So whatcha look like Escapists?


New member
Oct 5, 2009
StormShaun said:

I dont know how to rate myself though. Even though I loved the suit.
You look like Victor Lucas.

OT: I'd post a picture, but I don't have my camera, and I don't have any pics of me from the past 5 years.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Dr. Pepper Unlimited said:
I got a little lazy, so I just cut my profile picture and pasted it here. Heh...anyway, me:

I apologize for the greenish pool. It has thus been shocked and chlorinated and is now once again swimable. :p
Wow that's pretty intense. May I ask what you are dressed up for?

Nami nom noms said:
I am the one in the Zero Suit!
You just won the attention of everyone here. Congrats! Did you make that yourself? If you did, it looks awesome!

And now for the big reveal! I present to you...

The Lost Big Boss

New member
Sep 3, 2008
Here are a couple of this year.



Me playing steel drums at graduation

And here is one from my freshman year...

Warning, chub alert

Also, can we have a rule on this thread where we can't tell people how beautiful and pretty they are? It's really starting to creep me out.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
SeeIn2D said:
Marcosn said:
Also it's good to see the faces of some of the posters I see a lot of on this site
Not to be creepy or anything but short hair is a MUCH better fit for you. Btw I'm a straight male lol. Just pointing that out.
My hair actually got a lot longer than that before I got rid of it all but most of my friends say I look much better with short hair and i prefer it short purely because it is easier to look after but my family prefers it long...This all reminded me that it needs to get cut again, getting too long -.-
(btw it wasn't creepy or anything)


New member
Mar 29, 2009
GrimTuesday said:
There are some fairly attractive people on here, sadly, this is not one of them.
it was taken seconds before she decided it would be fun to try and rip all my hair out
Man, I miss those sideburns
Haha! I must admit, that last picture made me laugh out loud. ^^


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Nami nom noms said:
Pinkamena said:
Nami nom noms said:
I am the one in the Zero Suit!
Congratulation, you win the prize for "Hottest Escapist of the year".
Nice suit, too.
thankyou! The suit is pretty cheaply made but it was for someones birthday bash lol.
Ohhhh! You meant Zero suit as in Samus! I thought you meant Sub Zero...

General BrEeZy

New member
Jul 26, 2009
Fagotto said:
General BrEeZy said:
this'd damn well better work...!/photo.php?fbid=10150664498865697&set=t.1382240174&type=1&theater

Edit: Dang, well ya'll need to sign in to see it. I dont have the time or any more patience to figure out how to post links (but feel free to link me to the Escapist Help page that tells me how, because i cant find that either)
I'm signed in to FB and it doesn't work. I imagine you have it only visible to friends.
DAMN IT! yeah my bad...
well, try it again when you get this, i'll update that.

Nami nom noms

New member
Apr 26, 2011
IamQ said:
Nami nom noms said:
Pinkamena said:
Nami nom noms said:
I am the one in the Zero Suit!
Congratulation, you win the prize for "Hottest Escapist of the year".
Nice suit, too.
thankyou! The suit is pretty cheaply made but it was for someones birthday bash lol.
Ohhhh! You meant Zero suit as in Samus! I thought you meant Sub Zero...
Actually that is kind of confusing... we clash too lol. But yeah I'm the samus :p


New member
Feb 22, 2011
My avatar is a real picture of me on top of the Sears Towers, in Chicago. SO, that's how I look like.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
here there are

that's me in the corner, that's me in the spotlight, but that was just a dream, just a dream. (left)
by the way, you've now seen half my friends
another! ANOTHER!

foolish snails

New member
Sep 1, 2010
(me not too long ago)
EDIT: ah, didn't work. never mind :(
although if anyone felt like posting something to tell noobs like me if there's a way to post pics that aren't already online, please feel free to include it in your post


New member
Jun 26, 2009
MasterMuffinMan said:

That's actually my LARP kit. I'm totally a monk, and not a Jedi at all... *shifty look*
How do you larp as a monk? I thought that monks were hand to hand


New member
Mar 1, 2010
SckizoBoy said:
dorkette1990 said:
SckizoBoy said:
Awww... I was hoping to see your eyes, (from other thread), was thoroughly intrigued.

[small][sub]Sorry if that sounded a bit creepy. =P[/sub][/small]
Haha, not creepy.
Here is a picture (the light is hitting my face weird, my eyes are actually not as light as the left one, closer to the one in shadow normally.
Ooo, wow, how... odd. Sorry, your left eye looks a strangely dark shade of green... (but then I can't really talk... I'm colour blind). Either way... daaaark...(!)

Still, I find the pic title very apt! ^_^
The lighting in that picture is pretty bad -but I assure you, sir! They are the darkest brown!
And thank you ^\\^ When I saw the title, I thought to myself "No one will notice your conceited moment." I was wrong. :p

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
TheSolemnHypnotic said:
I'm sooooo going to regret this

What are you regretting here, the nice hair, the clear complection, the clear and defined eyes or the overall attractive appearance? Work on your confidence, that's the only bad thing I'm getting out of all of this.


World Breaker
Sep 27, 2004
Uriel-238 said:
[footnote]In the event that Escapist requires me to view a commercial before getting a code, I will simply not post. Depending on the frequency, this may temper or cease my future participation in the Escapist community. Apologies in advance, if this policy prevents me from replying to you when it is proper to do so.[/footnote]
The captchas are due to spam bots being manually registered and then later turned loose on the forums. Many people had issues with the legibility of recaptcha, so we started trying a more legible captcha system that also helps pay to run the forums. It happens approximately after your second and twentieth post of the day, and does not happen to pubclub users as very few spambots pay for accounts.

I'm sorry it is inconvenient, but adding it to every post is not on topic to most discussions and will not change their implementation.

If you have suggestions for alternate captcha systems or techniques, please let us know in the Tech Team group [].

On topic

Yahtzee is actually really good at Rock band. Better then most/all of us at guitar at least. :)