So, Nintendo won E3, right?


New member
Dec 29, 2010
LaoJim said:
If you are one of the three console manufacturers, you win by having substantially more viewers opine that they're thinking of buying your console (glad they bought your console/regret buying your opposition's console etc).
May I just tip my hat to you for your use of the word 'opine'? We don't see enough of it these days.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Well, Sony had the wow factor. Though a lot of that was just that they got the games in their presentation, not that the games are exclusives.

Nintendo may convince me to buy a Wii-U in 2015. If they've cleaned up their nonchalant stance on making sure they aren't using conflict minerals. Not something they tend to broadcast at E3. They seemed to have trouble conveying what they were actually doing with Zelda that was different, other then not having load screens/transitions. amiibo's sure don't win them points for me. I also regularly had no idea whether a title (Kirby and Yoshi particularly) was a 3ds or a WiiU one the whole time.

Littlebigplanet 3 was the main exclusive that really had my interest. So I'd sort of give it to Sony. Most of their conference was just the third-party trailers presented through their lens though, which doesn't really give them any points in the big game. Order 1866 looked generic, and looked like a bullshot ontop of that (the gameplay jumped to the cutscene way too smoothly to be legitimate gameplay, it was incredibly well planned if it was). Suda's thing was a meh. TloU remastered is rehash and doesn't seem more then minimally improved. PSnow was probably the strongest part of it, but buried in jargon and still way off release.

Scalebound was about as much as MS possibly intrigued me, which is not enough to overcome my non-desire for an Xbone at all.

EA reminded me they have nothing I care about. Ubisoft you can't trust anyways. Sony's Farcry *gameplay* beat their trailer cinematic. Unity looks alright, but I'm skeptical of the level design being consistent throughout.

Destiny, which seemed to be everyones big hype, looks like #3 in the Titanfall/Watch_Dogs saga of "eh.... this could've been last gen" releases. On a less graphical scale, it seems like Borderlands, without the humor, or the free-roam, or the loot variety.... I'm not sure what that really leaves you.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Nintendo had some interesting content, but the delivery was horrible. Splatoon looks like a fun game, but I don't want the ever play it again after the amount of screen time it got on the screen. Same with the other games. They were fun, but after ten minutes they were done with showing the game, but they went on for another 20 minutes or so. and the actual content of of the treehouse part were pretty much all B games of Nintendo. Fun, but not the reason I am watching the stream.


New member
Jan 23, 2014
LaoJim said:
SmallHatLogan said:
Sony lose points for having no gameplay footage of Project Beast
In fairness From Software only shipped Dark Souls 2 a couple of months ago, there's no way they could have had meaningful gameplay this soon. I'd argue that if you are a Souls fan, the fact that the next one is exclusive is still a win for Sony.
It's more just that cinematic teaser trailers, which presumably exist to build anticipation, always leave me feeling unsatisfied. I'd have been happier if they'd shown nothing at all.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
For me I would say MS won with Sony a close second almost tied (it was that close - both have shown some awesome games). Nintendo i would say third, but then i have zero interest in any of their titles - and people who like those Mario etc games know the console they need to buy to play them - as always, plenty of exclusive titles.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
I don't know. Not to me. I mean, they did alright, at least they had something to show for their console. There's this guy I have on Facebook, great guy and all, really cool, but complete Nintendo fanboy. Anytime I say anything remotely negative about Nintendo, even if it's in the name of love and wanting them to do better, he's right there telling me "Eh, Nintendo doesn't need you. They won't listen to you because you're not important enough."

Anyway, he has been overly excited about the Nintendo reveal stuff. Personally, I think it's because it finally justifies his purchase of a WiiU, and he wants to convince everyone that it was a fantastic system from the start. However E3 still hasn't convinced me.

The WiiU is an alright system, but it still doesn't have much to offer. It's library is alright, but it doesn't have a very wide variety. Does it have a few great games? Of course, if you're into that sort of stuff. Mario, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, maybe a couple upcoming Zelda games, but unless you're an obnoxiously dedicated fan and really enjoy the same IPs over and over again (which by the way, stop trying to convince me they are COMPLETELY different because they added a few new power-ups. It's still another Mario game.), it's still not enough to convince me the WiiU is really worth it, because I haven't played a Mario game since Sunshine, and I missed out on most Zelda games after Wind Waker.

Is this all to say I think Sony or Microsoft did a lot better? No, not at all, but as it stands right now, they still have more to offer to me than Nintendo does. If Nintendo did a better job with third party, as well as their very well crafted first party games, I'd say Nintendo would have won this console generation no contest. But they don't. They try, but they dropped the ball early on, so now third party developers don't even want to try. I'm sticking with my souped up gaming PC until the PS4 has a bit more, and then I might buy one of those, and live very happily with my 3DS. Nintendo has done very well with the 3DS, even if I don't like it as much as my PSVita, and as long as they continue to throw a few Zelda games and other first party titles there, the WiiU will still be mostly useless to me.


