So I'm in this three way relationship


New member
Feb 28, 2010
If everyone is happy then I don't think there's a problem. But I can't help but think that a girl, or a guy, who is so willing to be in such a relationship is really a long-term prospect, or one for committing. Perhaps inaccurate presumptions on my part, but there it is.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
Incoming orgy!


Somebody had to say it =P
Have fun while it lasts is all the advice you need.


New member
Nov 20, 2011
Yea I tried that once with two girls...ended horribly...basically, girl 1 thought I was giving more attention to girl 2 and then they fought and that was the end of that beautiful 3 weeks.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Yea, open relationship. I'm in one myself right now. I'm quite happy to let my boyfriend sleep with whomever he would like to, long as he's careful, etc. I have the same privilege. The same goes with dating. As long as the middle party (in your case, Emily) doesn't turn to Dave and just up and dump him cold-heartedly, and all 3 of you remain friends no matter what, then there's nothing to worry about.

Just remember that you're the 3rd party in THEIR relationship at this point. If Dave or Emily decide no more and the other agrees and tries to say to you "no more", be respectful of their decision. Same goes with the other way round. If Emily wants to be with you exclusively, as long as you both sit down with Dave and explain it calmly and he lets her go (respecting yours and her decision), then that's fine too. Just don't risk a good friendship over something like that. That's the best advice I can give.
Oct 12, 2011
2 words: Trust and Communication.

With those two things front and center in this relationship, you have as good a chance in this open relationship as anyone has in a standard monogamous one. Good luck, to all 3 of you!


Aug 3, 2008
Its funny how you called them Emily and Dave because that's me and my boyfriends names, made me think it was about me for a second.

Anyway, I hate the thought of doing anything like that, but it's just me personally. I couldn't share myself, and knowing my boyfriend was doing stuff with another girl... *shudder* she'd be dead within minutes.
BUT, you're young so have fun and experiment. I hope you don't get hurt by this, keep in mind it's a bit of fun I suppose and try not get attached.
(Don't think all relationships should be like this though... I think most girls only want the one guy).


New member
Oct 2, 2011
I'm far too possessive and paranoid for something like that, but if you're enjoying, good for you. I won't judge.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Totally support this.
It's not something I would do, I don't think, but I'd hardly do relationships in general - I'm just all for pushing the boundaries of culture. Thinking that the way it has always been done is right to the point that it starts becoming the only way is bad. Variety is the spice of life, and whatnot.
Go forth and prosper, good sir (and of course stay weary of the things that others have mentioned).


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
Well if all sides are cool with it theres no real issue.

Though a reasonable sense of paranoia for anything that could go wrong does not hurt.


New member
Oct 1, 2011
And you people wonder why humanity is taking a dive straight into the ground. Those standards are so low you could trip over them. This is so sickening, you humans are so stupid.

Zen Toombs

New member
Nov 7, 2011
CODE-D said:
Whoa, this shit is way to weird for me.
Basically they're swingers?

but seeing as your avatar dated a girl with 7-6 ex boyfriends(and girl) you probably dont care.
With all due respect, how is Ramona Flowers having 7 exes at around 25 bad? If anything, I'd say that she has been in fewer relationships than the average for her age.

Shark Wrangler said:
Some girl asked me if she could date other men and still see me, I would kick her ass to the curb. Have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to my girlfriend and other guys. I don't care how drunk you were, kiss someone else, were done. Not about second chances, its about being accountable for your actions. Very pissed off when women throw a fit over this, you know what you were doing, don't give me that crap.
I personally agree that monogamy is important for my relationships, but being cheated on/being a cheatee is not what the OP is talking about. Everyone is aware of what's going on, and everyone is okay with it. They have different beliefs and opinions on monogamy than the two of us do, and that's okay.

TL;DR For all those who think this is weird:
[HEADING=2]Players gonna play

Haters gonna hate [/HEADING]​


New member
Oct 29, 2010
That sound almost unreal. In fact, it sounds way more awesome than suspicious! I don't even know what else to say but "congratulations on somehow getting this to work!" I haven't been in any kind of "three way relationship" before so that's that. One on one is the only way I've had it and it will probably stay that way. Hope it works out to be even better later on!


New member
Nov 18, 2009
As long as it's totally consensual and everyone's on board, I can't see what the problem is.

Now if you or Dave start feeling like you don't want to share anymore, then it's time to take a step back and talk it out, all three of you. I remember, I think maybe it was a topic on here? But someone was talking about being in a polyamorous relationship and they were getting all ragey and bitter when the other two people were like making out and shit, because it meant she wasn't making out with the dude herself, and the first thought that comes to my mind is "Hey guess what, that probably means polyamory isn't for you."

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
EmperorSubcutaneous said:
That is an open relationship. If it really is working out as well as you say it is, then you are a lucky man; most people can't handle that kind of relationship. Make sure you keep your eyes open, though, especially when you start having sex and when it comes time to end the relationship. Things might get touchy around then.

I think people tend to have the wrong idea about relationships. The participants usually end up being obsessive, clingy, and jealous, which, while being very unhealthy, is also human nature. As with all aspects of human nature, it is possible to overcome those feelings, but doing so takes a lot of self-discipline and is very rare.

I agree with Dan Savage when he says that we should no longer consider monogamy to be the most important requirement of a relationship.
While generally, all my relationships have been monogamous unless stated specifically otherwise (which I'm fine with), I can't help but feel a lot of relationships experience drama because people seem to have grown to expect that kind of thing. I'm not saying there can't be unavoidable drama in a relationship, but a lot of the people I know seem to have social and sexual relationships that look just like something out of one of those slightly depressing sitcoms that seem to be sweeping the UK at the moment. This is slightly reinforced in that I've listened to some of these people for a while and have arrived at the conclusion that (some of them) are idiots, hypocrites and self-absorbed tools. Quite frankly, I'm still slightly amazed that people barely out of secondary school are cheating on their partners, committing minor sexual assault, and all manner of things you'd expect from drama queen TV land.

On the other hand, I'll use a friend of mine as an example: let's give him the fake name Tim (because everything's slightly more amusing if someone is called Tim). Tim met his girlfriend through pretty much a random encounter. They attend separate schools (or, A level colleges rather) and despite this, there's non of that "ooh, they're around people of the opposite sex and I'm not there!" BS. They're incredibly chilled and don't go in for any of this self absorbed overreacting jealousy crap. Quite frankly, that's the way to go.

Sorry, I've gone on a bit of a rant here, but the vanity of some people infuriates me.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat šŸ
Mar 31, 2010
ZephyrFireStrom said:
And you people wonder why humanity is taking a dive straight into the ground. Those standards are so low you could trip over them. This is so sickening, you humans are so stupid.
Lol? And you aren't a human then I presume, what are you btw? Badger? Those standards you speak off are nothing more than a societal construct and if the OP and his friends are all fine with it, what's the problem, not like it's harming anyone :p