So, guys, how's your day been?


New member
Jan 27, 2010
Woke up...
Discovered I was barricaded into my room with the door open.
Cut my toe getting out of bed on something my dad threw into my room..
Got yelled at for it being messy (due to him throwing shit in it)
Cleaned stuff off of my couch and bed (yes, he threw stuff on me while I was asleep)
Attempted to continue my renovations by "augmenting" my closet (knocking out 3 lower shelves to put in a dresser)

Basically, I no longer have a closet, there is blood all over my foot, I'm currently STANDING as I type this (in about a half meter squared area), and my hands are a myriad of cuts and bruises.

Day's barely half over x.x but thank you for asking, and I'm glad other people are having a better day than I. For those who are having a day day like me, I'm sure it will improve eventually :D


New member
Apr 14, 2009
-Got up at 9:30
-Went to town with a friend
-Ate Pizza
-Went to work at 4
-Talked for 4 hours
-Finished Work at 8
-Brought Pokemon Black ^_^
-Came home

So all right I guess, better than some recent days.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Generally quite boring:

Woke up at 7am for school, decided to lie in bed for a couple of extra minutes, woke up again at 7.45am, giving me 15 minutes to get ready. Went to school, learned stuff, although it doesn't much feel like I did. Brix were shat in Physics, when I learned that the word 'laser' is in fact an anagram. Had an epic free period between 13.30 and 14.30, then back to boring, when I went to my last lesson. Came home, and couldn't really find anything to do (more because I couldn't be arsed than that I haven't actually got anything to do) for the six and a half hours leading up to now...

there is no spoon

New member
Jun 20, 2008
rayen020 said:
my wife is in labor. but in the boring takes forever part of labor where the baby is not being born but she is in pain and doctors go in and out alot. been here since midnight. i'm excited overall but currently bored.
Congratulations, is this your first child?


Not totally insane....YET!!!
Dec 9, 2009
I woke up because Gamestop texted me, went to the liquor store, stopped by Arby's on the way home, and now here I am! A fairly successful day if you ask me! ^^


New member
Jul 4, 2008
woke up, did laundry, ate some cornflakes and a banana... gonna go to work in like an hour... not alot goin on, but It's cool...

Essencially just surviving, lookin for a new girlfriend, last one dumped me about 2 weeks ago, and I know why it all went down how it did, and it was totally my fault so I'm workin on being a better dude, hopefully next relationship goes a little better.

still, gonna do a bit more of a workout before I head for work, gotta keep in shape.

Johnny Reb

New member
Sep 12, 2010
eh so-so. math was a ***** as always. we watched a movie on the Buddha in world geo. we did a relay race in jrotc, and i bought a dime o' bud and i plan on enjoying it before i go to see "The Adjustment Bureau" tonight with my bro. so i can say it wasn't too bad. But thanks for asking :)


New member
Aug 27, 2010
klaynexas3 said:
newwiseman said:
Code Monkeys could actually improve my day, or the IT Crowd. Oh snap, they're on netflix!

Day renewed!
those are some of the best shows ever. apparently, real IT people actually have to say "have you tried turning it off and on again? well is it plugged in?" or at least that's how my friend's dad's office is.
Yep we sure do. It's amazing how often rebooting will fix the problem, that or it magically stops when we make it to their room. I work in a school where the average computer user is either 13 or 52, and I am solely responsible for keeping everything running. Most don't know how to use the machines they are expected to teach on, and they end up breaking things, very annoying.

The only other person remotely near my age is an IA who helps a student across the hall when I come in from lunch. She's very nice, Russian, and so so hot (we did track together my 2nd year of college back in the day). I can't even ask her out because of this districts policy on employee's dating. Just asking her if she is currently single can get me fired, What's the world coming to? This place is BS.

Kenbo Slice said:
Ha that's how we're gonna watch Code Monkeys :D. I've never heard of the IT Crowd before though...
The IT Crowd is brilliant, British, nerd comedy. It's about an IT dept. that has two male employees, complete tech nerds, and a woman who knows absolutely nothing about computers get hired as their supervisor. Not as epically written as "dude I just dropped a deuce in the brownie bowl" but their first line in the series is "have you tried turning it off and on".


New member
Apr 10, 2009
Had and raped my C++ midterm today, went to another class, and about to sign up for a couple events at my college's gaming convention, which is apparently this weekend.