New member
Aug 24, 2013
SmallHatLogan said:
It's more just that cinematic teaser trailers, which presumably exist to build anticipation, always leave me feeling unsatisfied. I'd have been happier if they'd shown nothing at all.
I agree, in the sense that I liked EAs approach of using short documentaries rather than teaser trailers for projects that don't have gameplay yet. Teaser trailers are only interesting if they really show some novel concept that we didn't know about before. To some extent they work for games like Assassin's Creed or Call of Duty where the main question the fans often have is where the next game is going to be set. The Blood..(pops onto google to find out what the game's name actually is)..borne trailer didn't really do anything except show something that was vaguely Soul-sy, so didn't really justify its existence.

Flatfrog said:
LaoJim said:
May I just tip my hat to you for your use of the word 'opine'? We don't see enough of it these days.
Awfully civil of you Sir, Gent don't often take the time to tip their hats to folk anymore either.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
AnthrSolidSnake said:
The WiiU is an alright system, but it still doesn't have much to offer. It's library is alright, but it doesn't have a very wide variety. Does it have a few great games? Of course, if you're into that sort of stuff. Mario, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, maybe a couple upcoming Zelda games, but unless you're an obnoxiously dedicated fan and really enjoy the same IPs over and over again (which by the way, stop trying to convince me they are COMPLETELY different because they added a few new power-ups. It's still another Mario game.), it's still not enough to convince me the WiiU is really worth it, because I haven't played a Mario game since Sunshine, and I missed out on most Zelda games after Wind Waker.

Is this all to say I think Sony or Microsoft did a lot better? No, not at all, but as it stands right now, they still have more to offer to me than Nintendo does. If Nintendo did a better job with third party, as well as their very well crafted first party games, I'd say Nintendo would have won this console generation no contest. But they don't. They try, but they dropped the ball early on, so now even third party developers don't even want to try.
Obviously it's all personal preference, not trying to correct you or anything (just as a disclaimer, fanbois be lurking), just throwing this out there:

The Wii U seems to work best if you think about it as the console for PC gamers. Personally and from friends, there's nothing we can't get on our PCs that's on PS/XB, aside from Kingdom Hearts 3, Forza and the Order 1886, but everything on the Wii U is exclusive to it, and before yesterday I had nooo interest in getting a Wii U, but everything at Nintendos presentation intrigued me, even the stuff I wouldn't play (like Splatoon). Because frankly if I were to buy an Xbox/PS, there's only 2 or 3 games that are exclusive to it and ONLY it, the Wii U has many more than that.

While I'll agree with you that fanbois can be overbearing, I love Mario and Zelda as much as the next man, but like you say, one power up isn't revolutionary. However, the actual dudes at Nintendo don't do that, the presentation was very much: "This is what we've got, we hope you have fun with it, because we really had fun making it, take a look". Even the stuff that was actually new and unique (like Splatoon or Yoshis Wooly World; damn I want a wooly Yoshi so badly), didn't have them harping on about it being so, it's for us to decide if it's innovative, not because you're told to.

Plus it's been a loooong time since I looked at graphics and my jaw dropped. New Zelda? FUCKING GORGEOUS! Dat grass.


New member
Aug 24, 2013
SmallHatLogan said:
It's more just that cinematic teaser trailers, which presumably exist to build anticipation, always leave me feeling unsatisfied. I'd have been happier if they'd shown nothing at all.
LaoJim said:
In fairness From Software only shipped Dark Souls 2 a couple of months ago, there's no way they could have had meaningful gameplay this soon. I'd argue that if you are a Souls fan, the fact that the next one is exclusive is still a win for Sony.
Turns out I'm wrong, there is playable footage of Bloodborne on the E3 conference floor, ergo it should totally have been showed at the conference.

The Lunatic

Jun 3, 2010
Nothing I saw from Nintendo interested me at all, so, I guess I'm going to have to go with "No, they didn't win this for me".

Just looked like yet more first party games from series I grew out of.


New member
Apr 11, 2012
I disagree, they barely showed anything for the 3DS, the only thing I really remember is that they gave out Details on the new Pokemon, but them details had already been leaked several days before. I hope I'm not the only one here who bloody loves my 3DS, it's one of the best systems Nintendo has ever made and has so many brilliant games on it, so seeing it get so little attention so they can focus on a console I could care less about may have rubbed me the wrong way.

