So, Nintendo won E3, right?


Note to self: Prooof reed posts
Sep 4, 2013
LaoJim said:
MrBaskerville said:
Didn't they show some From Software title also?
Knew I'd forgotten something. Okay +1 for Sony, although to be honest I was less interest in this than DA3 and the Witcher, probably because we didn't see much of it.
Not to be nit picky, but you are missing a few more on that list namely Inside from Playdead studios and Abzu by some of the creative talent behind Journey.
In all fairness, They are both indie games so it might not be worth noting too much but those two were honestly the most exciting games Sony unveiled to me.

OT: Yes, for my book Nintendo had the most impressive showing. But really it was just to draw in the Nintendo fans who didn't buy a WiiU, some of the family market, and not much else. Which is fine to me, they tend to do well with that audience.
I think Microsoft and Sony to a lesser extent did a pretty nice job, but nothing they announced would make be buy a PS4 or Xbox One.


New member
Aug 24, 2013
Story said:
Not to be nit picky, but you are missing a few more on that list namely Inside from Playdead studios and Abzu by some of the creative talent behind Journey.
In all fairness, They are both indie games so it might not be worth noting too much but those two were honestly the most exciting games Sony unveiled to me.
Yeah it's tough to remember everything, and the summaries I was refering to on the internet missed them out (or possibly my reading skills are lacking) I've not played either Limbo or Journey so I'm not too excited about the new ones. Inside is a timed exclusive for Xbox One and Abzu will be on both PC and PS4, so they cancel each other out to some extent.anyway.


Need superslick, Kupo.
Dec 7, 2009
I dunno if they won because I only glossed over M$ and Sony's presentations and watched half of Nintendo's, but based on the list of announced games, Nintendo's definitely come out of this E3 swinging, with a new entry in almost every one of their IP's. Whereas I can pick and choose from the list of games I'd like to play with M$ and Sony, I want pretty much every title Nintendo's coming out with. To me, they won the battle for E3; it'll be a matter of time to see if all of these excellent-looking first party games can pull them up to proper competition with the other two.

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
LaoJim said:
Halo is obviously big business for MS so I can hardly blame them for focusing on this and the Masterchief collection does seem like such good value I might get it and try to finally understand why the series is so popular.
Allow me to take a moment to point something out: you can't. To play a game made popular when many modern game developers were children is to play it devoid of the context that made it popular. This problem is what lies at the heart of every one of those "I don't understand why some old game is so beloved" threads.


New member
Dec 16, 2009
I feel like this is the first time all 3 won. They all seemed to do things directly for fans instead of trying to bring in new fans and shove everyone else aside. What do Xbox fans like? Halo and Call of Duty. What do Sony fans like? Uncharted and Little Big Planet. Nintendo? Mario and Zelda. There was a good balance of fan service and new things all thrown together in my opinion. You can tell from all the discussions on such a huge variety of games. People are excited for this and disappointed in this. It's so refreshing to have topics about so many things other than negativity like last year. So yeah. I watched all three and was overall satisfied with each of them. Good E3. Hoping for more like this.


New member
Aug 24, 2013
Eclectic Dreck said:
Allow me to take a moment to point something out: you can't. To play a game made popular when many modern game developers were children is to play it devoid of the context that made it popular. This problem is what lies at the heart of every one of those "I don't understand why some old game is so beloved" threads.
Actually I probably have exactly the opposite problem than you imagine, in that I'm too old for Halo. I was probably about 16 when Doom came out, then spent hours playing GoldenEye on the N64. My console history went Sega Master System -> N64 -> Dreamcast -> PS2 -> Xbox 360, so the first Halo I played was 3. I also picked up ODST and Reach and while I've played through all of them I just don't really understand the love for them. It may just be that 1 and 2 are better than the follow-ups. But I've been playing video games long enough that I know what each generation was capable of and what was innovative and I can enjoy games for what they represented at the time (case in point I hadn't played Quake 2 until it was given away free with Quake 4 and I loved that). There's always been something slightly sterile about the Halo campaigns I've played though.

that's enough hijacking of a Nintendo thread to talk about Halo...


Elite Member
Mar 27, 2012
They won just for that fight between Iwata and Reggie. I don't even give a shit about the games, I'm not gonna buy anything until years after launch anyway, Nintendo were entertaining as hell.
Jan 27, 2011
For me, Nintendo "won" E3, since they were the only company to successfully make me want their console.

Not to say that Sony or MS screwed up. I looked at a few recaps and they had a decent showing too. They just didn't have anything that really wow'd me.

...Then again, I went in not really caring much about any company other than Nintendo this year, so I'm liable to be biased in my opinion.

That and Splatoon looks like genuine inspired lunacy. Squid kids super soaker paint wars? "Color" me interested! :D


New member
Apr 12, 2010
No. since the number of games I want from them is the same number that I want from Sony and Microsoft.


New member
Jan 6, 2009
Nintendo didn't won shit, they did more or less the same they do every year, showing new games with their same IP's, it just happens now they are IP's more people want, like Zelda, Smash Bros, Star Fox or Kirby. They won't win if the WiiU keeps not selling and they keep losing billions of dollars every year, so I supposed "the ball" now it's on the people's wallet, hopefully they will start to spend more and talk less... this past words aren't meant in an angry way, I do have a WiiU since day one but, in my case, other than ZombiU and Nintendo Land is been used just for Netflix so I'm happy with this E3 news but I agree more with Casual Shinji:

Casual Shinji said:
I wouldn't say they won E3, they just finally started delivering... somewhat.


