyrim is totally a worse shooter than Panzer Dragoon.



Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
TheCowman said:
Crono1973 said:
So, if you could buy only one game and had to choose between Skyrim and some other non open world game, don't ask here because you will be told how pointless it is to compare games that are not exactly the same.
Well, I'd probably ask them if they prefer open world games or story-driven ones.

From there, the recommendation is rather simple.

And Skyrim companions are to Dragon Age companions what bottle-rockets are to space shuttles.
You mean you wouldn't ask them what genre they liked? You could suggest Skyrim to someone wanting to play a racing game if you don't ask that basic question.


New member
Jul 23, 2010
Because this thread will be locked soon, let's hi-jack it and have an interesting "this is better than that' discussion. Ready?

Cake or pie.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
trophykiller said:
Because this thread will be locked soon, let's hi-jack it and have an interesting "this is better than that' discussion. Ready?

Cake or pie.
Pie I think. Thanksgiving is approaching and I am looking forward to Pumpkin pie.


New member
Oct 22, 2011
Crono1973 said:
You mean you wouldn't ask them what genre they liked? You could suggest Skyrim to someone wanting to play a racing game if you don't ask that basic question.
Ah, sorry. I was under the impression we were still on the Skyrim/Dragon Age comparison. I didn't know we'd branched out into other genres.

And I vote pie, but only pumpkin or chocolate pudding.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
TheCowman said:
Crono1973 said:
You mean you wouldn't ask them what genre they liked? You could suggest Skyrim to someone wanting to play a racing game if you don't ask that basic question.
Ah, sorry. I was under the impression we were still on the Skyrim/Dragon Age comparison. I didn't know we'd branched out into other genres.

And I vote pie, but only pumpkin or chocolate pudding.
That's my point, these two titles are comparable because they are both WRPG's (ie, the same genre). That one has party members and the other doesn't is really not enough to make it an invalid comparison.


New member
Oct 22, 2011
Well, I'd say that one being open world and first person and the other being story driven and third person was a bigger difference, but whatevs.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
TheCowman said:
Well, I'd say that one being open world and first person and the other being story driven and third person was a bigger difference, but whatevs.
About as big a difference as a Final Fantasy game and a Tales of game, both JRPG's but take different approaches to the genre.

Something else to think about, the number one reason these titles are comparable are because they have the same fanbase. Take a look, people are quick to say "they are/aren't comparable" but that means that every one of those people have played both.


New member
Oct 22, 2011
Crono1973 said:
Something else to think about, the number one reason these titles are comparable are because they have the same fanbase. Take a look, people are quick to say "they are/aren't comparable" but that means that every one of those people have played both.
Well, to be fair, I'd trust the opinion of someone who'd played both over someone who'd only played one. After all, who better to say if they're comparable or not than someone who's sampled both?