So Escapist, What Ails You?

Jun 7, 2010
Perfectly healthy physically, although my nose is never quite clear, I usually forget about it until I actually inhale/exhale through my nose, now I can't take my attention off it, thanks assholes (I love you all really).

Mentally/emotionally on the other hand, nothing i've had to see a doctor about.Though i'm pretty sure i'm not perfectly healthy up there.
Jan 13, 2012
Nothing really. I do think I have a pretty low immune system though due to me getting sick if someone so much as looks at me funny or maybe that's just because I don't eat healthy.


New member
Aug 7, 2012
Dermatographism. Essentially supersensitive skin, quite fun as it means you can draw on yourself with a fingernail and it stays there for hours, but less fun in summer as heat fucks me up and makes me insanely itchy.
Lost half of one of my index fingers but happened when I was 3 so doesnt bother me much.
So compared to alot of people here i'm doing well.

Easton Dark

New member
Jan 2, 2011
Saulkar said:
Easton Dark said:
I've been coughing for a few months.

That's literally it. No allergies, no conditions. My only abnormal condition is a cough.
I had that happen from early September last year to Early January. It was a respiratory virus that had absolutely no other symptoms outside of a violently powerful but painless cough.
Did it just go away after awhile? Mine's been going on for longer than that. And they're not particularly strong, just frequent. It's annoying.


New member
Aug 29, 2011
I hate cold air. If I'm not properly bundled up, it tends to make me wheeze and crack my skin. Also, if I breath in too much of it, like if I'm exercising or running in the cold air, I tend to cough violently to the point of almost throwing up.

I'm also prone to getting colds when there are rapid changes in the temperature (i.e. today will be 80 and tomorrow it is 65). This will also dry my skin up; hand lotions seem to work only half the time, so I often wear gloves when going outside. A lot of these crazy climate changes tend to occur in Spring, the season where I'm most prone to getting sick, and therefore, I simply loathe Spring.


Pacifist Percussionist
Apr 19, 2010
I'm generally healthy, but I do have moderate scoliosis in my lower back. Last I checked, I had a 37 degree curve, and once you hit 45 degrees, you require major surgery, so I'm cutting it a little close. It also misaligned my hips and created a muscle crunch on my left side, which has an effect on quite a bit of my posture and gait. It's annoying, and I get a little self conscious about the asymmetry of my body sometimes, but it doesn't get in the way of my life very much.


New member
Aug 7, 2011
I have asthma. It isn't severe and it rarely effects me, but I can't to anaerobic exercises (like jogging) without a little preperation.

It's also hay fever season here in the land of giant spiders that eat snakes and beer loving country leaders, but I'm not sure that counts.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
I was messing around with liquid latex a few months ago and developed a small allergy to latex, giving me big weeping rashes and dry skin on occasion. Then that eventually went away, but introduced a long-lost childhood friend, atopic eczema.


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
Right now i have something pretty bad thats been evading treatment and diagnosis for about 3 months. Like a previous poster ill call it "lower inner pains". However sometimes, always at night, this kinda culminates in what has to be the worst pain ive ever experienced, its so much agony i cant move without it becoming unbearable. It makes me shake and the shaking makes it worse. Its like liquid fire is inside me. It fades until morning when it comes back again slightly more mildly. I then have about 3 weeks of freedom where the pain isnt that bad at all until those "attacks" come back. Ive been treated for bacterial infection twice and the doctor said it would go away by itself at the hospital. Since it hasnt im going in for an ultrasound scan to make sure all the tubing is normal. Id do anything to end this pain :C


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
soren7550 said:
Right now I'm having umm... 'lower inner pains' we'll call them. Not sure why, but if I sit still it usually doesn't bother me.
Sounds similar to what i have right now... read my post, sound familiar?


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
BiscuitTrouser said:
soren7550 said:
Right now I'm having umm... 'lower inner pains' we'll call them. Not sure why, but if I sit still it usually doesn't bother me.
Sounds similar to what i have right now... read my post, sound familiar?
Nah, it hasn't been as painful as that, nor has it lasted that long.


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
soren7550 said:
Nah, it hasn't been as painful as that, nor has it lasted that long.
Balls. Youre lucky then, i hope you get better soon and its nothing like what i have.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
Dodgy knees due to a genetic disorder, can't recall the name or spell it anyway.
Bipolar, as has been discussed on this forum over and over.
A degree of paranoia, OCD and incredibad self esteem. Gross feelings of inadequacy stemming from 6 or 7 years of constant misery.
Inability to trust or forge friendships and a tendency to be very blunt and burn bridges very fast.
Occasional bouts of insomnia.

Also once a year I'll get ear infection, throat and chest infection or the new flu everyone is talking about and crush it beneath my willpower.

EDIT: I also have an incredibly short fuse that happens to be hard to light. I.e. I get very angry very fast but it's difficult to actually make me angry if that makes sense.


New member
Jan 22, 2009
no cartilage in my left knee (old rugby injury that healed badly,
allergic to any painkillers that end -en

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
BiscuitTrouser said:
Right now i have something pretty bad thats been evading treatment and diagnosis for about 3 months. Like a previous poster ill call it "lower inner pains". However sometimes, always at night, this kinda culminates in what has to be the worst pain ive ever experienced, its so much agony i cant move without it becoming unbearable. It makes me shake and the shaking makes it worse. Its like liquid fire is inside me. It fades until morning when it comes back again slightly more mildly. I then have about 3 weeks of freedom where the pain isnt that bad at all until those "attacks" come back. Ive been treated for bacterial infection twice and the doctor said it would go away by itself at the hospital. Since it hasnt im going in for an ultrasound scan to make sure all the tubing is normal. Id do anything to end this pain :C
Kidney stone? That would suck dude. Hope you can get that solved recurring pain is a bad thing.

I'll add to my previous post that I get bad chest pains sometimes but thats from working in a laundry. Fuckin' lint.


New member
Jan 2, 2011
Moderate OCD and anxiety problems, those I'm used to.

More recently however I fucked up my knee being stupid, I'm not sure of the official name of the condition but basically the muscle that keeps the kneecap in place is to weak now to do its job so I occasionally partially dislocate my kneecap, I can't run for long periods, and walking up and down stairs (a requirement in High School) causes annoying pains in my knee.


New member
Apr 11, 2012
Vanitas likes Bubbles said:
Nothing really. I do think I have a pretty low immune system though due to me getting sick if someone so much as looks at me funny or maybe that's just because I don't eat healthy.
That's actually an overactive immune system. The symptoms of most colds are the effects of your body trying to flush out something that probably wouldn't hurt you anyway.


New member
Apr 19, 2009
Marter said:
I have Crohn's Disease for which I need to get treatment every 8 weeks. No longer actually troubles me, as the medicine has been doing its job.
Me too, although I get treatment every 6 weeks. I've also got chest wall arthritis (or Costochondritis for you medical guys) because of that. It doesn't strike very often (maybe once or twice a month) but it gets pretty painful when it does.

Angry Camel

New member
Mar 21, 2011
I get really bad hay fever during the right seasons. (Oh God, I just remembered it's Spring here...)
I'm also quite short-sighted. Not really surprising considering my habits, but most of my family is long-sighted.
I seem to get flaky skin rather easily, particularly on my face.
My lung capacity felt quite damaged after working in a concrete factory for a while (getting better though). Remember kids, dust masks don't help much when mould oil's in the air, invest in a proper gas mask (or demand your employer supplies you with one).