So let's play a little game with Metacritic


New member
Jun 22, 2010
Highest (Metascore)- Grand Theft Auto IV (Xbox 360, 98)
Lowest (Metascore)- Painkiller: Resurrection (PC, 38)

Highest (User)- Half-Life 2 (PC, 9.2)
Lowest (User)- Sneak-King (Xbox 360, 5.0)


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I'll go by the games I have here at the moment (I have a lot more at my GF's house at the moment) with scores based on the system I own them on.

Highest MC Score - Perfect Dark - N64 (97)
Highest MC User Score - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night -PSX- (9.7)

Lowest MC Score - Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22 (25)
Lowest MC User Score - Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22 (5.0)

Cyber Speed - PSX
Mortal Kombat 3 - PSX
Resident Evil 3 - PSX
Wild Arms - PSX
VR Soccer 96 - PSX
Gex - PSX
Adventure Island - NES
Battletoads - NES
Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest - NES
Double Dragon - NES
Megaman 2 - NES
Mike Tyson's Punchout - NES
Monster Party - NES
Ninja Gaiden - NES
The Punisher - NES
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Arcade Game - NES
Wizards and Warriors - NES
Legend of the Mystic Ninja - SNES
Namco Museum - N64
Snowboard Kids 2 - N64
Mega Man X Collection - GC

[Kira Must Die]

Sep 30, 2009
Critic scores:

Highest- Grand Theft Auto IV (98) << I honestly really enjoyed GTA IV. Although, being the highest rated game on the site is a bit pushing it.

Lowest- Inuyasha: Feudal Combat (52) << Wow. I completely forgot about this one. I was really into Inuyasha as a kid.

User Scores:

Highest- Radiata Stories (9.5) << Back when I was really into JRPGs. It's a fine game, although the endings (both of them) were total downers nomatter what path you take.

Lowest- Bionicle (3.5) << Yeah... This was one of my earliest PS2 games, along with Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom.


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2007
I guess since I have GTA IV it's that, since I don't have Ocarina of Time.

Lowest? Uhh... Fable 2 Pub Games at 54. I did own Duke Nukem Forever (49) but I returned it.

If arcade games and DLC packs down't count, my lowest full retail game is Crash of the Titans at 65.


New member
May 22, 2009
My highest critic score is LoZ: OoT with a 99 (I don't technically own the N64 version, but I have a collector's disc with it, so I'm counting it.)
My lowest critic score is Duke Nukem Forever (PC) with a 49

Anyone know an easy way to find out the user scores?