Look...maybe I am just bitter at Nintendo for not announcing a new 2D Metroid game for over 10 years, it's my favorite Nintendo frnahcise and it's just been ignored by them. But that still doesn't mean I can't be disappointed.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Nobody dropped the ball but I'd say that Nintendo certainly presented a strong offering of first party games that look extremely promising. However, you've got to take into account how many huge AAA games and even indie games are going to be available on every console except the WiiU. From a first party perspective they did very well but I don't believe any single publisher can ever hope to carry a console by themselves. I'd rather just pay a lot more for their games on other consoles than buy an entire console to play 10 games and miss out on all else that's out there.

The PS4 also showed some first party games I've excited about. They had a strong indie lineup too as well as new hardware (Sony TV) and playstation now details. They also touted a bunch of exclusive games, exclusive DLC (Destiny) and early releases that will make them a better system to buy games on.

Microsoft was a bit more forgettable this year than usual. I'm sure they wanted to keep their heads down a bit after last year and hopefully 2015 will be their chance to try to show up in a big way with games (not terrible hardware decisions). Unfortunately, some of their best announcements were just continuing to undo the harm of last year like allowing developers to turn off the kinect 2 and free up resources which should have been a no brainer. But games like Scalebound and Halo 5 look promising. There just isn't much else for them.

I think your taste in games will decide which company you land on for "winner". I prefer more realistic themed games so Sony is the clear winner for me but if you enjoy more kiddie games then Nintendo kicked ass this year (that's not to say that Sony doesn't also have some kiddie games like my beloved Little Big Planet but Nintendo is far better at being the Disney of the gaming world). The most important thing for all three is that they weren't big losers.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
pretty much; MS and Sony's pressers were pretty dull, especially Sony's which just DRAGGED. They've never figured out how to do pressers and it doesn't help that the people presenting them seem to suck as speaking. MS' wasn't bad, but it wasn't anything great. To me it depends on unique news and neither of them had that. Nintendo...pretty much bent them over their knee and spanked them so hard they went flying through a wall. Plus their news just didn't STOP with the Treehouse Live segments giving great coverage of new titles like Hyrule Warriors, Splatoon, Miyamoto's projects, etc. You can't beat that


New member
Nov 25, 2009
Yup I have to agree... at a personal level from Nintendo only Zelda and Bayonetta really interested me, I am more excited about PS4, but from the conference perspective, Nintendo won this year.


I hate Dire Wolves...
Dec 4, 2008
I would say Nintendo had the best presentation. That said they still have not done anything to really make me go WOW either. I do like what Nintendo does, but if I could get that and get the other experiences I am looking for I would be all over it.

Unfortunately that just isn't the case.

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
I would say Nintendo had the best showing, but I will also admit my Nintendo fanboy status will cloud my judgement. Though I have seen enough positive response to Nintendo's showing to suggest they did alright by most observers. The announcement of Zelda U being open world alone seems to have excited a lot of people who may not care much about the series anymore.

That being said, I think all three had a decent showing so far. Microsoft showed they care more about the games than previous years. Sony brought a lot to the table, and had a good showing overall. Even if the conference fizzled out during the second half. Even if they both only showed a few games that interest me, I can't deny Sony and Microsoft had decent conferences.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Nothing at E3 was enough to really hold my attention.
Well, apart from Nintendo killing any hope I had of justifying my 3DS's existence this Summer.


New member
Jul 15, 2010
Didn't really care for much shown there. Grim Fandango is sweet! Love that game.

Other than that the only thing I was overly interested in was Smash Bros. I doubt any of them, smash included, will sway me to a new console though.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
putowtin said:
How does one win E3?

You thought Nintendo had a great press confrence with great games being unveiled, my last Nintendo console was the Game Cube so I had no interest.

A couple of the games shown at the Ubisoft confrence caught my attention then again so did a couple at the Sony show.

Microsoft was a let down, but then again I have no interest in purchasing a Xbox One so that my tint my opinion on that.

EA tried to change peoples opinions of them, saying that they're listening to the player and by opening the Battlefield beta to everyone there and giving folks watching online a chance to register, but their EA and it seems most games are programmed to hate them.

I have to agree with RidleyValiant, the gamer won, we saw games that we want to play!!
I don't get how one wins E3 either, but then again this could be a competition and neither of us realized it yet.

Snark aside, no one dropped the ball and the gamers "won" if there had to be a "winner" out of this whole thing. Each presser brought something that was interesting to the table, even though Microsoft's presser bored the hell out of me. Then again, my love for Insomniac tells me that Sunset Overdrive looks fucking amazing and super fun.

In my opinion, no presser won since I feel like they were balanced pretty nicely. If someone wants to yell from the roof tops that Nintendo won, then knock yourself out. To me, Nintendo really didn't tickle my fancy overall and really only Bayonetta 2 and some of their handheld stuff caught my eye. For the most part it was pretty 'meh'.