Great North

New member
Feb 3, 2010
This day started out pretty bad. I had one of those "my life is crashing into a big wall" moments and spent my entire work shift walking around as a despair-zombie. But my girlfriend helped me out some, so now I'm feeling better, and there's a big Game-a-thon going on that I'm going to later tonight, so that should be sweet. And the proceeds from the event are going to Child's Play! Awesome.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Sleep at 2 AM thanks to work, up at 5 AM. It's now 7:10. My younger sister has a friend coming to stay over for the night, so I have plenty of preparation to do. Cooking, cleaning and so on. Also, we're out of food and the car's out for repairs, meaning I have to walk over to the nearest supermarket. Which is about 12km away. So yes, walking there, buying lots of food, and lugging it back uphill. If the weather now is anything to go by, I'll be doing this in a blizzard. Has to be done fast, too.

On the bright side, my cold's getting better. Still coughing, but no longer actually coughing up blood (good thing, too, that gets messy).

Somewhat grumpy, all in all, but it's not too bad.


New member
Feb 24, 2010
Woke up at 7:00am. Threw up three times within an hour, and went to sleep. Just woke up again.

My day was fine, thanks. :)

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I had a very good day since I bought Pokémon White Today. I was quite surprise that the game I traded it (Donkey Kong County Return) had a trade value of £30 so I was only paying for the Guidebook that I bought alongside it.
So I pretty much spend the rest of the afternoon playing that (I heading to the next gym town atm and taking a break).


New member
Apr 24, 2008
Slept bad, woke up with a fever, ate antibiotics for breakfast, played San Andreas on PS2 all day, watched Repo men, improved my mood, watched Repo men's ending, got fucking devastated and depressed, ate another antibiotic, replied to this thread and soon going to sleep.

Kenbo Slice

Deep In The Willow
Jun 7, 2010
newwiseman said:
klaynexas3 said:
newwiseman said:
Code Monkeys could actually improve my day, or the IT Crowd. Oh snap, they're on netflix!

Day renewed!
those are some of the best shows ever. apparently, real IT people actually have to say "have you tried turning it off and on again? well is it plugged in?" or at least that's how my friend's dad's office is.
Yep we sure do. It's amazing how often rebooting will fix the problem, that or it magically stops when we make it to their room. I work in a school where the average computer user is either 13 or 52, and I am solely responsible for keeping everything running. Most don't know how to use the machines they are expected to teach on, and they end up breaking things, very annoying.

The only other person remotely near my age is an IA who helps a student across the hall when I come in from lunch. She's very nice, Russian, and so so hot (we did track together my 2nd year of college back in the day). I can't even ask her out because of this districts policy on employee's dating. Just asking her if she is currently single can get me fired, What's the world coming to? This place is BS.

Kenbo Slice said:
Ha that's how we're gonna watch Code Monkeys :D. I've never heard of the IT Crowd before though...
The IT Crowd is brilliant, British, nerd comedy. It's about an IT dept. that has two male employees, complete tech nerds, and a woman who knows absolutely nothing about computers get hired as their supervisor. Not as epically written as "dude I just dropped a deuce in the brownie bowl" but the first line in the series is "have you tried turning it off and on".
Hmm...this show is on netflix right?

Broady Brio

New member
Jun 28, 2009
Same ol' really.

Cept for ICT I had a mock test and if he let us out 5 minutes early, I could of got my bus home and not wait another hour.

But other than that, t'was all right.


New member
Oct 27, 2008
I woke up at 7.30 am, had breakfast and had a conversation with one of my roommates about communism, went to the lab, found out I could go home early (2.30 p.m), went out and bought "Office space" on DVD and then watched it at home, studied a little bit about influenza and antigenic drifts and shifts, with a little bit of protein encoding gene segments (again for influenza),browsed on youtube for a bit, watched a couple of episodes of "Lucy the daughter of the devil" and "Law & Order: Criminal intent" before doing a little bit more studying, and currently posting on here before going to bed. All in all, a pretty relaxing day :)


New member
Sep 10, 2010
Pretty bad. I had to rush my breakfast, although I managed to scrounge a lift to the train station from my mum. I then spent all day worrying over whether I should leave my school next year to do the International Baccalaureate but leave all my friends behind. The highlight was basically walking up to school listening to Dream Theater.