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
Ill give Nintendo credit for showing off a wealth of gameplay footage.

But since they didnt bring anything that seriously caught my attention, thats all im going to give them.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Nintendo had a very strong showing indeed.. but it was, as usual, near totally Nintendo. I preferred the Sony showing simply because it had games that actually spoke to me. I feel that Nintendo's show was simply preaching to the already converted or already decided and they didn't show anything that would really make someone who wasn't already interested in the WiiU suddenly interested in the WiiU.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Don't they announce the same things every year? "We'll have a new Mario, Kirby and Zelda game this year... and the next year... and the next year... and the next year too, because we're just that bold...". An endless cycle of the same games over and over and over. What's the big news here, Bayonetta's getting a sequel and they're making a shooter?


New member
Nov 21, 2007
I have a better question:

"Why would anyone want to 'win' E3?"

[sub][sub]Gamescom is another matter...[/sub][/sub]

Matthew Jabour

New member
Jan 13, 2012
Johnny Novgorod said:
Don't they announce the same things every year? "We'll have a new Mario, Kirby and Zelda game this year... and the next year... and the next year... and the next year too, because we're just that bold...". An endless cycle of the same games over and over and over. What's the big news here, Bayonetta's getting a sequel and they're making a shooter?
Where do people keep getting 'announced another Mario' from? They had a couple spinoffs, with completely different gameplay, but they explicitly stated there would NOT be a new Mario game. Do you mean the level editor thing? Is that the new Mario you seem to have willed out of thin air?


Proud Master
Sep 17, 2008
Of course nintendo won the E3, because nitendo wins every E3 ever!

Well, that might seem like an overstatement form a rabid fan. It is. I'm a fanboy and what not and that is exageretaing. But for me it is the truth. Why? For simple reason, Nintendo does their own thing.

And that is the reason for me to own a console. I don't want a PC with a closed platform and a controller. I want a game consoel, something that gives me an experience completely different that what I can get with a PC. And that si what Nintendo has deliviered for years to me. The way of playing and the games to be played in nitendo consoles are jsut Nintendo doing their own thing. That can be bad to some people but I like it. I like that they havce their vision and stick with ti, ignoring the industry trends and focusing on doing their way of doing games. It may not be for everyone, but know what? that is good, because it hasn't to be tailored for you, it has to be made with passion and heart. And that same passion and ideas go into the hardware.

Most of the games may be the classic IP (I would say that at least once a year we have a new or very old IP revivied to coutner that) but well, sadly if that is how it works in the industry it is part of our fault (we tend not to buy new things). But the other consoels only give me experiences in general that I can find in my PC, so buying one is almost redundant. "Hey look Titanfall looks like my kind of game, but well, I get it on Origin with controls I like better" to "hey Smash brother is doing great, is only on Nintendo and focuses on local multiplayer which I can't get on my PC". That is how I look at the difference between console nmaker. Yes, there are exclusives I would buy a console for. But Nintendo is unique in both hardware and software. Even things that can work on other platforms, liek a competetive TPS is done in a Nintendo fashion, trying to see it in a different light with a new IP (Splatoon) and even if ti doesn't cathc it was their idea and they tried it.

So every E3 I come excited about the Nintendo conference and get out exceited for the new things to come. Because Nintendo is in my heart, and they now to be their thing. So yes nintendo won for me, but that is because of my love and perspective on games and gaming industry. Not that the otehr are bad, this is just how I feel. Nintendo not for you? Well, I don't mind. But I will have my Zeldas, Marios and Splatoons and love every second of it. There is no objective winner, but a company has my heart.

For reactions like this Editorial is why I think that Nintendo wins every year.


Need superslick, Kupo.
Dec 7, 2009
Vigormortis said:
I have a better question:

"Why would anyone want to 'win' E3?"

[sub][sub]Gamescom is another matter...[/sub][/sub]
Your personal opinion of E3 doesn't affect how strategically and critically important for game companies it is to perform well in. Gamescom may be bigger, but E3 is the primary convention for showing off what's new and upcoming.

A quote from journalist George Jones says it best:
"It's still a show capable of making kings... The awards that come out every year [from E3] are capable of propelling a game forward in terms of awareness, and games that don't show well ... those games lose awareness and they lose enthusiasm."
Source []

Perform well at E3, and all that delicious positive publicity is yours. Perform better than everyone else, and you get even more - and then magazines and sites like The Escapist start writing pieces about how strong a company's showing was, and you should buy that product because it's the best looking available, and those potential customers who aren't in the know enough to post in gaming forums have now become aware of a certain company's success, making them more inclined to buy their product. After all, it was the winning item at E3.


New member
Nov 2, 2012
Nintendo won E3 and a Wii U sale with the announcement of Splatoon.
That game looks so unbelievably fun that it makes me regret not already owning a Wii U.

Alfredo Jones

New member
Jul 1, 2013
All of the Big Three had pretty good showings. Which one is the winner really just devolves into which company you have a bigger interest in. For me Nintendo is my favorite with Sony a close second, while Microsoft I just don't care about. As such I think this years E3 lines up that way: Nintendo 1st, Sony 2nd, Microsoft 3rd. In reality everyone wins this year.