Batou667 said:
I think the fact that they didn't set out to woo the frothing Sonic fandom (a fandom bordering the toxic insanity of Bronies)
Y'know, I keep hearing how terrible the Sonic and MLP fanbases are, but I've never seen it myself.
Attempting to marry together all the various bits of canon across three decades of games, three (?) animated series, and the multi-year run of comic books that were released both sides of the Atlantic to make a definitive Sonic movie that is faithful to the source material, is substantial enough for fans and accessible enough for newcomers, would have been a recipe for disaster.
Never said they had to combine all of it. Trust me, I know that wouldn't work, because I tried that for 9 years (ages 7-16), and it was conceptual failure as much as writing failure (shock of all shocks, pre-teens don't do stories well).
How many Chaos Emeralds are there, for example?
The 6 to 7 isn't really a retcon if we accept that the seventh just wasn't present at the time. Apart from that, it's constantly been 7. The only exceptions I can recall are Sonic Championship (where it's 8 for some reason) and Sonic Spinball (which I understand to be in SatAM continuity rather than the games).
What planet is all this set on? What is the name of the recurring antagonist? All of this shifts from game to game and setting to setting.
I know the Mobius/Earth, Robotnik/Eggman stuff, but that's not changing from game to game, it was down to translation issues. Mobius became the name of Sonic's world because of a mistranslation concerning the mobius loops. Robotnik and Eggman are Sega America and Sega Japan calling him different things, and even then, the current standpoint is that his name is Doctor Robotnik, but he calls himself Eggman.
I'm not going to praise Sonic for having the best continuity in the world, but the above issues aren't nearly as intrusive as you say.
Sonic being set on Earth and the animal characters interacting with inexplicably calm humans has been part of the games since 1998. It's not like this film sets precedence.
It's not setting a precedent, but the presence of humans has always been controversial - least in the games. Yes, I know that humans (excluding Robotnik) featured prolifically in various spinoff works, but at the time, for the games specifically, it raised some eyebrows. Certainly it raised some of mine.
But even then, consider the context of the film itself. We get a brief glimpse of South Island, and a brief glimpse of "the Mushroom Planet," both of which are channeling Green Hill Zone and Mushroom Hill Zone (or taking a shot at Mario) respectively. Compared to those environments, Earth is just tame. Part of why, if/when a sequel is made, I'd rather it mostly take place on Sonic's planet. I mean, Tails's words at the end suggest that it will.
Robotnik with a human friend/servant/minion just seemed wrong to me.
Does that include Snively and Grimer?
Batou667 said:
I have yet to play Sonic Mania, I know it got some mixed reviews
Those aren't "mixed reviews." Sonia Mania is one of the highest ranked games in the series.
Haven't played Mania myself, but the consensus of it being good, if not great, is pretty clear.
As for the more unique Sonic offerings, which ones stand out on your opinion?
If we define "stand out" as "genuinely good" and "aren't the original Genesis games," then I can nominate:
Sonic Riders
Sonic Battle
Sonic Rush
Sonic Rush Adventure
Sonic the Hedgehog 4
Sonic Generations
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Adventure
I'm also going to give honourable mention to Sonic Colours, though it's a game I'm very mixed on. But that aside, I have to roll my eyes when people claim that "Sonic hasn't been good since STH3," because while I agree that no game has topped STH 2 or 3, you don't need to be the best in the series to be "good."
Because many that tried to reinvent the wheel such as Sonic 2006 went down in flames.
Sonic 06 wasn't really reinventing anything. It was trying to be Sonic Adventure for the next generation.
I mean, it didn't work, like, at all, but reinvention wasn't the core of its problems. Having played some of 06, I can see glimmers of a solid game there, but it's one that's hampered by, among other things, glitchy controls, excessive load times, and, well, other things...